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Illness and extensions for PhD candidates

Graduation hat

Self-reported sick days

You have some days every year for self-reported sick days. You can use self-reported sick days up to eight consecutive days and a total of 24 calendar days within a year.

Please note that you must have worked with USN for two months before having the right to self-reported sick days.

You have to notify your manager and register sick days electronically through DFØ as soon as possible. To register it in the app you choose “request for absence”, add one by clicking the plus mark in the top right corner and add a “self certification”. You also have to choose if it is work related or not.

From 1st of July 2023 single self-reported days when sick gives you the right to extend your employment as a PhD research fellow. Please note that to process the application of extension you have to have registered your absence in DFØ. Then to apply for an extension, you apply to the section for recruitment and personnel services through, with a copy to your personnel manager. So just send an e-mail with this content:

To: The section of Recruitment and personnel services.

I would like to extend my employment as a PhD research fellow with xxx number of days, due to xxx. The absence is registered in DFØ.

Best regards: xxx

Illness, sick leave and sickness benefits

If your general practitioner or another doctor puts you on sick leave, you have to let your personnel manager know. Most doctors send the sick leave electronically, if you get it in paper you have to deliver it personally to USN.

Sickness benefits

As a USN employee for more than two months you have the right to sickness benefits. If you are given a sick leave by a doctor, USN will pay out your salary as normal. Then USN will get a refund from NAV.

When you have absence connected to illness and sick leave you can apply to extend your contract from the first day of absence.

To apply for an extension, you apply to the section for recruitment and personnel services through, with a copy to your personnel manager.

Child’s illness

As a USN employee you have the right to be home with a sick child receiving care benefit, often called “Sykt barn/sick child” days. You have this right if:

  • Your child/children are registered in DFØ
  • You have children that turns 12 (or younger) in the current calendar year
  • You have been employed with us for at least 4 weeks
  • Your child is sick and needs to be supervised
  • Your child needs you to escort them to a doctor or other appointment connected to illness
  • The one that usually takes care of your child is sick

You can be at home with sick children for a maximum of 10 days a year – if you have one child, 12 days – if you have two children and 15 days - if you have three children or more. If you are alone with the care for the child, you have the right to extra days. If your child has a chronical illness or a disability, you might also be entitled to extra days.

When you have absence connected to child’s illness you can apply to extend your contract from the first day of absence.

To apply for an extension, you apply to the section for recruitment and personnel services through, with a copy to your personnel manager.

Leave, paid or unpaid

As a USN employee you can apply for a leave with or without pay. Some leaves of absence are statutory, while others are determined by collective agreements. Even if you are entitled to a leave of absence, the relevant legislation or collective agreement does not always entitle you to salary during the leave period. Below is an overview of the various leaves of absence, so that you can more easily obtain information about the opportunities that are available to you. More information of the different kinds of leave can be found here.

You can get a leave of absence to go into shorter temporary positions that are relevant to your PhD, with foreign scholarships, teaching or research, if this can be done without slowing down your PhD with more than six months. If a leave of absence of this is approved, you will also be entitled to extension for the same amount of time. It is important that you describe the type of work you will be doing when applying for leave. The application is sent to the recruitment section through with a copy to you closest manager, contact person and PhD-coordinator.

If you need a leave with or without pay, contact the personnel department for guidance.

How to apply for extension of your PhD contract – with pay

As a hired PhD research fellow, you can apply for a paid extension of your contract based on some leaves of absence. Leave that gives the right to paid extension are, among others:

  • Self-reported sick days
  • Sick leave
  • Absence due to children's illness or care responsibilities for a child
  • Parental leave

To apply for the extension, you send an application to the Recruitment section through with a copy to your personal manager.

Welfare leave does usually not give the right to extension.

Application for absence other that illness or other absences stated above

You have to register any long term absence from your PhD work. If you apply for absence in relation to work on another project or similar, you must include a confirmation from employer/project manager.

The application must be approved by the Programme committee. No matter the reason for the absence, you should discuss it with your supervisor, so that you can make a good plan for restarting the work on your return. 

Please note that USN IT access can be changed during a long-time absence, contact the IT department if needed.

Application of extension of your PhD term – without pay

The length of your employment contract is set based on the PhD regulations§ 2-7. The maximum study time is usually six years from the start of the contract until you hand in your PhD. Absence regulated by law, like illness and approved extension is not included in the six years.

If you have not handed in your PhD within the end of your contract, you can apply the Programme committee for an extension. The extension does not give you the right to salary. So, you will have to finance the rest of the term yourself. You are not given the right to unemployment benefits during the extension period.

You apply by sending this form to your PhD coordinator.

Non-EU citizen: If you work permit in Norway is about to expire you will have to reapply before it ends. Please note that with no salary, you will probably have to prove your way of funding your life to be able to get a continued work permit or right to stay in Norway.