The DiCE research group aims at developing and promoting new knowledge about diversity and democratic citizenship in education. These themes are at the core of political, economic, and societal global challenges today, concerning the basic values in education. The research group DiCE seeks to promote and develop critical knowledge about diversity, citizenship, democracy, migration, multiculturalism, and inclusion in education.
Our projects span from international R&D projects and participation in global networks to development projects in our local neighbourhood school. We collaborate across disciplines and different disciplines and all levels of education, from early childhood education through adult education and lifelong learning.
Ongoing projects (DiCE participates)
Human Rights Education
- Human Rights Education (HRE)
Education in multicultural schools
Education in multicultural schools – several local projects: a lower secondary school, an upper secondary school, and adult education in Drammen municipality.
Early childhood education in Palestine (coordination) (NORPART funding 5 mill NOK) (2019-2024)
Collaboration with similar research group at HVL
- Collaboration with similar research group at HVL (2021-t.d.)
Completed projects
Open Education for Young Europeans through History, Art and Cultural Learning (OpenEYE), w/partners in Greece, Italy and Slovenia, funded by ERASMUS+, 2,2 mill NOK (2019-2022)
UPN Democracy
Developing democracy in Ukraine, Palestine and Norway (UPN Democracy) Eurasia funding, 3 mill NOK (2018-2021)
ICCS Norway 2016
International Civic and Citizenship Education Study 2016 (ICCS Norway) - Project owner NOVA/Oslo Metropolitan University
Competence for Diversity
Global doing of democracy project
Relevant publications
Svendsen B. & Burner, T. (2023). Gifted students and gradeless formative assessment: A case study from Norway. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 46(3), 259-275.
Solberg, J. (2023). Privacy in early childhood education and care: The management of family information in parent-teacher conferences. Human Studies.
Burner, T. & Carlsen, C. (2023). Teachers’ multilingual beliefs and practices in English classrooms: A scoping review. Review of Education.
Sønsthagen, A. G. (2023). The learning early childhood education and care institution as an inclusion arena. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal.
Burner, T. & Carlsen, C. (2022). Integrating migrant children in primary education: An educator survey in four European countries. In Dypedahl, M. (ed.), Moving English Language Teaching Forward (pp. 69-90). Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Burner, T. & Svendsen, B. (2022). Social change through education: A Scandinavian approach. In Baikady R., Sajid S., Nadesan V., Przeperski J., Rezaul I., & Gao J. (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Change. Palgrave Macmillan.
Draugedalen, K., & Osler, A. (2022). Teachers as human rights defenders: strengthening HRE and safeguarding theory to prevent child sexual abuse. Human Rights Education Review, 5(2), 32–55.
Isaksen, B. & Eriksen, A. (2022) (ed.). Kunsten å være urolig. Universitetsforlaget.
Osler, A., & Kato, A. (2022). Power, Politics and Children’s Citizenship: The Silencing of Civil Society, The International Journal of Children's Rights, 30(2), 440-472.
- Schipor, D. (2022). Jeg Gotta Like Spille Fortnite, Men I Never Win the Game: Implementing Multilingual Pedagogies in a Norwegian Primary School. Volume 7(2). Languages.
- Schipor, D. & Hammershaug, V. S. (2022). Language Learning Strategies in the 2020 National Curriculum for English. In Dypedahl, Magne (ed.) Moving English language teaching forward : Festschrift in honor of Ragnhild Elisabeth Lund. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Solberg, J. (2022). The role of the multilingual assistant in the parent-teacher conference in early childhood education and care: Opaque agencies. Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education.'
- Biseth, H., Hoskins, B., & Huang, L. (Eds.) (2021). Northern Lights on Civic and Citizenship Education: A Cross-national Comparison of Nordic Data from ICCS. Springer.
- Biseth, H., Seland, I., & Huang, L. (2021). Strengthening Connections Between Research, Policy, and Practice in Norwegian Civic and Citizenship Education. In B. Malak-Minkiewicz and J. Torney-Purta (Eds.), Influences of the IEA Civic and Citizenship Education Studies: Practice, Policy, and Research Across Countries and Regions (pp. 147-159). Springer.
- Burner, T., & Osler, A. (2021). Language, citizenship and schooling: A minority teacher’s perspective. London Review of Education, 19(1), 7, 1-14.
- Christensen, I. R., Biseth, H., & Huang, L. (2021). Developing Digital Citizenship and Civic Engagement Through Social Media Use in Nordic Schools. In H. Biseth, B. Hoskins, & L. Huang (Eds.), Northern Lights on Civic and Citizenship Education: A Cross-national Comparison of Nordic Data from ICCS (pp. 65-92).
