Aafke Diepeveen

Aafke Diepeveen

Fakultet for humaniora, idretts- og utdanningsvitenskap
Institutt for språk og litteratur
Campus Drammen (5612)
I PhD-prosjektet mitt forsker jeg på språklig interaksjon mellom politibetjenter og mistenkte i norske politiavhør. Veiledere: Guro Nore Fløgstad (USN) og Jan Svennevig (UiA/UiO) / Prosjekttittel: Establishing agreement on the suspect’s statement and admission of guilt: The interactional realization of the closing phase of the police investigative interview.



  • MN-MUI4600 Muntlig interaksjon (Master i norskdidaktikk)

Medlem, Redelighetsutvalget for USN og HiNN


  • Rettslingvistikk
  • Samtaleanalyse
  • Flerspråklighet


MA Lingvistikk, Universitetet i Oslo, 2020

MSc International Political Economy, Copenhagen Business School/Københavns Universitet, 2018


Diepeveen, A. (2024) The suspect's statement in interaction: Responding to ‘formulations’ in the investigative interview, Journal of Pragmatics, 220,
47-61. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pragma.2023.11.010.

Svennevig, J., Urbanik, P. & Diepeveen, A. (2023) How police investigators seek to secure that suspects speaking a second language understand their rights in investigative interviews. Police Practice and Research, 25(3), 324-342. https://doi.org/10.1080/15614263.2023.2233660

Diepeveen, A., Svennevig, J., & Urbanik, P. (2022) Suspects’ opportunities to claim their legal rights in police investigative interviews. International Journal of Speech, Language and the Law, 28(2), 171-200. https://doi.org/10.1558/ijsll.20349