Ansgar Ødegård og Chamara Kuruppu ved USN Handelshøyskolen fokuserer på hvordan Norge har endt opp som et land i front, når det gjelder å bygge et bærekraftig samfunn. Samtidig skriver de om noen av utfordringene som også Norge står overfor, som et rikt, velfungerende demokrati.
Som så mange utviklingsland, sliter Sri Lanka med store mengder avfall, som ender opp som store helsefarlige hauger, med skader på mennesker og dyr, lokal forurensning og store utslipp av CO2.
Gir avfallsråd til Sri Lanka

Våre forskere skriver om norsk gjenbruk og avfallshåndtering for parlamentet på Sri Lanka.
About the Journal
Ansgar Ødegård and Chamara Kuruppu have written the essay "Sustainable Development Aspirations in Norway: A perspective on circular economy and food waste». The essay is part of Parliamentary Research Journal, Volume 1, Number 6.
The primary objective of the Journal is to focus on important issues which need the attention of the entire nation. Instead of short-term, unsustainable programmes comprehensive lang-term policies have to be formulated. It is expected that the Parliamentary Research Journal would provide a platform for serious discussion on crucial national issues.
In their introduction, the editors of the Journal emphasize the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG):
"For the year 2017, we have selected "The SDGs and the Peoples' Aspirations" as our theme. The Sustainable Development Goals are a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity. It was adopted by world leaders in September 2015 at an historie UN Summit.
These 17 Goals build on the success of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) while including new areas such as climate change, economic inequality, innovation, sustainable consumption, peace and justice, among other priorities. The Goals are inter-related.
The spirit of partnership and pragmatism are important in achieving the SDGs All countries are expected to formulate strategies to overcome challenges. The SDGs deal with the root causes of poverty.
As the inhabitants of this planet we must act with responsibility to make positive changes. We need a common plan to address burning problems such as poverty, climate change and conflict. Our aim is to transform the world by 2030. In this issue of the Journal many relevant areas have been probed by the writers."
About the authors:
Ansgar Ødegård is an Associate Professor in Organization Studies at the USN School of Business. He has received a Master degree in Business Administration, and he works in the field of Process Studies, Corporate Social Responsibility, Social Innovation and Public Reforms. Ødegård is the former Dean at the Faculty of Social Sciences at University College of Vestfold and have been chairing the international programs in Corporate Social Responsibility in Buenos Aires.
Chamara Kuruppu is an Associate Professor at the USN School of Business. He has received a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka and both M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from Bodo Graduate School of Business, Norway. He is an Adjunct Associate Professor at Nord University, Norway.