Har ansvar for undervisning om lys og effekter på helse og miljø på IORL og innen videreutdanning av hudsykepleiere, der også regelverk om bruk av lys i medisinsk diagnostikk og behandling er med.
Er deltaker i eksternt finansiert prosjekt om lysforurensning.
Deltar i søknadsprosesser på flere områder innen lys:
Belysning av gang- og sykkelvei med alternative lysfarger, koblet til optimalisering av belysning/lysforurensning.
Lys brukt som middel ved sterilisering av drikkevann
Innvirkning av lys på helse og trivsel i et bymiljø
I styrer og arrangementskomiteer for nasjonale og internasjonale kongresser: Norsk og europeisk fotobiologi, Light symposium.
Norges representant i Den internasjonale belysningskommisjonen div. 6 om lys/kjemi/helse og deltaker i europeisk standardisering av lysforurensning samt måling og vurdering av lys på arbeidsplassen.
Dr.philos fra UiO 1984.
Lang erfaring fra statlig forvaltning og forskning om optisk stråling i medisinsk bruk
Curriculum vitae (CV)
*Etternavn, fornavn:
Christensen, Terje
Navn på institusjon, land
Norges Tekniske Høgskole, linjen for teknisk fysikk, fagretning for biofysikk og medisinsk teknolog
Dr. philos.
Matematisk- Naturvitenskapelige fakultet, Universitetet i Oslo
* STILLING (akademisk, privat næringsliv, offentlig sektor, nasjonale/internasjonale organisasjoner)
Nåværende stilling
August 2022
Professor (50%) ved Institutt for radiografi, optometri og lysdesign, Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge
Tidligere stillinger (liste)
Professor II ved Institutt for sykepleie og helsevitenskap, Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge
2006 – 2009 (tilsammen 8 mnd I perioder)
Gjesteforsker ved Nordisk Institutt for Odontologiske Materialer (NIOM)
Professor II i barneforskning ved NTNU, Institutt for Fysikk
Avdelingsdirektør, Avdeling strålemedisin, Statens strålevern, ansatt på halv tid i to år under avdelingsoverlegens permisjon
Forsker (tidligere kalt laboratorieførstefysiker) ved DSA (Direktoratet for strålevern og atomsikkerhet, tidligere navn: Statens strålevern og Statens institutt for strålehygiene)
1985 (10 mnd)
Forsker ved Toksikologisk avdeling, Statens institutt for folkehelse
1984 (6 mnd)
Amanuensis (engasjement) ved Fysisk institutt, Den Allmennvitenskapelige Høgskolen, Universitetet i Trondheim
Vitenskapelig assistent (NAVF) og diverse korttidsengasjementer i Landsforeningen mot kreft. Arbeidssted: Biofysisk avdeling, Norsk Hydros Institutt for Kreftforskning, Radiumhospitalet
1977 (10 mnd)
Ingeniør ved Odontologisk Institutt for Anatomi, Universitetet i Oslo
PROJEKTERFARING (hvis relevant)
Prosjekt/tema/rolle i prosjektet/finansiering fra
Senter for fremragende forskning, CERAD, Centre for environmental radioactivity, NFR, Leder for RA 5 og Umbrella 7 i fem år
Prosjekt/type F&I-aktivitet and F&I-innhold/rolle og opgaver/finansiering fra
Aktivitet eller prosjekt /oppgave og ansvar / kontekst/program/ramme for samarbeidet og navn på nøkkelpartnere (bedrifter, institusjoner)
Styremedlem og leder I Norsk forening for fotobiologi, leder for internasjnal kongress 2001 i European Society for Photobiology
- Medlem av Scientific Commitee for kongressen Urban Childhood, Trondheim 1997.
- Medlem av arbeidsgruppe, WG 8, TC 169 «Photobiology» i CEN (Comité Européen de Normalisation).
- Nasjonal representant for Norge i Den internasjonale belysningskommisjonen, CIE
-Internasjonale journaler: 68, -andre 88
- T. Christensen. Strålefølsomheten i ulike stadier av cellecyklus hos celler i kultur. Diplomoppgave, NTH, 1976.
- E.O. Pettersen, T. Christensen, O. Bakke and R. Oftebro (1977). A change in the oxygen effect throughout the cell‑cycle of human cells of the line NHIK 3025 cultivated in vitro. Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 31, 171‑184.
- E. Wibe, R. Oftebro, T. Christensen, S.G. Laland, E.O. Pettersen and T. Lindmo (1978). Inhibitory effects of the new mitotic inhibitor 5‑Chloropyrimidin‑2‑one and of Vincristine on human cells in vitro. Cancer Res., 38, 560‑565.
- T.Christensen. Måling av ATP med bioluminiscence. I:Mikrobiologisk Snøggdiagnostikk. Red: T.Omland og I.Ørstavik, Statens institutt for folkehelse og Forsvarets Mikrobiologiske Laboratorium (1980) s. 149‑152.
- J.Moan, E.O.Pettersen and T.Christensen (1979). On the mechanism of photodynamic inactivation of human cells in vitro in the presence of Hematoporphyrin. Br.J.Cancer, 39, 398‑407.
- J.Moan and T.Christensen (1979). Photodynamic inactivation of cancer cells in vitro. Effect of irradiation temperature and dose fractionation. Cancer Lett., 6, 331‑335.
- T.Christensen, J.Moan, E.Wibe and R.Oftebro (1979). Photodynamic effect of Haematoporphyrin throughout the cell cycle of the human cell line NHIK 3025 cultivated in vitro. Br.J.Cancer, 39, 64‑68.
- T.Christensen and J.Moan (1979). Photodynamic inactivation of synchronized human cells in vitro in the presence of hematoporphyrin. Cancer Res. 39, 3735‑3737.
- T.Christensen and J.Moan (1980). Binding of hematoporphyrin to synchronized cells from the line NHIK 3025. Cancer Lett. 9, 105‑110.
- J.Moan and T.Christensen. Bruk av porfyriner i diagnostikk og behandling av kreft. Tidsskr. Nor. Lægefor.(1980) 100, 271‑273.
- H.Waksvik, J.Moan and T.Christensen (1980). Effect of hematoporphyrin and light human lymphocytes in vitro (Abstr.) Mut.Res.74, 222‑223.
- J.Moan, H.Waksvik and T.Christensen (1980). DNA single‑strand breaks and sister chromatid exchanges induced by treatment with hematopotphyrin and light or by x‑rays in human cells of the line NHIK 3025. Cancer Res.40, 2915‑2918.
- J.Moan, L.Smedshammer and T.Christensen (1980). Photodynamic effects on human cells exposed to light in the presence of hematoporphyrin. pH effects. Cancer Lett.9, 327‑332.
- T.Christensen and J.Moan. Photodynamic effect of hematorporphyrin (HP) on cells cultivated in vitro. In: Pratesi,R.,Sacci, C.A.(Eds.) Lasers in Photomedicine and Photobiology, Springer series in optical sciences (Springer, Heidelberg, New York, 1980) 22, 87‑91.
- J.Moan and T.Christensen (1980). Porphyrins as tumor localizing agents and their possible use in photochemotherapy of cancer. Tumor Res. 15, 1‑10.
- J.Moan and T.Christensen (1981). Photodynamic effects on human cells exposed to light in the presence of hematoporphyrin. Localization of the active dye. Cancer Lett. 11, 209‑214.
- T.Christensen and J.Moan. Effect of Hematoporphyrin and light on cell multiplication in vitro. (Abstr.) Huieteme Congres International de Photobiologie, Strasbourg 1980, p‑299.
- T.Christensen and J.Moan. Cellular damage by photoactivated porphyrins (Abstr.) 7th Meeting of the Nordic Society for Radiation Research and Radiation Technology. Gol, 1981,p.36.
- J.Moan, S.Elander and T.Christensen. The chemical composition of Hpd, a hematoporphyrin derivative used in photochemotherapy of cancer. (Abstr.) 7th Meeting of the Nordic Society for Radiation Research and Radiation Technology. Gol, 1981, p.36.
- J.Moan and T.Christensen (1981). Cellular uptake and photodynamic effect of hematoporphyrin. Photobiochem. Photobiophys. 2, 291‑299.
- T.Christensen (1981). Multiplication of human NHIK 3025 cells exposed to porphyrins in combination with light. Br.J.Cancer, 44, 433‑439.
- J.Moan, T.Christensen, J.F.Evensen and S.Elander. Inactivation of human cells in vitro by treatment with hematoporphyrin derivative and light (Abstract). 9th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Photobiology. Willamsburg, Virginia 1981,p.167.
- T.Christensen, K.Feren, J.Moan og E.O.Pettersen (1981) Photodynamic effects of Hematoporphyrin derivative on synchronized and asynchronous cells of different origin. Br.J.Cancer, 44, 717‑724.
- T.Christensen, G.Volden, J.Moan og T.Sandquist (1982). Release of lysomal enzymes and Lactate Dehydrogenase due to Hematoporphyrin derivative and light irradiation of NHIK 3025 cells in vitro. Ann.Clin.Res. 14, 46‑52.
- G.Volden, T.Christensen og J.Moan (1981). Photodynamic membrane damage of Hematoporphyrin derivative and light treated NHIK 3025 cells in vitro. Photobiochem. Photobiophys.3, 105‑111.
- T.Christensen, J.Moan, J.B.McGhie, H.Waksvik og H.Stigum (1983). Studies of HPD: Chemical composistion and in vitro photosensitization. In: David Kessel and Thomas J. Dougherty (Eds.):Porphyrin photosensitization, Plenum Publishing Corporation, 151‑164.
- J.Moan, S.Sandberg, T.Christensen and S.Elander (1983). Hematoporphyrin derivative: Chemical composition, photochemical and photosensitizing properties. In: David Kessel and Thomas J.Doughterty (Eds.): Porphyrin photosensitization, Plenum Publishin Corporation, 165‑179.
- J.Moan, H.B.Steen, K.Feren and T.Christensen. (1981) Uptake of hematoporphyrin derivative and sensitized photoinactivaiton of C3H cells with different oncogenic potential. Cancer Lett., 14, 291‑296.
- J.Moan, T.Christensen and S.Sommer (1982). The main photosensitizing components of hematoporphyrin derivative. Cancer Lett., 15, 161‑166.
- J.Moan, J.B.McGhie and T.Christensen (1982). Hematoporphyrin derivative: Photosensitizing efficiency and cellular uptake of its components. Photobiochem. Photobiophys., 4, 337‑345.
- T.Christensen, G.Volden and J.Moan. Photodynamic cell damage of hematoporphyrin derivative in vitro. (Abstract) 12th Annual Meeting of The European Society for Dermatological research, Amsterdam, 1982, p.37.
