Storage Guide (Students)

Where and how to securely store and transfer data.

This guide tells you where to store and process information.






Strictly Confidential

USN One Drive      
USN OneDrive with Encrypted Virtual Disk 5  

Private Computer / Mobile Devices 1




USN Safe 6      

Memory stick / external hard drive




Encrypted memory stick / external hard drive




USN email




USN encrypted email 5    

Private email (gmail, hotmail, etc)




Office 365, inkl USN OneDrive (4)




L: USN-Projects



MS Teams 



Chat, notes     

UiO Nettskjema








  1. Red data can be stored on a laptop with a fully encrypted disk, encrypted memory stick or encrypted external hard drive. It must be ensured that encryption always meets the requirements.
    The memory stick is not suitable for long-term storage. It can easily be destroyed, forgotten / lost, stolen. It’s only suitable for temporary storage.
    An external hard drive is more solid, but it can still be forgotten / lost or stolen.
  2. UiO Nettskjema is used to collect green and yellow data, which can then be processed on OneDrive with Encrypted Virtual Disk. Red data collected in Nettskjema must be moved to USN Safe as soon as possible. The standard solution for this is to use USN OneDrive with a virtual disk as a temporary storage solution and transfer the file from there to USN Safe. When you have checked that the audio recording works in USN Safe, it must be deleted from the Netskjema and the virtual disk. Contact if you need this service.
  3. OneDrive is primarily a storage area for students. Files stored in the OneDrive directory locally on your personal computer are automatically synced by the OneDrive client to your OneDrive account in the Office365 cloud. Then you have backup if your PC breaks down or disappears. Additionally, you can restore files to earlier versions (OneDrive stores up to 500 versions of each file / directory). To secure yellow data on OneDrive, you need to download a disk file, which is moved to your OneDrive directory and used as storage space for the data.
  4. How to send encrypted email.
  5. USN OneDrive with Encrypted Virtual Disk can be used as a temporary storage solution if you make audio recordings with your own PC or voice recorder, and transfer the files as soon as possible to USN Safe. When you have checked that the audio recording works in USN Safe, it must be deleted from the disk file and recorder. The audio recording should only be available in USN Safe.

  6. USN Safe: