Department of Business, Strategy and Political Science


Institutt for industriell økonomi, strategi og statsvitenskap

Study Programmes Emplyoees

The Department of Business, Strategy and Political Science is located at Krona in Kongsberg and Papirbredden in Drammen. The department has about 40 employees and 800 students.

Study Programmes

The department offers these studies at USN School of Business in Drammen:

Student advisor: Marit Laugerud

On campus Kongsberg these studies are avaiable:

Student advisor: Mathilde K. Volle

A specialization in industrial economics is also offered on a master's degree in economics and management (MSc in Economics).

The department offers the following part time studies:

Research and professional development work

The research in the department is focused on the research groups USN School of Business:

The department has a large contact area with the public, private and voluntary sectors, which is reflected in the bachelor's and master's theses close to practice for the students.

The academic community contributes relevant knowledge and research to business, public enterprises and organizations.