- T.Christensen and J.Moan. In vitro simulation of HpD photoradiation therapy (Abstract) 10th Annual Meeting of The American Society for Photobiology, Vancouver 1982, p.155.
- J.Moan, J.F.Evensen, T.Christensen, A.Hindar, S.Sommer and J.B.McGhie. Chemical composition of hematoporphyrin derivative, tumorlocalizing and photosensitizing properties of its main components (Abstract). 10th Annual Meeting of The American Society for Photobiology, Vancouver, 1982, p.173‑174.
- T.Christensen, G.Volden and J.Moan (1982) Photodynamic cell damage of hematoporphyrin derivative in vitro. (Abstract) J.Invest.Dermatol. 78, 333.
- J.Moan, J.V.Johannessen, T.Christensen, T.Espevik and J.B. McGhie (1982) Porphyrin‑sensitized photoinactivation of human cells in vitro. Am.J.Pathol. 109, 184‑192.
- T.Christensen og J.E.Moan (1982). Lys og kjemikalier ‑ dobbel skade eller dobbel nytte. Forskningsnytt nr. 6 1982, 28‑34.
- T.Christensen, T.Sandquist, K.Feren, H.Waksvik and J. Moan (1983). Retention and photodynamic effects of haematoporphyrin derivative in cells after prolonged cultivation in the presence of porphyrin. Br.J.Cancer, 48, (1983), 35‑43.
- G.Volden, T.Christensen og J.Moan. Fotodynamisk effekt av hematoporfyrininderivat på svulster hos mus og celler i kultur (Abstract). Nordisk Dermatologikongress, Oslo 1983.
- T.Christensen, J.Moan, T.Sandquist and L.Smedshammer. Multicellular spheroids as an in vitro model system for photoradiation therapy in the presence of HpD. In: Porphyrin localization and treatment of tumors. (Eds, Dorion & Gomer). Alan Liss Inc. New York, (1984), 381‑390.
- S.Sommer, J.Moan, T.Christensen and J.F.Evensen (1984). A chromatografic study of hematoporphyrin derivatives. In: Porphyrins in tumor phototherapy. (Eds.A.Andreoni and R.Cubeddu) Plenum Publishing Corporation, 81‑92.
- T.Christensen, A.Wahl & L.Smedshammer (1984). Effects of haematoporphyrin derivative and light in combination with hyperthermia on cells in culture. Br.J.Cancer 50, 85‑89.
- T.Christensen (1983). Photodynamic effect of porphyrins on cells in culture. Thesis, University of Oslo.
- J.Moan, T.Christensen and P.B.Jacobsen (1984). Photodynamic effects on cells in vitro labelled with hematoporphyrin derivative. Photobiochem. Photobiophys 7, 349‑358.
- T.Christensen (1984). Photosensitization of human cells by bilirubin (abstract). Photochem.Photobiol. 39, Suppl.
- T.Christensen, A.Wahl, L.Smedshammer and J.Moan (1984). Effects of hyperthermia on cells photosensitized with HpD.(Abstract). Porphyrin photosensitization workshop, Philadelphia 1984.
- D.Moseng, G.Volden, K.Midelfart, G.Kavli, T.Christensen and J.Moan (1985). Treatment of mouse carcinomas with intratumoral injections of hematoporphyrin derivative and red light. Photodermatol. 2, 107‑110.
- J.Moan, T.Christensen and P.B.Jacobsen (1984). Porphyrin sensitized photoinactivation of cells in vitro. In: Porphyrin localization and treatment of tumors, (Eds.: D.R.Doiron and C.J.Gomer), Alan R.Liss Inc., New York, 419‑442.
- T.Christensen, J.Moan, L.Smedshammer, A.Western and C.Rimington (1985). Influence of hematoporphyrin derivative (HpD) and light on the attachment of cells to the substratum. Photobiochem Photobiophys. 10, 53‑59.
- T.Christensen, L.Smedshammer, A.Wahl and J.Moan (1985). Photodynamic effects and hyperthermia in vitro, In: Methods in porphyrin photosensitization Ed.:(D.Kessel). Plenum Press, 69‑76.
- B.Kjeldstad, T.Christensen and A.Johnsson (1985). Porphyrin photosensitization of bacteria, ibid., 155‑160.
- T.Christensen, L.Smedshammer and A.Wahl. The interaction between photodynamic therapy of cancer and hyperthermia. Proceedings from the international congress on lasers in medicine and surgery, Bologna 1985 .
- D.Bratlid og T.Christensen. (1986) Lys som legemiddel. T. Norske Lægeforen. 106, 1823‑1826.
- T.Christensen (1986). Cytotoxicity of bilirubin photptoducts. Photobiochemistry and Photobiophysics, 10, 253‑260.
- J.B.Reitan and T.Christensen. Photosensitization by doxycycline ‑ a case study (abstract). First European congress of Photobiology, Grenoble 1986.
- J.F.Unhjem og T.Christensen. Magnetfelter i forbindelse med NMR‑anlegg. SIS Arbeidsdokument 1986:3.
- T.Greger og T.Christensen. Informasjon ved atomulykker ‑ En undersøkelse av informasjonsbehov hos bønder og helsesøstre. SIS Rapport 1986:10.
