Guro Hansen Helskog

Fakultet for humaniora, idretts- og utdanningsvitenskap
Institutt for pedagogikk
Campus Drammen (5603)
My main theoretical interest is in the philosophy of education, wisdom research, and Bildung (danning), as depicted in my book "Philosophising the Dialogos Way towards Wisdom in Education. Between Critical Thinking and Spiritual Contemplation" (Routledge 2019). I am especially interested in the understanding of and teaching for wisdom advocated and practiced in different world philosophies and religions. My main practical interest is in philosophical dialogue for educational purposes at all levels in education, in work life, in health care and in intercultural and interfaith contexts. Specialties: Relationship education and ethics, dialogue facilitation and research, history and philosophy of education (Bildung/danning). I also work as a fitness instructor at Delta treningssenter, Vikersund kurbad, which I see as one dimension in my attempt to develop a holistic pedagogy for wisdom development. See


  • Teaching pedagogy in post graduate teacher education (PPU) (30 stp)
  • Teacher in the introductory program Pedagogikk som fag og vitenskap in Master of pedagogy (30stp)
  • Supervisor for the leader group at Drammen videregående skole
  • Project team member with Savitribai Phule Pune in India
  • Co-leader with Michael Noah Weiss in the Research group for pedagogical philosophical practice (P3)
  • Co-editor of the book series Reflective Practice Research (LIT Verlag) with Michael Noah Weiss


Jeg har særlig kompetanse i ledelse av gruppeprosesser, både i form av generell organisasjonsutvikling, klasseledelse og læringsmiljøarbeid, og mer spesifikt i form av filosofiske dialogprosesser. Dette som ledd både i forebyggende arbeid og i utviklingsarbeid. Jeg holder jevnlig såkalte Dialogos retreats og workshops.






Peer reviewed journal articles

  1. Helskog, Guro Hansen. 2021: Pedagogisk arbeid med skolens grunnverdi tilgivelse. Mellom skolens formål og de unges erfaring. (Pedagogical work with forgiveness as a core value in Education. Between the objectives of education and the lives of the young). Prismet Religionspedagogisk tidsskrift.
  2. Weiss, Michael Noah and Guro Hansen Helskog. 2020: «They have AHA-moments often» Teachers`experiences of Philosophizing The Dialogos Way with their Students. Educational Action Research.
  3. Helskog, Guro Hansen. 2016. Bildung towards wisdom through dialogue in teacher education. Arts and humanities in higher education, special issue on dialogue edited by Marije Althorf. 10.1177/1474022216670609 Level 1
  4. Helskog, Guro Hansen. 2015. Re-imagining Bildung zur Humaniät. How I developed the Dialogos approach to practical philosophy through action inquiry research. Educational Action Reseach. DOI: 10.1080/09650792.2015.1013048. Level 2
  5. Helskog, Guro Hansen. 2014. The Gandhi Project: Dialogos philosophical dialogues and the ethics and politics of intercultural and interfaith friendship. Educational action research. I: 1-20 DOI:10.1080/09650792.2014.980287. 

7. Stokke, Christian and Guro Hansen Helskog. 2014. “Promoting dialogical democracy. Dialogos dialogues in intercultural and interfaith education”. Studies in interreligious dialogue.

8. Helskog, Guro Hansen og Christian Stokke. 2014. “Enhancing relational spirituality. Dialogos dialogues in intercultural and interfaith education. Studies in interreligious dialogue”. Level 2

9. Helskog, Guro Hansen. 2014. “Moving out of Conflict into Reconciliation. Bildung through Philosophical Dialogue in Intercultural and Interreligious Education”. Educational action research 3:340-362.

10. Helskog, Guro Hansen. 2013. Justifying action research. Educational action research 1:4-20.

11. Helskog, Guro Hansen. 2012. Danning i retning av menneskelig modenhet og visdom gjennom filosofisk dialog? [Education towards human maturity and wisdom through philosophical dialogue?] Norsk Filosofisk tidsskrift 1: 46-58

11. Helskog, Guro Hansen.2003. Grunnskolens lese- og skriveopplæring. Et danningsperspektiv. Norsk Pedagogisk Tidsskrift 5-6: 370-377. Nivå 1

12. Helskog, Guro Hansen 2003. Den humanistiske dannelsen og 1990-tallets utdanningsreformer. Norsk Pedagogisk tidsskrift 1-2: 20-36.  


13. Helskog, Guro Hansen. 2021. Philosophizing towards Wisdom as nurturing the Tree of Life in us. Haser International journal for Philosophical Practice. 1/2021


14. Helskog, Guro Hansen and Michael Noah Weiss. 2021: Wisdom and the Art of Living in 8th grade. Haser nternational journal of philosophical practice 1/2021

15. Helskog, Guro Hansen and Glenn-Egil Torgersen. 2021. Towards a new

Higher Education Pedagogy. Haser International journal for Philosophical         Practice 1/2021

16. Helskog, Guro Hansen and Michael Noah Weiss. 2021: On the urgent Need for Philosophical Practices in main stream Education. Haser International journal for Philosophical Practice 1/2021  


Peer reviewed book chapters

1. Helskog, Guro Hansen and Michael Noah Weiss. 2023 forthcoming. Reflective Practice Research and Kaleidoscopic Epistemology. In: Weiss and Helskog. Reflective Practice Research in Higher Education Pedagogies. LIT Verlag 2023

2. Helskog, Guro Hansen. 2022: «Engler de dør aldri, de!» Eksistensielle temaer i hverdagslivet med barn i barnehagealder. I: Teresa Aslanian (red): Det er her det skjer! møter med religion, etikk og filosofi i barnehagen. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

3. Helskog, Guro Hansen 2019b. Om Askeladdens metode – eller essayet som erkjennelsesvei og klokskapsdannende skrivepraksis. I: Norunn Askeland og Iben Brinck Jørgenden (red). Kreativ akademisk skriving. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget.

4. Helskog, Guro Hansen, 2018. “Envisioning the Dialogos way towards wisdom”. In Detlef Staude and Eckhart Ruschman (eds): Understanding oneself and each other. Conference proceedings after the 14th conference on philosophical practice in Bern 2017. London: Cambridge Scholar.

5. Helskog, Guro Hansen. 2017. “Searching for wisdom the Dialogos way”. In Lydia Amir (ed): New Frontiers in Philosophical Practice. London: Cambridge Scholar.

6. Helskog, Guro Hansen. 2013. Profesjonell dannelse gjennom filosofisk dialog. Refleksjon - bevisstgjøring - modning. [Professional Bildung through philosophical dialogue. Reflection – enlightenment - maturation] I: Lars Gunnar Lingås og Knut Rune Olsen (eds): Pedagogisk veiledning [Pedagogical guidance]. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk 2013.

 7. Helskog, Guro Hansen. 2012: I retning av forsoning og et bedret læringsmiljø? En interaktiv konflikthåndteringsaksjon i videregående skole. [Towards reconciliation and a better learning environment? An interactive conflict resolution project in upper secondary school] I: Sjøvold, Jarle (ed): Entrepenørskap i utdanningen. Aksjonsforskning for endring av skolens kultur. Trondheim: Tapir akademisk   forlag. 2012. 

8. Helskog, Guro Hansen. 2011. Danning gjennom filosofisk dialog. En mulighet for det flerkulturelle og flerreligiøse samfunnet? [Education through philosophical dialogue. An opportunity for the multicultural and multi religious society?] I: Hagtvedt, Bernt og Gorana Orgnjenovic: Dannelse. Tenkning, modning, refleksjon. Oslo: Dreyer forlag 2011.  Gave til universitetet i Oslo i forbindelse med 200 årsjubileet 2011.

9. Helskog, Guro Hansen. 2008. The Norwegian State – a Relationship Educator. In Benson and Callan: What Works in Relationship Education? Lessons from Academics and Service Deliverers in the United States and Europe.