Norunn Askeland

Institutt for språk og litteratur
Campus Vestfold
- Ph. D. in linguistics, University of Oslo, 2008, Title of PhD- thesis: Textbooks and the Understanding of Communication. Metaphors and metaphor markers in textbooks in the subject of Norwegian for Lower Secondary School 1997-99 - MA in Nordic Languages and literature, University of Oslo, 1984, thesis about text linguistics and rhetorics in textbooks - Teacher education, English and Literature studies - Editor Aschehoug Publishing House, Oslo and before that teacher in lower and upper secondary school


  • Discourse-oriented metaphor theory and analysis
  • Nonfiction writing and academic writing
  • Creative academic writing
  • New Norwegian didactics
  • Language and identity
  • Textbooks in a post-colonial perspective


Courses in Creative Academic Writing


Norunn Askeland: email:, tel 004797198351/004731009196

Title & Academic degree: Professor, Ph.D.

Affiliation: University of South Eastern Norway

Scientific positions

·       2021: Professor emerita at University of South-Eastern Norway

·       2010-: Professor at Vestfold University College, Faculty of Education and the Humanities (From 2018 University of South-Eastern Norway)

·       2008-2010: Associate Professor at Vestfold University College, Faculty of Education and the Humanities

·       2001: Fulbright Visiting Researcher, University of Berkeley, Dept of Linguistics

·       1996-2008: Assistant Professor at Vestfold University College, Faculty of Education and the Humanities

·         2010-: Professor at Vestfold University College, Faculty of Education and the Humanities. (University of  South- Eastern Norway)

·         2008-2010: Associate Professor at Vestfold University College, Faculty of Education and the Humanities

·         2001: Fulbright Visiting Researcher, University of Berkeley, Dept of Linguistics

·         1996-2008: Assistant Professor at Vestfold University College, Faculty of Education and the Humanities

Key words

·         metaphors and education,  metaphors and ideology,  textbooks analysis in a postcolonial perspective, writing literary nonfiction, New Norwegian didactics



Publications (selective)

Askeland, N. (2021). Metaforar om identitet i samisk litteratur i lærebøker i norsk i åra 1987-2014. I Rees, E. mfl. (red.) (2021) Minoritetsdiskurser i norsk litteratur, s. 45-66. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

Askeland, N. (2021). Answering the charge? Metaphors about and by Sami in Norwegian textbooks and in Sami witness testimonies. Metaphor and the social world 11 (2). Amsterdam: John Benjamins

Askeland, N. (2021). Representations of the Alta-Kautokeino Conflict in Nordic Textbooks. In M. Toos. K.L. Berge, H.Edgreen, Hiidenmaa, P. & Matthiesen, C. (Eds.), Exploring Textbooks and Cultural Change in Nordic Education 1536-2020, p. 368-385. Leiden: Koninklikje Brill

Askeland, N., Ertzeid, I & Falck-Ytter, C. (2020). Nynorsk på nytt. 2. utgåve. Bergen: Fagbokforlaget

Jørgensen, I.B. & Askeland, N. (red.) (2019). Kreativ akademisk skriving. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget

 Askeland, N. (2019). Kreativ vitskapsprosa - eit relevant kriterium i fagfellevurdering?  Jørgensen, I.B. & Askeland, N. (red.) (2019). Kreativ akademisk skriving. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget

 Askeland, N. & Agdestein, M. W. (2019). Metaforer. Hva, hvor og hvorfor. Oslo:   Universitetsforlaget

Askeland, N. (2019). Metaforar om debatt, berekraft og klimakrise i eit klasserom. I Breivega, K. & Rangnes, T.E. (red.). Demokratisk danning i skolen. Empiriske studier. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget

Askeland, N. (2018).  "Eg veit i himmerik ei borg" og « Eg ser". Metaforar i salmar brukte i gravferder. I: Døden i livet. Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2018 ISBN 9788202609597. s. 35-50

Johannesen, A. & Askeland, N. (2018). Metaforer om sykdom og død: en litteraturoversikt. I: I: den i livet. Cappelen Damm Akademisk 2018 ISBN 9788202609597, s. 153-169

askeland, N. (2017). Text types and “othering” in Norwegian textbooks of geography and history 1860-2006. In S. Schutze & E.Matthes (eds.): Heterogeneity and Educational Media. Conference volume from the the Oslo conference about heterogeneity and educationa media, November 1, 2017.  

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