H-SEIF 2 – Big Data meets Systems Engineering

Workshop på  campus Kongsberg 8. november 2021 i forskningsprosjektet HSEIF-2 - der næringsliv og akademia samarbeider om bedre bruk av stordata (big data). Bilder av deltakerne i forskjellige situasjoner.
USN researchers and employees in the companies gathered for a joint workshop on the Kongsberg campus. (Photo: Jan-Henrik Kulberg / USN)
Workshop på  campus Kongsberg 8. november 2021 i forskningsprosjektet HSEIF-2 - der næringsliv og akademia samarbeider om bedre bruk av stordata (big data). Bilder av deltakerne i forskjellige situasjoner.
USN researchers and employees in the companies gathered for a joint workshop on the Kongsberg campus. (Photo: Jan-Henrik Kulberg / USN)
Workshop på  campus Kongsberg 8. november 2021 i forskningsprosjektet HSEIF-2 - der næringsliv og akademia samarbeider om bedre bruk av stordata (big data). Bilder av deltakerne i forskjellige situasjoner.
USN researchers and employees in the companies gathered for a joint workshop on the Kongsberg campus. (Photo: Jan-Henrik Kulberg / USN)
Workshop på  campus Kongsberg 8. november 2021 i forskningsprosjektet HSEIF-2 - der næringsliv og akademia samarbeider om bedre bruk av stordata (big data). Bilder av deltakerne i forskjellige situasjoner.
USN researchers and employees in the companies gathered for a joint workshop on the Kongsberg campus. (Photo: Jan-Henrik Kulberg / USN)
Workshop på  campus Kongsberg 8. november 2021 i forskningsprosjektet HSEIF-2 - der næringsliv og akademia samarbeider om bedre bruk av stordata (big data). Bilder av deltakerne i forskjellige situasjoner.
USN researchers and employees in the companies gathered for a joint workshop on the Kongsberg campus. (Photo: Jan-Henrik Kulberg / USN)
Workshop på  campus Kongsberg 8. november 2021 i forskningsprosjektet HSEIF-2 - der næringsliv og akademia samarbeider om bedre bruk av stordata (big data). Bilder av deltakerne i forskjellige situasjoner.
USN researchers and employees in the companies gathered for a joint workshop on the Kongsberg campus. (Photo: Jan-Henrik Kulberg / USN)
Workshop på  campus Kongsberg 8. november 2021 i forskningsprosjektet HSEIF-2 - der næringsliv og akademia samarbeider om bedre bruk av stordata (big data). Bilder av deltakerne i forskjellige situasjoner.
USN researchers and employees in the companies gathered for a joint workshop on the Kongsberg campus. (Photo: Jan-Henrik Kulberg / USN)

We will help Norwegian companies to structure and use big data - in a way that can provide decisive competitive advantage.


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Nine Norwegian companies - several with international positions and ambitions - participate in the project H-SEIF 2.

Much of the research will take place through USN's expert environment within Systems Engineering, under the leadership of Professor Kristin Falk.

"Today, the supply of data is enormous. H-SEIF 2 is both about collecting the right data, as well as being able to utilize these in the most appropriate way possible", says Falk.

Global challenges

All partners depend on leading ways of working, and together we will develop new tools and methods. This is not least important in view of the major challenges we will face both locally and globally.

The landscape around us will change, even if we do not change. The pandemic has shown us how vulnerable the global supply chains are. The climate and nature crisis will place greater demands on us, with an increased focus on regenerative processes at all levels. One of the most important questions we ask ourselves is therefore: what kind of future do we want - and how can we contribute to getting there? Kristin Falk and Hans Peter Havdal

Create value for the end user

Hans Peter Havdal headed the Norwegian department at project owner Semcon. He says everyone is talking about digitization, but that there is not much talk about how all the information and data can be useful to end users.

«All the companies that are here want to create more value for the end user. H-SEIF2 is an attempt to make digitization and big data more usable. If Kongsberg is to continue to be among the best in innovation and new thinking, we must be able to use the new information and the new tools. This project helps to make us more robust, and it is absolutely crucial that academia and industry work so closely together.»

Research objectives

  • Identify contextual and in-system data (facts) needed in early-phase product development to adapt innovations to user needs.   
  • Establish a process that helps people identify and apply their data to develop service solutions for users of their system of interest. 
  • Create and validate a process that ensures that companies can effectively utilize big data in co-creation processes and explore how this affects the SE development models available today.
    Industry partners


«Harvesting value from Big data and Digitalization through a Human Systems-Engineering Innovation Framework»

H-SEIF 2 H-SEIF 2 is a further development of the project H-SEIF «Technology with Empathy».


Semcon w/ Per Kevin Braathen

Project manager: Kristina Hesjedal Schnell

Researchers in the project:


The Research Council of Norway has allocated NOK 14,791,000 for this project through the program «BIA-User-controlled innovation arena»

Industry partners:

Academic partners