Candidate names and project
- Aabø, Marte Lilløy, Does the functional split between purchasing and provision of municipal services impact prioritisation of care delivered to older people with MH/SUD?
- Afroz, Susmita, The role of equipment characteristics and settings in optimizing the cardiac pediatric interventional procedure thus improving radiation protection and patient centred care.
- Arvesen, Hege Cesilie Haga, With a little help from my friends - Erfaringsspesialister i FACT Ung sin rolle og betydning i å etablere, opprettholde og utvikle vennskap for unge med psykiske helseutfordringer.
- Badian, Reza Ario, Person-centered vision and eye care - A Novel Approach for the Detection and Treatment of Meibomian Gland Dysfunction.
- Bergum, Kathrine Høyvik, Oral health among prisoners in Norway.
- Brambilla, Elena, More good days at home: Explore and describe determinants promoting healthy and continued living at home for older recipients of homecare.
- Cvetkovic, Zeljka, What are the implications of GP and municipal services on the structural vulnerabilities of older immigrants with mental health/substance abuse disorder?
- Dahl, Maylen Reiersøl, Sustainable Transitions from Home to Residential Care: Family Caregivers and Health Professionals' Experiences and Perspectives.
- Djønne, Elisabeth, Samarbeid i helsefelleskap. Kjennetegn som bidrar til pasientens opplevelse av helhet og sammenheng i digital hjemme oppfølging?
- Ellingsen, Trude Helene, Foreldre med kognitive vansker i møte med barneverntjenesten - En kvalitativ studie av PYC.
- Europa, Ryan Tamayo, Exploring Social Inequalities through the Life Course: A Longitudinal Study on the Health and Socioeconomic Outcomes of Young Refugees in the Nordic Countries.
- Festvåg, Line Elida, Advance Care Planning for Older Home-Living Patients with Cancer Receiving Palliative Care and their Next of Kin - an ethnographic study.
- Fonkalsrud, Hannah Elisabeth, Pregnant and new mothers in Horten and Tønsberg - Vulnerability factors in Prenatal Care: Mapping of two Southeastern-Norwegian municipality settings - a multimethod study.
- Gabrielsen, Thomas Martinius, Virtual Reality as a health-promoting intervention for nursing home residents.
- Grøndal-Eeles, Linda Cecilie, The TeCe Study Innovation and organizing of Telemedicine Center.
- Hals, Ingunn Kvås, Hvordan fremme vennskap blant unge i Flexible Assertive Community Treatment (FACT).
- Holtlien, Kevser Kaya, Health literacy and oral health knowledge in health care services.
- Hugøy, Therese, More good days at home: Explore and describe determinants promoting healthy and continued living at home for older recipients of homecare.
- Hustad, Gunhild, Public health nurses work in school health services and children's and adolescents' experiences with the service.
- Johansen, Tina Regine, Visual anomalies, sensorimotor function ans academic attainment in children and adolescents.
- Kippenes, Målfrid, Ungdomsdeltagelse i samskaping i ungdomsvennlige tjenester for ungdom med psykisk helse og rusutfordringer.
- Kollstrøm, Sigrid, Virtual nature experiences as a supplement in the treatment of moderate depression.
- Kranstad, Vibeke, Efficacy of need-supportive dental education during exposure therapy in treatment of dental anxiety and phobia, and increases in motivation for dental treatment, dental attendance and quality of life: Intervention and qualitative studies.
- Krastina, Ieva, Challenges for human vision in virtual reality technologies.
- Kristiansen, Rosanne, Ungdata i kommunene. Hva hemmer og fremmer bruk av Ungdata i kommunal tiltaksutforming?
- Langeggen, Irene, Better vision, better health - Improving Vision specific health literacy among adult stroke survivors.
- Langemyhr, Lise Ellingsen, Welfare technology as a means for participation and greater autonomy for persons with intellectual disabilities?
- Linderborg, Camilla, The importance of family interventions in child- and adult psychiatry.
- Lund, Anne Grete, Fra institusjonell paternalisme til eierskap over eget liv? En analyse av nye tjenester i kommunene for voksne mennesker med kognitive utfordringer.
- Lundanes, Synnøve Eilin Enerstvedt, Contact lens correction and quality of life in keratoconus.
- Lunde, Kristin, How do GPs and municipal providers perceive family carer involvement in services to older people with MH/SUD and do they implement national guidelines for such involvement?
- Lyngstad, Lene Tandle, Parent-Nurse Communication and Interaction in Single Family Room NICUs in Norway.
- Maisiuk, Aliaksandr, Survival, Disability, Employment for rare cancers carriers in Norway during 2004-2014.
- Marriott, Siv Camilla, Aiming for general clinical competence in mental health; ReCCiNE; Developing, describing and exploring a mental health clinical competence assessment tool for student nurses on mental health placement in the community.
- Mathisen, Cathrine, Exploring and evaluating a pedagogical programme in medical and surgical placements for nursing students: A realist evaluation study.
- Melilla, Hege Beate Stokmo, Sustainable family caregiving: empowering family caregivers to older recipients of homecare.
- Møller-Skau, Christian, Leisure time and well-being among children with disabilities.
- Naug, Oda Woll, Does the structural organisation of care affect pathways in municipal services for older people with mental health and/or substance use disorder - with a focus on individual plan.
- Nielsen, Roy André Engmark, The impact of cancer rehabilitation on employment.
- Noh, Kyung Binn, A Strategy of optimal architectural lighting design for long Foot and Cycling Tunnels.
- Normann, Mathilde Haraldsen, Late effects of radiation therapy of primary tumour in the central nervous system of children and adolescents with cancer: An analysis of International Project on Prospective Analysis of Radiotoxicity in Childhood and Adolescence (IPPARCA) register data in Norway and Sweden for the period 2012 - 2022.
- Olesen, Susanne, Educating intensive care nurses for a complex and fast changing environment - what, how and why.
- Oommen, Hanna-Leena, The impact of multicultural doula support on immigrant women's childbirth experiences, birth outcomes and use of hospital maternity services - a longitudinal multi-centre study.
- Paduca, Ala Anatomo, Clinical correlation in strabismus with emphasises of sensorial receptors of extra ocular human muscles and their role in oculomotor control.
- Pedersen, Else Turid, Assessing and appraising the progress of novel NP models in primary healthcare services in Norway to improve patient accessibility to qualify care and treatment.
- Rusaanes, Veronica, Educating nursing students in rural districts in Norway.
- Röper, Magdalena Maria, Non-technical skills and person-centredness in pediatric nurse anesthesia.
- Røysamb, Are, Sustainable urban light strategies – value-driven design of space and place at night.
- Sandvik, Siv Aaseth, Eye examination in diabetes: The potential role of optometry in preventive healthcare.
- Tveitan, Martine Minge, Muligheter og risiko ved digitalisering av oppfølging av pasienter med kroniske sykdommer.
- Tønnessen, Siw Heidi, Meaningful everyday life for people in dualrecovery.
- Voinov, Cristiana-Anca, The Ethics of Immersive Technologies – Exploring the links between research, XR, and ethical practice.
- Wåseth, Helga Iselin, Balanced night light.
- Yego, Walter Kibet, Understanding between-individual differences in eyes and vision in persons using extended reality technologies.
- Ziziuchin, Veronica, Keratoconus and refractive error in people seeking ophthalmological care in Moldova: Visual function and quality of life.
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