The research group in professional knowledge of violence, abuse, social and emotional difficulties is composed of active researchers employed by the USN. External researchers also participate actively as members.
Inclusion, coping and diversity
We focus on how kindergartens and schools can facilitate inclusion, coping and diversity in work with children, young people and adults with social and emotional difficulties or disabilities. Children and adolescents who struggle with traumatic violence or abuse histories are also a focus area.
Exclusion and marginalization are central concepts. Due to industrialization and an uneven labour market, the demands for workers have increased in recent years, and specialist expertise is largely demanded. Young people who have fallen outside the education system are in danger of falling outside working life and the social community in society at large. Social marginalization is usually the result of an exclusion process of some people or groups in a society, and unfortunately these will often find themselves in a gray zone between social integration and exclusion.
Life management and empowerment
In the research group, we want to focus on life management and empowerment, and in this connection we will emphasize factors that are important both at the individual and system level.
We also want to focus on how school and kindergarten can understand, prevent and intervene when difficulties in vulnerable children and young people are revealed. Teachers often point out that they do not have sufficient competence to meet all the challenges they face in school life. The same applies in relation to violence and abuse issues. The Ministry of Education, Science and Culture has in Regulation 475 of 04.06.12, which came into force on 01.08.16, pointed out that teacher students know will receive knowledge of children in difficult life situations so that they are able to identify special needs in children (including signs of violence and sexual abuse), as well as providing students with the skills to act and interact with other professions in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. The goal is for the research group to be able to acquire research-based knowledge that is important for this field.
Promote research and development work in the field of professional knowledge about violence, abuse and social and emotional difficulties.
1. Publication of scientific articles nationally and internationally.
2. Organize and attend national and international seminars and conferences.
External members
Members from other institutions
- Per Garmannslund, NLA Høgskolen
- Girum Zeleke, VID
- Tone Gran, Kriminalomsorgen region sør (The Norwegian Correctional Service)
- Jo Inge Svendsen, Kriminalomsorgen region sør (The Norwegian Correctional Service)
- Endre Førland, Senter for seksuelt misbrukte menn (SSMM) (The Center for sexually abused men)
- Kenneth Larsen, Regional kompetansetjeneste for autisme, ADHD, Tourettes syndrom og narkolepsi
- Ulla Irene Hansen, Regional kompetansetjeneste for autisme, ADHD, Tourettes syndrom og narkolepsi, Oslo universitetssykehus Ullevål
- Ellen Kathrine Munkhaugen, Nasjonal kompetansetjeneste for utviklingshemming og psykisk helse (PUA)
- Anne Kielland, Fafo
- Anne Hege Strand, Fafo
- Cecilie E. Evju, Ombudet for barn og unge i Viken (The ombud for children and young people in Viken)
- Irene Tombre, Horten videregående skole