We base our view on learning in embodied cognition - that is, an understanding of learning as rooted in the body.
- “Embodied” refers to the unity of mind-body-surroundings as we interact and experience with others and with materials in the world.
- “Making” refers to the act of changing and influencing materials and situations (in a broad sense).
- “Learning” refers to the change and development of the individual when engaged in embodied interaction with others and materials. This includes a perspective on knowledge as an active process and as continuous change.
Being a body in the world
The group explores basic conditions and consequences of being a body in the world, experiencing and learning through working in materials and with others.
This attitude is opening up for interdisciplinary approaches and practice-based research process in multiple contexts.
The research conducted in this vein is important especially in a time when materiality is in a state of constant change and creative practitioners as well as teachers and pupils must adapt to new conditions and modalities of making.
Knowledge that can explain embodied making practice
The goal of the research group is to develop knowledge that can explain embodied making practice, understand its role for individuals, their learning and for today's society.
We do this by collaborating interdisciplinary, in close contact with the international research front in the field.
The knowledge we develop contributes locally to strengthening USN's teacher education programs, and internationally to develop knowledge about learning, teaching and creative interactions with materials.
This is how we are organized
The organizational structure of EMAL is constructed of three levels.
1. Targeting
The EMAL research leader group is headed by associate professor Camilla Groth.
2. Coordinating
The research is coordinated within four clusters:
- EMAL-Early Childhood Education (ECE) (lead by Kari Carlsen and Ann Hege Lorvik Waterhouse)
- EMAL-digital (lead by Ingrid Holmboe Høibo and Lovise Søyland)
- EMAL-teaching and learning (lead by Åsta Rimstad and Anniken Randers-Pehrson)
- EMAL-making&materiality (lead by Kirstine Riis and Marte S. Gulliksen)
3. Research
The actual research is conducted by the group members (see members list in fact box) within their different disciplines:
- Arts & crafts
- Design
- Outdoor activity education and dance
- Pedagogy
- Music
- Learning sciences
- Creativity, culture, Education
Collaboration and network
- Senter for barnehageforskning, utvikling og innovasjon (SEBUTI)
- Forskningsgruppen for læring, læringsdesign og digitale medier (LÆDIME)
- Forskningsgruppen for praksis, tradisjon og teknologi (PPT)
- NordFo-nettverket
- Nordic network of Embodied Learning
- Human Ingenuity Research Group v/Western University
We also collaborate with
- OsloMet
- UiS/Grensesnitt
- BIN-norden
- Reggio Children International Network
- Helsinki University
- Aalto University
- Turku University
- Chalmers University
- Göteborgs University
- Åbo Akademi
- National Center for Art and Culture in Education
Ongoing research projects
Ongoing PhD projects
At the PhD Program in Culture Studies:
- Ingrid Holmboe Høibo: «Læringskultur i makerspace- korleis kan denne bidra til å forme digitale ferdigheiter i Kunst- og handverksfaget.»
- Bård Gunnar Moe: «Skapersteder for musikalsk læring–utøvende praksis og språkterminologi i Musikkstudioproduksjon.»
- Oksana Stelmakh «Bærekraftig estetikk i kunst og håndverksfaget: Forståelser av bærekraftig estetisk kvalitet og verdi i læreprosessen»
At the PhD Program in pedagogical resources and learning processes in kindergarten and school:
- Mona Nicolaysen and Marie Skeie in the same project: «Barnehagens arbeidsmåter for å fremme barns ytringer i Norge og Palestina.»
Completed research projects and disputations
- Tessem, Agnete Dale (2024) Kunnskaping i kunst og håndverk. Betingelser for og konsekvensene av læring gjennom skapende prosesser Ph.d.-dissertation, USN
- Brynjar Olafsson (2022) Elevens muligheter for kreative avgjørelser i kunst- og håndverksfag Ph.d.-dissertation, USN
- Bergman, Silje (2022) Kopiering og deling i faget Kunst og håndverk. Ph.d. -dissertation, USN
- Ann-Hege Lorvik Waterhouse (2021): Materialpoetiske hendelser. En studie av barns materielle inspira(k)sjoner i barnehagen. Ph.d.-dissertation, USN
- Lovise Søyland (2021): Embodied learning i møte med og skaping av digitale collager. Bildebok på nettbrett med utgangspunkt i materialer og materialitet. Ph.d.-dissertation, USN
- Solberg, Anne (2017) Developing Doctorateness in Art, Design and Architecture. Ph.d.-dissertation, USN
- Randers-Pehrsson, Anniken (2016) Tinglaging og læringsrom i en kunst- og håndverksdidaktisk kontekst. Ph.d.-dissertation, UiO
- Riis, Kirstine (2016) Designkundskabens DNA Udforskning af designkundskab gennem designprocessen Mit DNA. Ph.d.-dissertation, NTNU
- Rimstad, Åsta (2015) Teikn- og meiningsskaping i studentars arbeid med installasjonar. Ph.d.-dissertation, NTNU
- Carlsen, Kari (2015) Forming i barnehagen i lys av Reggio Emilias atelierkultur. Dr.Ped, Åbo Akademi