- Course responsible SAM2000 Samfunnsvitenskapelig metode, Bakkenteigen
- Course responsible METN4000 Kvantitativ forskningsmetode
- Member Utvalg for utdanningskvalitet (UFU) at USN
Doctor rerum politicarum (dr. polit.), Witten/Herdecke University
Master of Science in Strategy, BI Norwegian Business School
Cand. mag., Universitetet i Bergen
PhD courses (60 ECTS)
- DRE1004 Multivariate statistics, 9 ECTS
- DRE3001 Strategy I: Foundations of Strategic Management, 9 ECTS
- DRE1006 Organisational Science, 6 ECTS
- DRE3002 Strategy II: Fundamental Issues in Strategy and Organization, 6 ECTS
- DRE3003 Strategy III: Research Frontiers in Strategy, 6 ECTS
Copenhagen Business School:
- Information Economics and Incomplete Contracting, 6 ECTS
Norwegian School of Economics (NHH):
- Forskningsdesign og Metodevalg, 8 ECTS
University of Oslo:
- Power and Organizations, 10 ECTS
Other courses (PhD- and postdoc-level):
- Categorical data analysis, instructor Paul Allison from University of Pennsylvania (University of Bologna, 5.-9. June 2006)
- Individual and corporate entrepreneurship in high-tech industries, instructors from Penn State University, New York University, Georgetown University, University of Pennsylvania/Wharton (Fondazione IRI/SIAF-International school for advanced education Volterra/Pisa, 11.-16. June 2006)
- Regression models for panel data, instructor Paul Allison University of Pennsylvania (University of Bologna, June 2007)
- Demography of organizations, instructor Glenn Carroll from Stanford University (University of Oslo, 8.-12. May 2006)
Work Experience
- Program Coordinator: Master in Systems Engineering with Industrial Engineering and Management, 2012-2019
- Specialization Coordinator: Master in Business Administration (siviløkonom), with Industrial Management, 2012-2019
- Responsible for SAM2000K Social Science Methodology, 2012-2018
- Responsible for IND4080 Research Methods, 2012-2018
- Associate Professor II at Høyskolen Kristiania, 2018-present
- Responsible for MKN2101/MKN2102 Statistics and Quantitative Methods
- Responsible for SOA3100 Statistics and Data Analysis
- Responsible KMR4100 Quantitative Methods
- Board Member of the Scandinavian Academy of Industrial Engineering and Management (ScAIEM), 2017-present
- Researcher II at the University of Bergen, Department of Comparative Politics, 2014-2015
- Research Fellow at the Department of Strategy and Logistics, BI Norwegian Business School, 1999-2012
- Project Manager for "Learning and Living," BI Norwegian Business School, 2008-2009
- Founder/Managing Director of Cogito Business Analyses (now Menon Economics), 1996-2000
- Founder/Managing Director of Ludus Philosophicus, published the board game "Socrates" through Aschehoug Publishing House as an educational tool for students in Examen Philosophicum. The board game was also published in Greece, 1994-1997
- Research Assistant/Project Assistant at the Foundation for Research in Economics and Business Administration (SNF/NHH), 1993-1996.