- J.A.Holme, E.J.Søderlund, T.Christensen, B.Trygg and C.Bjørnstad (1986). Modulation of cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of 2‑acetylaminofluorene in rat and hamster hepatocytes by 3‑methylcholanthrene pre‑treatment. Carcinogenesis 7, 1561‑1567.
- B.Kjeldstad, M.L.Olsen, T.Christensen and A.Johnsson (1986). Photodynamic damage to protoplasts with a hematoporphyrin derivative. Plant Science 44, 139‑143.
- B.Kjeldstad, T.Christensen and A.Johnsson (1986). Uptake of hematoporphyrin derivative in bacteria and photosensitization of Propionibacterium acnes bacteria. Photobiochemistry and Photobiophysics 10, 163‑173.
- E.Dybing, E.J.Søderlund, W.P.Gordon, J.A.Holme, T.Christensen, G.Becher, E.Rivedal and S.S.Thorgeirsson (1987). Studies on the Mechanism of Acetamide Hepatocarcinogenicity. Pharmacology & Toxicology 60, 9‑16.
- T.Christensen og J.B.Reitan, Fototerapi av hyperbilirubinemi hos nyfødte. SIS Rapport 1987:6.
- J.Karlsen, A.Johnsson, T.Christensen og G.Thommesen. Måling av 50 Hz magnetfelter i noen norske husstander. SIS-Rapport 1987:7.
- J.A.Holme, J.K.Hongslo, E.Søderlund, G.Brunborg, T.Christensen, J.Alexander and E.Dybing (1987). Comparative genotoxic effects of IQ and MeIQ in Salmonella typhimurium and cultured mammalian cells. Mutation Research, 187, 181‑190.
- T.Christensen and J.B.Reitan. Unwanted side effects and optimization of phototherapy. (Abstract) 2nd Congress of the ESP, Padova, 1987,44.
- T.Christensen, A.Støttum, G.Brunborg, J.Holme, D.Bratlid and J.B.Reitan. Genotoxic potential of phototherapy of icterus in the newborn. (Abstract) Nordic Cancer Union Symposium, Oslo, 1987,30.
- T.Christensen, A.Støttum, G.Brunborg and J.B.Reitan (1988). Unwanted side effects and optimization of phototherapy. In: R.H.Douglas, J.Moan, F.Dall'Acqa (Eds.). Light in biology and medicine, Vol I. Plenum Press, 153 ‑ 159.
- T.Christensen and J.B.Reitan (1988). Phototoxic effects of bilirubin. J.Photochem. Photobiol.B.Biol.1, 373‑374.
- T.Christensen, G.Kinn og J.B.Reitan. Studier av lys‑ og røntgeninduserte celleskader. Metoder og innledende studier. SIS rapport 1989:3.
- T.Christensen, J.B.Reitan and G.Kinn (1990). Single‑strand breaks in the DNA of human cells exposed to visible light from phototherapy lamps in the presence and absence of bilirubin. J.Photochem. Photobiol.B.Biol. 7, 337-346
- Christensen, T, Brunborg G. Genotoxicity of visible light phototheraphy in the presence of bilirubin. Abstract p. 145. Congress of European society of photobiology 1989
- Christensen, T. et. al. Comparison of radiation risks and others. In: Bengtsson, G. (Ed) Risk analysis and safety rationale. NORD-series Dec 1989 pp 23-30, Stockholm 1989
- Christensen T., Ehdwall H, Hansen H, Mustonen R, Stranden E: Radioaktivitet i Norden. Brosjyre. SIS, Østerås 1990.
- Chistensen T, Ehdwall H, Stranden E (Eds): Natural radiation, nuclear wastes and chemical pollutants. Final report of the NKA Project RAS 430. NORD 1990:32, SSI, Stockholm 1990
- Christensen T, Reitan JB: Medisinsk effekt av synlig lys. In: Lindmo T (ed): Foredrag og abstacts fra møte i Norsk biofysikk og medisinsk fysikk/teknologi, Kongsvoll. Norsk Fys. Selsk., Trondheim 1990
- Christensen, T, Mustonen R, Ehdwall H, Hansen H, Stranden E, Sørensen A (Eds): Naturlig stråling, kjernekraftavfall og kjemiske risikofaktorer. SIS- Rapport 1990:1
- T. Christensen, J. Fuglestvedt og C. Benestad. Kjemiske risikofaktorer ved enkelte industrielle prosesser (energiproduksjonen) In: Christensen T, Mustonen R, Ehdwall H, Hansen H, Stranden E, Sørensen A (Eds): Naturlig stråling, kjernekraftavfall og kjemiske risikofaktorer. SIS-rapport 1990:1
- Fuglestvedt J, Christensen T, Benestad C: Kjemiske risikofaktorer ved enkelte industrielle prosesser (energiproduksjon) - Detaljert beskrivelse av metoder og resultater. In: Christensen T, Mustonen R, Ehdwall H, Hansen H, Stranden E, Sørensen A (Eds): Naturlig stråling, kjernekraftavfall og kjemiske risikofaktorer. SIS-rapport 1990:1
- T. Christensen, J. Fuglestvedt, C. Benestad, H. Ehdwall, H. Hansen, R. Mustonen and E. Stranden (1992). Chemical and radiological risk factors connected to waste from energy production. Sci Total Env., 114, 87-97
- R. Mustonen, T. Christensen, E. Stranden, H. Ehdwall, H. Hansen, V. Suolanen and T. Vieno (1992). Natural Radiation - A perspective to radiological risk factors of nuclear energy production. Sci Total Env., 114, 99-112
- T. Stiris, C. Hall, T. Christensen and D. Bratlid (1991). Effects of different phototherapy lights on retinal and choroidal blood flow. Dev. Pharmacol. Ther. 17, 70-78
- T. Christensen, J.B. Reitan and G. Kinn 1991. Are there risks for long term side effects of phototheraphy of neonatal jaundice? In: III. Greifswald symposium on light theraphy. P. Meisel and K. Jährig, eds. Ernst-Moritz-Arndt Universität, Greifswald, Germany, 36-45
- T. Christensen (1991). Phototoxicity of bilirubin. J. Photochem. Photobiol. B: Biol. 9, 405-406
- T. Christensen and G. Kinn (1993). Bilirubin bound to cells does not form photoisomers. Acta Pædiatr., 82, 22-25
- T. Christensen, S. Hodt, P.L. Jacobsen and J.B. Reitan. Mor-barn interaksjon og sykehusforhold ved fototerapi for neonatal hyperbilirubinemi. SIS-arbeidsdokument 1992:3
- T. Christensen, G. Kinn, T. Granli and I. Amundsen (1994). Cells, bilirubin and light. Formation of photoproducts and cellular effects at defined wavelengths. Acta Pædiatr., 83, 7-12
- Christensen and J.B. Reitan (1993). Radiation risks. Which types of risks are of significance for children. In. "Children at Risk: Selected papers." Ekberg, K. and Mjaavatn, P.E.(Eds.). Trondheim: The Norwegian Centre for Child Research. ISBN 82-991704-5-1
- Christensen. Assessment of relative health risks to children from different types of radiation; ionizing v.s. non-ionizing radiation. In: Proceedings from Children and radiation. Trondheim: The Norwegian Centre for Child Research
- K Sanna D Bratlid og T Christensen (1994) Måling av intracellulært kalsium. StrålevernRapport 1994:6, Østerås, Statens strålevern
- T Christensen, B Johnsen, M Johnsson, E Nordal, P Thune, B Kjeldstad og J B Reitan (1994) Hudbehandling med ultrafiolett stråling. Apparatur og praksis ved norske universitetsklinikker. StrålevernRapport 1994:9, Østerås, Statens strålevern
- Aasen S E, Johnsson A, Bratlid D, Christensen T (1995) «Magnetiske felt i en neonatal intensiv avdeling». StrålevernRapport 1995:3, Østerås, Statens strålevern
- Brenna M, Christensen T og Gulbrandsen M (1995) «Lysbehandling av gulsott hos nyfødte». Strålevern Hefte 6, 1995
- Seim J, Christensen T, Johnsen B and Hannevik M (1995) «Decomposition of sunscreens by ultraviolet radiation» 6th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology, Book of abstracts, v 1p/24, Cambridge, 1995
- Bratlid D, Roll E, Sanna K and Christensen T (1995) «Effect of bilirubin on intracellular calcium». International Perinatal collegium, Abstract, Garderen Nederland, 1995
- Aasen S E, Johnsson A, Bratlid D and Christensen T (1995) «Electromagnetic fields in the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit)». 6th European workshop in Neonatology, Abstract, Moskva 1995
- Aasen, SE, Johnsson, A, Bratlid, D og Christensen, T 1996. Fifty-Hertz magnetic field exposures of premature infants in a neonatal intensive care unit. Biology of the neonate 70: 249-264
- Christensen, T, Kinn G, Granli T, Amundsen I, (1996) Bilirubin and light effects on cells. 12 th International Congress on Photobiology, Wien 1. - 6. Sept. (abstract nr. O 46)
- Aasen, SE, Johnsson, A, Bratlid, D, Christensen, T (1996) Fifty-Hertz magnetic field exposures of premature infants in a neonatal intensive care unit., International Perinatal Collegium, Hong Kong 17. mars
- Aasen, SE, Johnsson, A, Bratlid, D, Christensen T (1996) Fifty-Hertz magnetic field exposures of premature infants in a neonatal intensive care unit. European society of Pediatric Research, Lyon 3. sept
- Bjørnbeth, BA, Villanger, O, Lyberg T, Christensen T og Ræder MG, Large intravenous loads of bilirubin, but not bilirubin photoisimers and photo-oxidation products, cause cholestasis in bile acid-depleted pigs. Abstract og poster; presentert ved: møte i American association for the study of liver diseases, meeting, Chichago, 1996
- Roll EB og T Christensen 1997. Fototerapi av nyfødte med hyperbilirubinemi. - Behov for bedre behandling og oppfølging. Norsk Epidemiologi 7, 93-98
- Roll EB og T Christensen 1997. Etiske aspekter ved kliniske forsøk med barn, eksemplifisert med et forskningsprosjekt om lysbehandling av gulsott. Barn (Norsk Senter for Barneforskning) nr 2, 29-45
- Bredholt K, T Christensen, B Johnsen and M Hannevik 1997. Transmission of ultraviolet light through sunscreens after exposure to sun-simulating radiation. Abstract O 150, Presented at the 7th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology, Stresa, Italy, 8-13 Sept. 1997
- Bjørnbeth, BA, Villanger, Christensen T, O, Lyberg T, og Ræder MG, 1997, large intravenous loads of bilirubin photoconversion products, in contrast to bilirubin, do not cause cause cholestasis in bile acid-depleted pigs. Scand. J. Gastroenterol. 32, 246-253
- Christensen T, G Kinn, I Gradzka, A Jaworska and E B Roll 1997. Photosensitising effects of bilirubin First Internet Conference on Photochemistry and Photobiology, November 17 - December 12 1997, Internet Journal of science Biological Chemistry, vol. 3.
- Christensen T, G Kinn and J B Reitan 1997. Photosensitizing effects of metalloporphyrins in connection with hyperbilirubinemia. First Internet Conference on Photochemistry and Photobiology, November 17 - December 12 1997, Internet Journal of science, Biological Chemistry, vol. 3.
- Christensen T, Urban Environment and health, chemical and physical risk factors, Urban Childhood, An international interdisciplinary conference, Trondheim 9-12. June 1997, Book of abstracts, p. 152-153.
- Ramstad, S., Johnsson, A., Bratlid, D. Christensen, T.: Magnetic field
reduction in an infant incubator. - Short paper in «5th Nordic Worskhop on
Biological Effects of Low Frequency Electromagnetic Fields» p 91 - 92. . -
StrålevernRapport 1997:6. Østerås. 1997
- Bratlid D, Ramstad S, Aasen SE, Christensen T, Johnsson A: Det elektromagnetiske miljø i en neonatal intensivavdeling. Abstract, Norsk Barnelegeforenings vårmøte, Hammerfest 1998.
- Bredholt K, Christensen T, Hannevik M, Johnsen B, Seim J, Reitan JB: Solbeskyttende midlers virkemåte og reaksjoner ved ultrafiolett bestråling. T Norske Lægeforen 118:2640-2645,1998.
- Ramstad S, Bratlid D, Christensen T, Johnsson A: Infants in an intensive care unit - The electromagnetic field environment. Hong Kong J Paediatrics 1998; 3:15-20.
- Ramstad S, Bratlid D, Johnsson A, Christensen T: Magnetic field exposure of patients in a neonatal intensive care unit. Pediatric Research 1998; 43:190A.
- Ramstad S, Johnsson A, Bratlid D, Christensen T: Intensive care units for neonatal children - Magnetic fields and field reduction. 20th Annual Meeting BEMS, Abstract book 163-164. The Bioelectromagetics Society, 1998.
- Roll EB, Christensen T: Ethical aspects of clinical research involving children. First International Conference on Children's Health and Environment, XXII International Congress of Pediatrics, Abstract book, E-WE-FP1-5, 1998
- Roll, E, Christensen, T: Optimization of phototherapy of jaundiced newborns. Photochemistry and Photobiology, June1999, Vol 69, 56 S
- Roll, EB and Christensen, T: In vitro effects of intermittent vs. continuous light irradiation of bilirubin. In: Book of Abstracts, 8th Congress of European Society for Photobiology, Granada, Spain, September 1999, P99
- Christensen, T, Roll, E, Jaworska, A, Kinn, G: Bilirubin- and light induced cell death in a murine lymphoma cell line. 2nd Internet Conference on Photochemistry and Photobiology, July 1999,
- Christensen, T and Kinn, G: Induction of hemolysis by bilirubin and light; 8th Congress of European Society for Photobiology, Book of Abstracts, Granada, Spain, September 1999, O81
- Butt, ST and Christensen, T: Toxicity and phototoxicity of chemical sun-filters. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 2000; 91: 283-286
- Christensen, T, Roll, E, Jaworska, A, Kinn, G: Bilirubin- and light induced cell death in a murine lymphoma cell line. J. Photochem Photobiol. B: Biol. 2000; 58: 170-174
- Christensen, T and Stephens, S (Eds.) Children and Radiation, ISBN 82-7816-040-6, Norwegian Centre for Child Research, Trondheim, 2000
- Christensen T, Radiation risks to children: In: Christensen, T and Stephens, S (Eds.) Children and Radiation, ISBN 82-7816-040-6, Norwegian Centre for Child Research, Trondheim, 2000, p 15-31
- Ahlfors E.E., Roll E.B., Dahl J.E., Lyberg T., Christensen T., Blue light exposure of the oral mucosa induces T cell-based inflammatory reactions, 13th International Congress of Photobiology, San Fransisco, Book of Abstracts, 106; 322, 2000
- Roll, EB, Dahl, JE, Morisbak, E, Becher, R, Christensen, T. Cytotoxic effects of visible light-cured dental materials. 9th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology, Lillehammer, Book of Abstracts, 201, 2001
- Randeberg, LL, Roll, EB, Nilsen, LTN, Christensen, T, Svaasand, LO. Estimation of bilirubin levels during neonatal jaundice. 9th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology, Lillehammer, Book of Abstracts, 236, 2001
- Roll, EB, Melø, TB, Christensen, T. Apoptosis in bilirubin- and light treated cells and formation of reactive oxygen species. 9th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology, Lillehammer, Book of Abstracts, 237, 2001
- Agati, G, Pratesi, R, Fusi, F, Roll, EB, Christensen, T, Lindemann, R, Ebbesen, F, Sender, A Genho Hreiche, G, Donzelli, GP Pratesi, S. Testing a new turquoise fluorescent lamp for neonatal jaundice phototherapy. 9th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology, Lillehammer, Book of Abstracts, 238, 2001
- Christensen, T, Butt, ST, Brunborg, G. Are sunscreens the best and only way to protect against UV? 9th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology, Lillehammer, Book of Abstracts, 308, 2001
- Christensen, T, Dahl, J.E. og Roll, E.B., Herding av dentale biomaterialer med blålys; biofysiske interaksjonsmekanismer. NIOM-rapport T-004/02, ISBN 82-996220-1-8, Haslum, Nordisk Institutt for Odontologiske Materialprøving 2002
- Roll, E.B., Dahl, J.E., Johnsen, B. og Christensen, T. Se opp for lys fra herdelamper, Nor Tannlegeforen Tid 2002; 112: 576-580
- Roll, E.B. og Christensen, T. Lysende teknikk- virksomme og virkningsløse lasere i tannhelsetjenesten, Tannläkartidningen, Årg. 94, nr. 10: 73-74, 2002
- Kaestner , L., Cesson , M., Kassab , K., Christensen , T., Edminson , P.D., Cook , M.J., Chambrier, I. and Jori, G. Zinc octa-n-alkyl phthalocyanines in photodynamic therapy: photophysical properties, accumulation and apoptosis in cell cultures, studies in erythrocytes and topical application to Balb/c mice skin Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences, 2003, 2 (6), 660 – 667
- Kaestner, L., Cesson, M., Kassab, K., Christensen, T., Edminson, P. D., Cook, M. J., Chambrier, I.and Jori, G. Zinc octa-decyl phthalocyanine: a candidate for photodynamic treatment of psoriasis, 10th Congress of the European Society for photobiology, Vienna, September 6-11, 2003, Book of Abstracts, p. 79
- Christensen, T. Photosensitization of subcellular structures, 10th Congress of the European Society for photobiology, Vienna, September 6-11, 2003, Book of Abstracts, p. 79
- Bruzell E, Christensen T: Radiation protection of patients and staff in therapeutic modalities utilizing non-coherent visible radiation. Non-Ionising Radiation Workshop, International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, Sevilla, Spain (20.-22. mai, 2004), Abstract, Proceedings ISBN 3-93499404-0
- Christensen T, Protection against ultraviolet and visible radiation used in medical therapy. 11th International Congress of the International Radiation Radiation Protection Association, 23-28 Mai 2004, Full paper, Proceedings ISBN:84-87078-05-2
- Bagnoli C, Christensen T, Lenci F, Nonell S and Valenzeno D P. The Digital Photobiology Compendium: Perspectives on a Web-Based Teaching Tool from Learners and Developers, Photochem. Photobiol. Sci, 2004, 3, 788-794
- Randeberg LL, Bruzell Roll E, Norvang Nilsen LT, Christensen T, Svaasand LO. In vivo reflectance spectroscopy of jaundiced newborn skin reveals more than a bilirubin index. Acta Paediatr 2005; 94:65-71
- Bruzell Roll E, Christensen T. Formation of photoproducts and cytotoxicity from bilirubin irradiated with turquoise and blue phototherapy light. Acta Paediatr 2005;94: 1448-1454
- Bruzell Roll E, Christensen T, Gederaas OA. Effects of bilirubin and phototherapy on osmotic fragility and haematoporphyrin-induced photohaemolysis of normal erythrocytes and spherocytes. Acta Paediatr 2005;94, 1443-1447
- Sekse T, Paulsen GU, Hannevik M, Strand T, Tynes T, Christensen T, Widmark A. Yrkeseksponering i Norge. Ioniserende stråling. Ikke-ioniserende stråling. StrålevernRapport 2005:15. Østerås: Statens strålevern, 2005.
- Nilsen, LTN og Christensen T. Veileder for bruk av kortbølget ultrafiolett stråling (UVC). Veileder til forskrift om strålevern og bruk av stråling. Veileder nr.7. Østerås: Statens strålevern, 2005.
- Bruzell EM, Johnsen B, Aalerud TN, Christensen T. Utvärdering av ögonskydd vid användning av dentala lampor för ljushärdning och blekning. Kunskapsdokument från KDM. Kunskapscenter för Dentala Material. Socialstyrelsen, Stockholm, 2006. Hentet frem på (februar 2006):
- Bruzell EM, Johnsen B, Aalerud TN, Christensen T. Vurdering av øyebeskyttelse ved bruk av dentale lamper til herding og bleking. Bilag til Nor Tannlegeforen Tid 2006;116, nr. 4
- Bruzell E, Johnsen B, Aalerud TN, Christensen T. Evaluation of eye protection filters for use with dental curing- and bleaching lamps. J Occup Environ Hyg. 2007 Jun;4(6):432-9
- Christensen, T Nilsen LTN StrålevernRapport 2008:4: Bruk av laser og sterke optiske kilder til medisinske og kosmetiske formål
- Christensen T, Nilsen LTN and Bruzell EM. Cosmetic use of optical radiation, Abstract from 15th International Congresss on Photobiology, page 187-188, Poster P46,
- Bruzell EM, Johnsen B, Aalerud TN, Dahl JE, Christensen T. In vitro efficacy and risk for adverse effects of light-assisted tooth bleaching. Photochem Photobiol Sci. 2009 Mar;8(3):377-85.
- Christensen T, Nilsen LT. Survey of the cosmetic use of lasers and other strong optical radiation sources. J Radiol Prot. 2009 Dec;29(4):491-8. Epub 2009 Nov 18.
- Duale N, Olsen A-K, Christensen T, Butt ST, and Brunborg G. Octyl Methoxycinnamate Modulates Gene Expression and Prevents Cyclobutane Pyrimidine Dimer Formation but not Oxidative DNA Damage in UV-Exposed Human Cell Lines. Toxicological Sciences 2010; 114(2), 272–284
- Christensen T, Morisbak E, Tønnesen HH, Bruzell EM, In vitro photosensitization initiated by camphorquinone and phenyl propanedione in dental polymeric materials, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 2010, 100,128-134
- Christensen T and Bruzell EM, Methacrylate monomers lower the level of reduced glutathione and increase the in vitro sensitivity of cells to optical radiation, Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2010, 9 (12),: 1597-1600
- Samuelsen JT, Kopperud HM, Holme JA, Dragland IS, Christensen T and Dahl JE, Role of thiol-complex formation in 2-hydroxyethyl-methacrylate-induced toxicity in vitro, J Biomed Mater Res A. 2011 Feb;96(2):395-401
- Johnsen B, Aalerud TN, Fedøy DA, Nilsen LT, Christensen T, Saxebøl G, Hannevik M. Måling av naturlig ultrafiolett stråling i Norge. Perioden 1995/96 til 2009. Bruk av data for UV-varsling og informasjon. StrålevernRapport 2011:2. Østerås: Statens strålevern, 2011.
- Christensen T. Veileder til forskrift om strålevern og bruk av stråling: Om godkjenning av laserpekere klasse 3R, 3B og 4. Veileder nr.12. Østerås: Statens strålevern, 2011.
- Christensen, T., Selbo PK and Bruzell EM. Methacrylate monomers increase cellular photosensitivity 14th Congress of the European Society for photobiology, Geneva, September 1-6, 2011, Book of Abstracts, p. 93-94
- Johnsen B, Christensen T, Nilsen LT, Hannevik M. Ultrafiolett stråling, solskader og forebygging. StrålevernRapport 2013:2. Østerås: Statens strålevern, 2013.
- Christensen, T., Johnsen B and Bruzell EM. Safety of optical light sources in the dental clinic. 22nd European Dental Material Congress, Birmingham, 28. – 30. August 2013, Book of Abstracts, p. 42,
- Bruzell E, Christensen T, Johnsen B. Rätt skydd räddar ögonen från skador av härdljus, Tandläkartidingen 2014; nr 15: 60-67 on-lineversjon: (Norwegian version and Finnish version: Den Norske Tannlegeforenings Tidende bind 125 nr. 1 2015, Proceedings of the Finnish Dental Society. Suomen Hammaslääkäriseuran toimituksia, xx, yy)
- Christensen T., Aleksandersen T.B., Aleström P., Lyche J.L. and. Bruzell E.M. Ultraviolet Radiation and Multiple Stressor Effects on Zebrafish Embryos, 16th International Congress on Photobiology - September 8th - 12th, 2014 - Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina. Book of abstracts, p. 345
- Ytre-Eide, M, Christensen, T, Johnsen Istad, TS, Nilsen, LT, and Johnsen, B (2017) Modeling Effective Albedo as a Function of Land Cover Type and Snow Type, Free and Open Source Software for Geospatial (FOSS4G) Conference Proceedings: Vol. 17 , Article 10. (2017) DOI:
- Hurem S, Fraser TWK, Gomes T, Mayer I and Christensen T. Sub-lethal UV radiation during early life stages alters the behaviour, heart rate and oxidative stress parameters in zebrafish (Danio rerio). (2018) Ecotox. Evnv. Safety 166, 359-365
- Nehete SV, Christensen T, Salbu B, Teien HC.Ultraviolet-B radiation mobilizes uranium from uranium-dissolved organic carbon complexes in aquatic systems, demonstrated by asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation. J Chromatogr A. 2017 1496:105-114. doi: 10.1016/j.chroma.2017.03.042. Epub 2017 Mar 21.
- Bruzell, E, Johnsen, B and Christensen, T. Relevance of investigating light transmittance through red protective shields in dentistry. BDJ Open. 2018; 4: 18004.
- Hurem S, Martín LM, Brede DA, Skjerve E, Nourizadeh-Lillabadi R, Lind OC, Christensen T, Berg V, Teien HC, Salbu B, Oughton DH, Aleström P, Lyche JL Dose-dependent effects of gamma radiation on the early zebrafish development and gene expression. PLoS One. 2017, 19;12(6)
- Hurem, S. Christensen, T. Effects of UV-B radiation combined with gamma radiation during early life stages of an experimental model fish, the zebrafish (Danio rerio), Abstract from the 18th Congress of The European Society for Photobiology, Haag 2019
- Christensen, T. Use of UVC to inactivate coronavirus, DSA-bulletin, number 4. 2020
- Wåseth, H. I., Christensen, T., Ikke-visuelle effekter av lys, Magasinet Lyskultur 03/2020, 2020
- Christensen T, Johnsen BJ, Bruzell EM. Violet-blue light exposure of the skin: is there need for protection? Photochem Photobiol Sci. 2021 May;20(5):615-625.
- Christensen,T, Johnsen, B.J., Ellen M. Bruzell, E.M, Evaluation of blue light protection of the skin, Abstract from the 19th Congress of The European Society for Photobiology, Salzburg 2021
- Christensen, T., Johnsen, B., Bruzell, E.M. Skin exposure to blue light from the sun, common light sources and electronic screens. Do we need a blue-blocking sunscreen? 5th International UV&skin cancer prevention conference, Virtual Conference 7 –9 September 2021