- Førsteamanuensis i engelsk, med ansvarsområder innen engelsk og fremmedspråk i PPU.
- Nestleder i forskergruppa Språkdidaktikk
- Medlem i forskergruppa Flerspråklighet, læring og utvikling (FLU)
- Medredaktør på temanummer om flerspråklighet for Language Learning Journal (LLJ)
- PhD i engelsk didaktikk og flerspråklighet
- 11 års erfaring fra undervisning som høgskole - og - universitetssektoren i engelsk didaktikk
- 11 års erfaring som lektor i engelsk og norsk fra videregående skole
- Visiting scholar på Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge i 2017
Myklevold, G.-A. (2023). The pedagogic potential of graphic novels: Empathy and literary awareness in Adrian Tomine's The loneliness of the long-distance cartoonist (2020). In ELLA, vol. 2, nr. 2, art. 9.
Myklevold, G.-A. (2022). Multilingualism in mainstream language education in Norway: Perceptions and operationalizations. Doctoral thesis. Published version:
Myklevold, G.-A. (2022). Operationalizing multilingualism in a foreign language classroom in Norway: opportunities and challenges. In Dahl, Anne, Krulatz, Anna & Neokleous, Georgios Educational Implications of Classroom-based Research on Teaching Foreign Languages in Multilingual Settings. Bristol: Multilingual Matters
Speitz, Heike & Myklevold, Gro-Anita (2022). The Subject of English in LK20: A Catalyst for Multilingual and Intercultural Competence? In Moving English Language Teaching Forward (2022), Magne Dypedahl (Ed.). Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Open Access.
Myklevold, Gro-Anita (2021). “That is a big shift for us”: Teachers’ and teacher educators’ perceptions of multilingualism and multilingual operationalizations. In Gargiulo, Marco, Haukås, Åsta & Iørn Korzen (Eds.). Globe: A Journal of Language, Culture, and Communication.
Myklevold, G.-A. & Speitz, H. (2021). Multilingualism in Curriculum Reform (LK20) and Teachers’ Perceptions: Mind the Gap? In Nordic Journal of Language Teaching and Learning.
Myklevold, G.-A. (2020). Working with literature: Two case studies. Chapter 13. In Christian Carlsen, Magne Dypedahl and Sara Hoem Iversen (Eds.) Teaching and Learning English (2020). Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
- Myklevold, G.-A. (2019). "Each person has a different story to tell": Homeless Identity in David Walliams' Metafictive Children's Book Mr Stink (2009), In Karen Sue Patrick Knutsen; Guri Ellen Barstad & Elin-Sofie Nesje Vestli (ed.), Exploring identity in literature and life stories: The elusive self. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. ISBN 978-1-5275-3571-8. Kapittel 17.
- Bøhn, Henrik & Myklevold, Gro Anita (2018). Exploring Communication Strategy Use and Metacognitive Awareness in the EFL Classroom, In Åsta Haukås; Camilla Bjørke & Magne Dypedahl (ed.), Metacognition in Language Learning and Teaching. Routledge. ISBN 9781138633384. 10. s 179 - 203.
- Myklevold, Gro Anita (2018). "Working with Literature: Two Case Studies", In Henrik Bøhn; Magne Dypedahl & Gro-Anita Myklevold (ed.), Teaching and Learning English. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISBN 9788202547615. Chapter 8. s 139 - 157
- Myklevold, Gro Anita (2017). I dare not write it, even hint it. Nobody will ever print it!: Metanarration and Metafiction in Postmodern English Children's Books, In Narratology Plus: Studies in Recent International Narratives for Children and Young Adults / Narratologie Plus – Studien zur Erzählweise in aktueller internationaler Kinder- und Jugendliteratur. Peter Lang Publishing Group. ISBN 9783631676844. Part I: Narrative Strategies and Identity. s 145 - 164.
- Bjørke, Camilla; Dypedahl, Magne & Myklevold, Gro Anita (2014). Hva er fremmedspråksdidaktikk?, I: Camilla Bjørke; Magne Dypedahl & Gro Anita Myklevold (red.), Fremmedspråksdidaktikk. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISBN 978-82-02-42450-3. 1. s 19 - 29
- Myklevold, Gro Anita (2014). Litteratur i klasserommet, I: Camilla Bjørke; Magne Dypedahl & Gro Anita Myklevold (red.), Fremmedspråksdidaktikk. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. ISBN 978-82-02-42450-3. Kapittel 13. s 180 - 194