Our Vision
Empowering a sustainable future through innovation in electrical power systems
Mission statement:
- Driving innovation in power systems.
- Enabling the transition towards renewable energy.
- Delivering real-world solutions that minimize environmental impact.
Our research group conducts research and has the expertise to benefit the industry and the public in Norway and internationally. We aim to be a preferred partner in Norwegian and European research projects and seeks to take a lead role in Norway within electrical power system research.
Our main focus areas
- System Optimization, Digitalization, and Integration. Hydro-, solar- and wind storage.
- Power Delivery and apparatus. Measurement and operation.
- Multi-energy markets and Power system planning. Flexibility, ancillary services and economics.
- Sustainable Electrification. Transportation, process industry and offshore.
Thematic focus includes, but is not limited to, the following:
- Hydropower systems
- Power system operation, dynamics and stability
- Stand-alone and Grid-connected PV Systems
- Battery Energy Storage Systems
- Medium Voltage Switchgear
- Internal Arc Faults
- Thermal Design of Electrical Equipment
The research group has access to advanced laboratories and scientific equipment:
- Generator lab
- Smartgrid-lab
- High current lab
- High voltage lab
Ongoing research activities
- System Optimization between power producer and grid owners for more efficient system services (SysOpt)
- Hydro-Himalaya
FME SecurEl
Skal forske på et sikkert strømnett i nytt senter - SINTEF -
FME RenewHydro
FME RenewHydro - Norsk forskningssenter for fornyelse av vannkrafta - NTNU -
6365 Intelligent hydropower control using digital twin technology - Prosjektbanken -
Business Readiness Acceleration for innoVative regional Energy ecosystems [FA] (BRAVE)
BRAVE is building a €150m cleantech investment pipeline in seven regional energy systems BRAVE | Interreg North Sea -
Direct durrent (DC) technologies for power networks
CM2023-01: Direct current (DC) technologies for power networks | CETPartnership -
Energy as a service for sustainable energy transition (E-SET)
Green and Sustainable DataCenter for the digitalization and automation
Samler krefter innen akademia og industri - Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge -
Stig tar doktorgrad i egen bedrift - Lede -
Hjem - Kelda Kraft
Our PhD students are continuously contributing within the research group and on our projects.