
Get USN Email Signature

Guidance on how to get a standard USN signature

When you change organizational affiliation, e.g. changing section or department, be sure to update your email signature so that it has the correct organizational unit. This also applies if your organizational unit changes name.

To update your email signature, do the following:

  1. Click the Windows button or search icon on the taskbar and enter the keyword "usn".
  2. Choose between «USN Email signature English», «USN Epostsignatur Norsk bokmål» or «USN Epostsignatur Norsk Nynorsk». You start the signature change by clicking on it.
  3. When you press the desired signature, you get a black window with codes and text. It should be like this.

NB! Note that it is the last signature you create that will be set by default in Outlook. If you want the signature with English to be your standard signature, and you want to have signatures in several target forms / languages in addition, you must make sure to run «USN Email signature English» at the end, or possibly run in this signature again after you have created the others.