- Osler, A. & Skarra, J. A. (2021) The rhetoric and reality of human rights education: policy frameworks and teacher perspectives, Multicultural Education Review, 13:3, 191-210. DOI: 10.1080/2005615X.2021.1964265
- Sønsthagen, A. G., & Bøyum, S. (2021). Interkulturell kompetanseutvikling - ein studie om leiing av barnehagepersonalet som lærer å lære om foreldresamarbeid. I: S. Bøyum og H. C. Hofslundsengen (red.), Barnehagelærerrollen: Mangfold, mestring og likeverd (s. 168-186). Universitetsforlaget.
- Osler, A. (2020). Education, migration and citizenship in Europe: untangling policy initiatives for human rights and racial justice, Intercultural Education, 31:5, 562-577. DOI: 10.1080/14675986.2020.1794231
- Solberg, J. (2020). "Men hun er ikke sånn typisk leder" - Barnehagelæreres fortolkninger av lav lekestatus i foreldresamtaler.
Praktiske Grunde, (3-4), 31-48. - Sønsthagen, A. G. (2020). Early childcare as arenas of inclusion: the contribution of staff to recognising parents with refugee backgrounds as significant stakeholders. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal, 28(3), 304-318.
- Burner, T. & Carlsen, C. (2019). Teacher qualifications, perceptions and practices concerning multilingualism at a school for newly arrived students in Norway.
International Journal of Multilingualism. Published online June 23, 2019. - Lindquist, H. (2019). Språkpedagogisk arbeid og de yngste flerspråklige barnehagebarna.
Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift, 02 - 03(103), 159-171. - Osler, A. & Pandur, I. H. (2019). The right to intercultural education: students’ perspectives on schooling and opportunities for reconciliation through multicultural engagement in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Intercultural Education, 30:6, 658-679. DOI: 10.1080/14675986.2019.1626576
- Valen-Sendstad, Å., & Christensen, I. R (red.) (2019). Menneskerettigheter og verdighet i skolen. Oslo: Cappelen Damm. A common anthology of the former MMM (now DiCE) research group.
- Biseth, H., Madsen, J., & Christensen, I. R. (2018). Student Teachers Promoting Democracy Using Social Media in Teaching. Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education, 2(4), 37-52. DOI:
- Burner, T., Nodeland, T. S. & Aamaas, Å. (2018). Critical perspectives on perceptions and practices of diversity in education. Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education, 2(1), 3-15.
- Osler, A. (2018). Reflections on structural inequality, struggle and the meanings of citizenship: a zainichi Korean teacher narrative, Multicultural Education Review, 10:1, 52-70. DOI: 10.1080/2005615X.2018.1423541
- Osler, A. & Lindquist, H. (2018). Rase og etnisitet, to begreper vi må snakke mer om. Norsk Pedagogisk Tidsskrift, 102(1), 26-37.
Osler, A. & Solhaug, T. (2018). Children’s human rights and diversity in schools: Framing and measuring. Research in Comparative and International Education. 13(2).
Osler, A. & Starkey, H. (2018). Extending the theory and practice of education for cosmopolitan citizenship, Educational Review, 70:1, 31-40. DOI: 10.1080/00131911.2018.1388616
Solhaug, T. & Osler, A. (2018). Intercultural empathy among Norwegian students: an inclusive citizenship perspective, International Journal of Inclusive Education, 22:1, 89-110. DOI: 10.1080/13603116.2017.1357768
- Sønsthagen, A. G. (2018). "Jeg savner barnet mitt": Møter mellom somaliske mødre og barnehagen. Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education, 2(1), 55-71.
- Burner, T., & Biseth, H. (2016). A critical analysis of an innovative approach: A case of diversity in Norwegian education. SAGE Open. Special issue on student diversity, 1-11.
- Lindquist, H. & Osler, A. H. (2015). Navigating race and ethnicity in research: reflections on working with Norwegian schools.
Race Equality Teaching, 33(3), 12-18
Academic journal leadership
External members
Current and former students
- Linnéa Jermstad (PhD)
- Sofie Haug Changezi (PhD)
- Samah Migda (PhD)
- Linn Olafsen (MA)
- Nora Ødegård (MA)
- Anne Grete Sønsthagen (PhD)
- Jocelyne M. Von Hof (MA)
- Shahin Bayat (MA)
Associate members from different institutions
- Anne Grete Sønsthagen, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences
- Yuka Kitayama, Osaka University
- Christopher Martell, University of Massachusetts Boston