- Global cultural studies
- Urban sociology and urban anthropology
- Everyday urban politics
- Visual anthropology and visual methods
- Decolonizing methodologies
- Ethics
- Studies on Society, Science and Technology (STS)
- Cities in the global South
- Postcolonial and decolonial perspectives
- Citizenship
- Power and space
- Peripheries
- Social inequalities
Research interests
Urban cultures, urban experiences and politics, with a particular focus on everyday experiences, space, visual methods, the role of the senses, decolonial perspectives, social inequalities, citizenship, human rights, social justice, ethics, racism, power, social movements, social media, Southern black atlantic, planetary humanism, peripheries, global south, urban militarization and urban change in cities.
Research groups and networks
Professional experience
- Associate professor Department of Culture, Religion and Social Studies, Human RightsandMulticulturalism master'sprogram(2023-)
- Senior advisor unit for analysis, strategy institutional governance (2023)
- Assistant professor Department of Culture, Religion and Social Studies (2022)
- Senior advisor, Research and Innovation Unit (2022)
- PhD research fellow, Culture Studies, USN (2018-2021)
- Visiting scholar Universidade de Lisboa, IGOT, The Institute of Geography and Spatial Planning (2019)
- PhD researcher, ISCTE, Instituto Universitario de Lisboa, Department of sociology (2019)
- Senior advisor, rectorate, USN (2018-2021)
- Senior advisor, Department of research and innovation, USN (2016-2018)
- Assistant project manager KLOK (Kvinnelige forskere, Læring, Organisasjon og Kjønnsbalanse), USN, funded by the Norwegian Research Council (2015-2016)
- Research fellow, Cultural Studies in Literary Interzones, the University of Bergamo (2010-2014).
- Guest researcher, Institute of Art and Social communication, Universidade Federal Fluminense, Brazil (2011-2013)
- Guest researcher, Faculty of Philology, Hermeneia research centre for Literary studies and Digital technology, Universidade de Barcelona, Spain
- PhD Culture studies, USN (2022)
- MA European Studies on Society, Technology and Science, Governance of Innovation and Technological Cultures in the Global South and North, from the University of Maastricht (2010). Fieldwork in South Africa.
- BA Culture and history of ideas, University of Oslo (The National University of Singapore (NUS), University of the Western Cape (UWC), South Africa, University of Bamako, Mali).
- BA Fashion design, Nouvelle Couture, cultures and identity, Ecole Supérieure de l’Art et Technique de la Mode, Paris (2005).
English, French, Brazilian Portuguese (fluent)
Spanish, Italian, German (basic)
Ongoing projects:
Favela heritage practices, 'women warriors', displacement, and struggles for political memory and social justice in Rio de Janeiro (in review)
Field notes – extracts: visual notes from a longitudinal ethnographic research of Rio de Janeiro’s favelas (in review)
Favelas 4D' senseable city mapping, borderising bodies and algorithmic policing in Rio de Janeiro (in progress)