Nordic Comics and Mental Health: Developing Learning Resources for Teacher Training Programmes

Nordic Comics and Mental Health

This project explores what insights recent Nordic comics can offer teacher students about mental health. Our goal is to develop new methods and learning designs relevant for teaching practice at secondary and upper secondary levels.

Health, including mental health, is a cross-disciplinary topic in Nordic school curricula, and the mental health of children and youth is a top priority in the Nordic countries following the increase in mental health problems among young generations.

This requires that teachers in all subjects are capable of meeting and reflecting on health-related questions. Our main goal is to develop new methods and learning designs relevant for teaching practice at secondary and upper secondary levels.

Interdisciplinary Approaches to Comics

Some of the most engaging and provocative Nordic texts about mental health today come in the form of comics. We investigate how such comics can be used in strengthening teacher education programmes ability to offer relevant and high-quality literature education. 

We aim at innovation through an interdisciplinary approach to mental health and combine theoretical insights from four fields of research: comics studies, literature education, affect studies, and graphic medicine.


This project originates from the network Nordic Comics in Education (NordComEdu). 

NordComEdu comprises scholars and pedagogues from leading institutions for teacher education in Norway, Sweden, and the Faroe Islands: 

  • University of South-Eastern Norway (USN)
  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
  • University of Gothenburg (UGOT)
  • University of the Faroe Islands (SETUR)

This project is the first time that scholars of pedagogy, literature didactics and literary studies from USN, NTNU, UGOT and SETUR have initiated a collaboration to address common Nordic challenges.

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Title: Nordic Comics and Mental Health: Developing Learning Resources for Teacher Training

Project Manager: Adriana Margareta Dancus (USN)

Program: Nordplus Higher Education

Granted amount: 51,635 euros

Project period: May 2024 - November 2025


  • Norwegian University of Science and Technology 
  • University of Gothenburg 
  • University of the Faroe Islands 

Research team: