Disputas: Asmat Nawaz

Asmat Nawaz ved Fakultet for teknologi, naturvitenskap og maritime fag vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d.: Perovskite Solar Cells: "Improved Active Layer Morphology and Pore-filling in TiO2 Nano-Scaffolds" onsdag 21. mars.

21 Mar

Praktisk informasjon

  • Dato: 21 mars 2018
  • Tid: kl. 10.15 - 16.00
  • Sted: Vestfold, auditorium A1-30
  • Last ned kalenderfil
  • Til å bedømme avhandlingen er oppnevnt:

    • Dr. Elif Alturk Parlak, TÜBITAK ME, Fotonik Teknolojiler Grubu, Tyrkia
    • Forsker Tor Olav Sunde, SINTEF Digital 
    • Førsteamanuensis Lars E. Roseng, Institutt for mikrosystemer

    Leder av disputas

    • Instituttleder Yngvar Berg


    • Professor M. Nadeem Akram, Institutt for mikrosystemer, HSN
    • Professor Kaiying Wang, Institutt for mikrosystemer, HSN


    Kl 10.15 Prøveforelesning: "Tandem and multi junction solar cells – materials, state of the art and future outlook" 

    Kl 13.00 Disputas

    Prøveforelesning og disputas er åpen for alle interesserte.

    Det vil bli en sammenkomst umiddelbart etter disputasen.

Om avhandlingen

Asmat PSCs have recently shown tremendous research interest due to their remarkable PV performance reaching up to 22% power conversion efficiency (PCE) in merely five years.

Coupling of PSCs with crystalline silicon solar cells in a tandem geometry is considered a novel approach in order to reduce the overall cost of energy generation (cost-efficiency balance) and to enhance the PCE. Another potential market advantage of the PSCs is the deployment of flexible PV technology.

By considering its properties of being lightweight, low-cost, flexible and thin, would make it easy to integrate on any surface (e.g.  building integrated photovoltaics (BIPV), automotive integrated photovoltaics (AIPV)) or structure (either curved, rigid, or flexible) and even in portable and indoor electronics.

The research work presented in this thesis is mainly focused on the improvement of the perovskite morphology, perovskite pore-filling and the role of selective contacts (compact and nanostructured) on the photovoltaic (PV) performance of the perovskite solar cells (PSCs). To improve the performance of PSCs, the perovskite morphology is improved via incorporation of additives (DI-H2O) or anti-solvent (Toluene) treatment method.

The role of selective contacts is significant for the stability and performance of PSCs. One-dimensional (1D) nanostructures (nanorods and nanotubes) are used as selective contacts. The healing (recrystallization of perovskite film in methylamine gas environment) process is done for improving pore-filling in 1D nanostructures in order to improve the performance and stability of the PSCs. The effect of low hole mobility on the PV parameters is also investigated. Low hole mobility leads towards lowering the performance of PSCs.