Inessa Laur

Inessa Laur

USN Handelshøyskolen
Institutt for økonomi og IT
Campus Bø
Førsteamanuensis i entreprenørskap


Undervisning i entreprenørskap, innovation, organisation och ledarskap.

Deltar i forsknings och utvecklings projekt finansierade av externa aktörer.


2010-2015 - PhD i Entreprenörskap och hybrid organsationer/ Linköping University

2008-2010 - Master i innovation and entreprenörskap/Jönköping Business school

2006-2008 - Familjentreprenör inom handel

2003-2006 - Licentiat i affärsrätt/ Slavonic University

2002-2003 - Magister i Jurisprudence/Slavonic University

2000-2002 - Kandidat i Jurisprudence/ Slavonic University

1998-2000 - Praktisk inriktad utbildning i Ledning och redovisning/Pedagogisk Institute


Senaste publikationer:

Laur, I., & Mignon, I. (2021). Match or mismatch between gazelle companies’ challenges and the support provided by intermediary actors–an empirical example of the construction industry. European Planning Studies, Vol 29, Iss. 10, pp. 1845-1849. 

Laur, I., & Danilovic, M. (2020). Enabling change within new forms of organisations: an empirical investigation of change patterns and stakeholder influence on core intermediary activities. Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 33, Iss. 6, pp. 1047-1070

Inessa Laur, Magnus Klofsten & Dzamila Bienkowska, Joakim Wincent & Håkan Ylinenpää. (2019). Development of European cluster initiatives: stakeholders’ contribution and enrolment. Global Business and Economic Review, Vol 21, N6,p. 685-711.