Bakke, J. O. & Lindstøl, F. (Eds.) (2022). Undervisningens dramaturgi: Fortellinger og analyser fra klasserommet [The dramaturgy of teaching: Stories and analysis from the classroom]. Fagbokforlaget
Ørbæk, T. (2022). Å utvikle digital kompetanse gjennom refleksjon over kroppslige og emosjonelle erfaringer - en lærerutdanners erfaringer [Developing digital competence through reflection on bodily and emotional experiences – a teacher educator’s experience]. Högre utbildning 12(3), 1-14. Doi 10.23865/hu.v12.3767
Ørbæk, T. & Engelsrud, G. (2022). Det merkes i kroppen at det «koker i hodet». Lærerstudenters refleksjoner fra møter med elever i egen praksisundervisning [I feel it in my body when my “head is spinning”. Student teachers’ reflections from their own practicum in meeting with the pupils]. Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis 16(2), 41–60. Doi 10.23865/up.v16.3184
Meen, O. A. & Ørbæk, T. (2023). “I felt it was a victory for him” - a teacher’s experience of social inclusion through dance. I E. Murawska, E. Baum, J. E. Schau & M. Rykowski (Eds.). Education as an impulse to social inclusion.
Meen, O. A. & Ørbæk, T. (2023). “The whole class create a common unit” - a teacher’s experience of social inclusion through music. I E. Murawska, E. Baum, J. E. Schau & M. Rykowski (Eds.). Education as an impulse to social inclusion.
Ørbæk, T. & Bauer, K. (2022). Special issue: Bodily Learning Conference 2021. Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education, 6(4).
Ørbæk, T. (2022). Analysing students’ experience of bodily learning – an autoethnographic study of the challenges and opportunities in researching bodily learning in own teaching practice. Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education, 6(4), 92–104. Doi 10.23865/jased.v6.3872
Bakke, J. O. (2022). «Det jeg vil snakke om binder romanen til livet» – om skjønnlitterære, digitale leseoppdrag til Koke Bjørn [“I want to talk about that which connects the novel to life” – about digital fictionreading assignments to To Cook a Bear ]. Nordic Journal of Literacy Research 8(2). Doi 10.23865/njlr.v8.3344
Kindeberg, T. (2022). Lärarens pedagogiska retorik [The teachers` pedagogical rethoric]. I Pihlgren A.S. & M Jensen (Red.) Pedagogiskt ledarskap. Gleerup.
Bakke, J. O., Lindstøl, F., & Knudsen, K. N. (Eds.). (2021). Et temanummer om dramaturgi i didaktiske kontekster [A spesial issue about dramaturgy in didactic contexts]. Journal of Research in Arts and Sports Education, 5(2). Doi 10.23865/jased.v5.3257
Bakke, J. O., Lindstøl, F., & Knudsen, K. N. (2021). Leder: Et temanummer om dramaturgi i didaktiske kontekster [Editorial: A spesial issue about dramaturgy in didactic contexts]. Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education, 5(2). Doi 10.23865/jased.v5.3257
Bakke, J. O. & Lindstøl, F. (2021). “For a few minutes I could pretend I was someone else” – a study of multiple approaches to fiction reading activities. Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education, 5(2). Doi 10.23865/jased.v5.2628
Bakke, J. O. & Lindstøl, F. (2021). Ser du gorillaen i rommet? Om å undervise i observasjon ved bruk av fiksjonalisering [Do you see the gorilla? Teaching observation by fictionalization]. Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education, 5(2). Doi 10.23865/jased.v5.2630
Kverndokken, K., Bakke, J. O. & Budal, I. B. 101 grep om grammatikk. Om språket som system og språket i bruk [101 trics about gramatics. About the language as a system and the language in use]. Fagbokforlaget.
