Access to IT resources from home or away from campus

Sometimes you need access to USN ITs resources when you’re not on campus.

Outside, from home and while travelling

Students and employees travel, work or study from home, attend lectures, access files, etc. Here we have an overview over the most common IT services you can use when staying away from campus, working from home, traveling, etc.  

Employees with PCs from USN basically have equal access to the IT services when working outside of the campus.  
If this does not work or errors occur, you can always use

NB! Some of the guides below require login.







Contact IT-support

If you need remote assistance at home on your PC:
TeamViewer Quick Support

See our FAQ page for more info.

Home network

When working and studying from home, make sure your local network does not experience unnecessary bandwidth loss. For example, if someone is playing online games or streaming a movie while you are in an online course. This will affect the bandwidth and can affect your experience of the course.