Disputas: Khim Chhantyal

Khim Chhantyal disputerer 20. september for doktorgraden med avhandlingen “Sensor Data Fusion based Modelling of Drilling Fluid Return Flow through Open Channels”

20 Sep

Praktisk informasjon

  • Dato: 20 september 2018
  • Tid: kl. 10.00 - 16.00
  • Sted: Porsgrunn, Rom A - 260
  • Last ned kalenderfil

    Til å bedømme avhandlingen er oppnevnt:

    • Første opponent: Ordinarius Professor Klaus Schilling, Informatics VII: Robotics and Telematics, University of Würzburg
    • Andre opponent: Professor Kjersti Engan, University of Stavanger
    • Administrator av komiteen:  Førsteamanuensis Corinne Feremans, USN


    • Hovedveileder for doktorgradsarbeidet har vært Professor Saba Kanagasabapath Mylvaganam, USN, og biveiledere har vært dr. Gerhard Nygaard og førsteamanuensis Håkon Viumdal, USN


    Kl 10.00 Prøveforelesning:

    Tema for prøveforelesning:

    “Sensor and Control Approaches for Autonomous Drilling, on Land, in Deep Sea and in Space”

    Kl 13.00 Disputas

    Prøveforelesning og disputas er åpen for alle interesserte. Rom A - 260. 


Graden avlegges ved  Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge (USN), Fakultet for teknologi, naturvitenskap og maritime fag.

Om avhandlingen

Khim Chhantyal received his Master of Science in System and Control Engineering from University of South-Eastern Norway (USN), in 2014.

He has been doing his PhD studies since September 2014, related to the flowmetering of drilling fluid, usually non-Newtonian, used in drilling operations as practiced in the oil and gas industries as well as geothermal applications. Khim Chhantyal - foto

Non-Newtonian fluids are complex fluids with interdependent densities, viscosities and fluid flow velocities.  He has submitted his thesis with the title, “Sensor Data Fusion based Modelling of Drilling Fluid Return Flow through Open Channels”, and the defense of his thesis is planned to be held on Thursday the 20th of September 2018.

Based on extensive pilot scale rig for drilling fluids in the process laboratory of USN,   Khim Chhantyal has studied different flow measurement systems for open channel flow measurements of drilling fluids. After studying existing measurement systems for drilling fluids, he used non-intrusive and non-invasive ultrasonic sensors for measuring the levels of the drilling fluid at different points in the open channel. Based on these multiple level measurements of the drilling fluid, using custom-made machine learning algorithms, Khim Chhantyal estimated the drilling fluid flow in open channels. The estimated drilling flow has been verified using other flowmetering techniques, which are costly in purchase and maintenance. 

Khim Chhantyals’s algorithms for flowmetering help to have a continuous check on in- and outflow of the drilling fluid in the circulation loop and hence can be used to detect kick and fluid loss. These  techniques based on real time processing of the ultrasonic level measurements in open channel help the early detection of kick and fluid loss and hence can be used to control the downhole pressure contributing to increased safety and reduced the drilling costs.

Khim Chhantyal’s research work is very closely related to the project SEMI-KIDD, supported by the Research Council of Norway, EQUINOR with a group of companies. Khim Chhantyal collaborated closely with EQUINOR’s research laboratory in Herøya, Telemark, especially in conjunction with characterization of the model drilling fluids used in the experimental studies.