Bakke, J. O. & Lindstøl, F. (2021). Chasing fleeing animals – on the dramaturgical method and the dramaturgical analysis of teaching. Research in Drama Education: The Journal of Applied Theatre and Performance, Doi 10.1080/13569783.2021.1885370'
Olsen, K. R., Bjerkholt, E. og Hannu L. T. Heikkinen, H. L. T. (Eds.). (2020). New Teachers in Nordic Countries – Ecologies of Mentoring and Induction. Cappelen Damn Akademisk. Nordicopenaccess.
Olsen, K. R., Bjerkholt, E. og Hannu L. T. Heikkinen, H. L. T. (2020). Preface. New Teachers in Nordic Countries – Ecologies of Mentoring and Induction. Cappelen Damn Akademisk. Nordicopenaccess.
Olsen, K. R., Bjerkholt, E. og Hannu L. T. Heikkinen, H. L. T. (2020). Introduction. Mentoring and Induction in the Nordic Countries. New Teachers in Nordic Countries – Ecologies of Mentoring and Induction. Cappelen Damn Akademisk. Nordicopenaccess.
Bjerkholt, E. & Olsen, K-R. (2020). Induction and mentoring of newly qualified teachers in kindergartens and schools in Norway. I Olsen, K-R., Bjerkholt, M. & Heikkinnen, H. L. T. (Eds.) New teachers in Nordic countries – Ecologies of induction and mentoring. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Bakke, J. & Lindstøl, F. (2019). Didaktiske grep i engelskundervisningen [Didactic grips in English teaching]. I T. Burner, C. Carlsen, K. Kverdokken (Eds.). 101 didaktiske grep i engelsk. Fagbokforlaget.
Burner, T., Bjerkholt, E., Gaathaug, A., Kleiven, S., & Ljoså, T. M. (2020). Doctorateness across higher education institutions in Norway. Uniped, Vol. 43(1). pp. 3-18. Doi 10.18261/issn.1893-8981-2020-01-02
Bjerkholt, E., Ørbæk, T. & Kindeberg, T. (2020). An outline of a pedagogical rhetorical interactional methodology – researching teachers’ responsibility for supporting students’ desire to learn as well as their actual learning. Teaching in Higher Education. Doi 10.1080/13562517.2020.1792876
Fauskanger, J. & Lindstøl, F. (2019). "Det ser ut som om de har glemt alt vi gjorde i forrige uke” - om samtaler og kvikkbilder som brobyggere mellom praktiske erfaringer og matematikkfaget ["It seems like they have forgotten everything we did last week" - about conversations and snapshots as bridges between practical experiences and mathematics]. I K. Kverndokken, L. Karlsen & E. Klaveness (Eds.) 101 grep for å aktivisere elver i matematikk: matematikkdidaktikk i teori og praksis. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget.
Olsen, K.R. & Lie, A.L.K. (2019). Lærere i kombinasjonsstillinger. Praksisnær teori og teorinær praksis? [Teachers holding mixed positions. Close-to-practice theory and close-to-theory practice?]. Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge.
Shanks, R. K., Attard Tonna, M., Krøjgaard, F., Paaske, K. A., Robson, D. & Bjerkholt, E. (2020). A comparative study of mentoring for new teachers. Professional Development in Education. Doi 10.1080/19415257.2020.1744684
Ørbæk, T. & Engelsrud, G. (2019). Skapende dans i en skolekontekst – et forskningsfelt? [Creative dance in a school context - a reserach field?]. På Spissen forskning / Dance Articulated, Special Issue Bodily Learning Vol 5 (2), 4-26. Doi 10.18862/ps.2019.502.2
Ørbæk, T. & Engelsrud, G. (2019). Sårbarhet som profesjonsetisk kompetanse? En metarefleksjon basert på undervisning i skapende dans i høyere utdanning [Vulnerbility as professional ethical competence? A meta reflection based on teaching about creative dance in higher education]. Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education Vol. 3 (2), 62-76. Doi 10.23865/jased.v3.1456
Ørbæk, T., & Engelsrud, G. (2020). Teaching creative dance in school – a case study from physical education in Norway. Research in Dance Education. Doi 10.1080/14647893.2020.1798396