Masterkoordinator for grunnskolelærerutdanningen, emneansvarlig vitenskapsteori og metode, førsteamanuensis i samfunnsfag med undervisning i grunnskolelærerutdanningen
2011 PhD: Disputation date: 13.05.2011.
Faculty of Humanities/Department of archaeology, conservation and historical studies, University of Oslo, Norway
2002 Master
Faculty of Humanities/Nordic Studies, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany
2017- 2021 Vice Head of Department and Head of the Social Sciences group at the
Department of Culture, Religion and Social Studies, University of South-Eastern Norway
2011- Associate Professor, Department of Culture, Religion and Social Studies, University of South-Eastern Norway
2020- Coordinator for the Master Program in Teacher Education at University of South-Eastern Norway
2014-2017 Head of Research Group body-movement- meaning, University College of South-Eastern Norway
2015-2017 Coordinator for the master program Educational Studies in the subjects Social Science, English, and Norwegian, University
Bornholdt, K. (2021). Controlling Masses, Unfolding Individual Potentials, and Enabling Cooperative Participation: Physical Education in Germany and the Nordic Countries. In: Exploring Textbooks and Cultural Change in Nordic Education 1536–2020, edited by Merethe Roos, Kjell Lars Berge, Henrik Edgren, Pirjo Hiidenmaa and Christina Matthiesen. Brill, 229-244.
Bornholdt, K. (2017). Helseopplyseren Carl Schiøtz og argumentasjonen for den normale og ideale nordiske (kvinne)kroppen. In: Sann opplysning? Naturvitenskap i nordiske offentligheter gjennom fire århundrer, edited by Merethe Roos og Johan Laurits Tønnesson. Cappelen Damm Akademisk, 335-360.
Bornholdt, K. (2015). A room of her own? Pathologies of housework and the modern kitchen. In Myndighet og medborgerskap, edited by Erling Sverdrup Sandmo, Hilde Sandvik, Kari Hærnes Nordberg and Hege Roll-Hansen. Novus Forlag, 241-255
Bornholdt, K. (2013). “’Just swinging it’”. Gymnastikkøller og kropper i interaksjon.” In Heimen 3, 247-262
Bornholdt, K. (2013). “Body Movements as Political Actors?” In Movements and Ideas of the Extreme Right in Europe: Positions and Continuities, edited by Nicola Kristin Karcher, Anders G. Kjøstvedt. Peter Lang, 21-41.
Bornholdt, K (2011). “Between Exhausting Sports and Swinging Rhythm. An Inquiry into Medical Knowledge Production about Women’s Sports and Women’s Gymnastics in the Interwar years”. Phd. Thesis, Department of archaeology, conservation and historical studies, Faculty of Humanities, Oslo University.