Nina Katrine Prebensen

USN Handelshøyskolen
Institutt for økonomi, markedsføring og jus
Campus Ringerike
Professor Nina K. Prebensen (PhD) is professor of Marketing at University of South East Norway. Prebensen has a long list of publication in highly regarded journals and books. She has been vise dean of Research at USN. Prebensen has led the research Centre for Innovation and Management at USN. She has managed projects such as “Service Innovation and Tourist Experiences in the High North: The Co-Creation of Values for Consumers, Firms and the Tourism Industry”. Prebensen has been working at UiT. The Arctic University of Norway as professor and as Director of School of Business and Economics. She has started and managed the research group “Experiential Marketing, Management and Innovation.


Teaching, supervising and research


PhD (2006) dept of Strategy and Marketing, NHH Norwegian School of Economics

Cand Econ. (2001) NHH Norwegian School of Economics. Dept of Strategy, Marketing and Management

Siviløkonom (1987) BI Norwegian Business School



Prebensen, Nina Katrine, Ph.d., Dr. Oecon, Professor in Marketing, 

University of South-Eastern Norway

Cell-phone, Norway : +47 91 34 25 15



Personal data 

Date and place of birth: 10. Oktober, 1962, Alta

Nationality: Norwegian

Status: two daughters (born 1990 and 1994), partner

Private address: Øvre Storgate 122, 3018 Drammen


Academic Degrees

2006    Ph.d. Dr. Oecon. Norwegian School of Economics. Dept of Strategy, Marketing and Management, NHH-Bergen. Dr. Oecon title: A Grammar of Tourist Motives.

2001    Cand Econ. (2001) NHH Norwegian School of Economics. Dept of Strategy, Marketing and Management

1987    Siviløkonom (1987) BI Norwegian Business School


Academic Positions

2021 -              Vice Dean Research and Innovation, University of South-Eastern Norway, School og Business

2018 - 2020      Director of School of Business and Economics

2008 - 2021      Professor, UiT. The Arctic University of Norway. School of Business and Economics.

2015 - 2017     Professor, University College of South-Eastern Norway, Campus Vestfold.

2006 - 2009     Associate Professor, Department of Social Sciences and Marketing and Statistics, Norwegian College of Fishery   Science, University of Tromsø


Co-editor positions: 

Journal of Travel Research (levl 4 AJG, level 2 UHR)

Journal of Business Research (level 4 AJG, level 2 UHR)

International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management (level 2 AJG, level 1 UHR)


Academic leadership positions

2021 -              Vice Dean FOUI, USN, School of Business

2018 - 2020     Director of School of Business and Economics, UiT. The Arctic University of Norway

2014 - 2016     Head of Center of Innovation and Management, HSN

2006 - 2008     Head of Program Committee Master of Business Creation and Entrepreneurship (BCE)

2009 -              Member of committee – Merging process: University of Tromsø, Harstad


Books (edited or monographic) peer-reviewed

  • Prebensen, N.K., J.S. Chen and M.S. Uysal (2017). 2nd. (Eds.) Creating Experience Value in Tourism. Oxfordshire: CABI.
  • Prebensen, N.K., J.S. Chen and M.S. Uysal (May, 2017) (Eds.) Value co-creation in tourism. Routledge.Lee, Y-S., Weaver, D. & N.K. Prebensen (April, 2017). (Eds.) Arctic Tourism Experiences
  • Production, Consumption and Sustainability. CABI.
  • Chen, J.S. and Prebensen, N.K. (2017). Eds. Nature Based Tourism. Routledge.
  • Prebensen, Nina K. (2016). Fra idè til suksess. Om å samskape verdifulle eventer. (From idea to success: Value co-creation in Events). Oslo: Cappelen Damm. 
  • Prebensen, N.K., J.S. Chen and M.S. Uysal (2014). Creating Experience Value in Tourism. Oxfordshire: CABI.

Publications peer-reviewed ( )

  • Prebensen, NK. (2021). Consumer Experiences: A story of a research journey - a process approach. In Dolnicar, S & Correia, A. (Eds.) Womens Voices in Tourism Research. Open Acces UQ Journal. 
  • Prebensen NK. (2021). Letter from Nina Katrine Prebensen: Talking and writing in the academic environment – the role of vulnerability. In Dolnicar, S. & Correi, A. (eds). – Women’s voices in tourism research ( Open access UQ journal.
  • Prebensen, NK., Burmester, M. & Aspvik, P.W. (2021). Digital forretningsmodellinnovasjon: Transformasjon av en filmfestival. Magma, In press. 
  • Prebensen, NK. and M. Uysal (2021). Value co-creation in tourism eco-systems: Operant and operand resources. In Sharpley (eds). the Routledge Handbook of the Tourist Experience. Routledge.
  • Björk, P., N.K. Prebensen, J. Räikkönen, & J. Sundbo (2021). 20 Years of Nordic Tourism Experience Research: A Review and Future Research Agenda. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism 21 (1), 26-36
  • Blomstervik, I.H., N.K. Prebensen, A.C. Campos & P. Pinto (2020). Novelty in tourism experiences: the influence of physical staging ang human interaction on behavioural intentions. Current Issues in Tourism, 1-18.
  • Xie, J., Tkaczynski, A., & Prebensen, N. K. (2020). Human value co-creation behavior in tourism: Insight from an Australian whale watching experience. Tourism Management Perspectives35, 100709.
  • Blomstervik, I. & NK Prebensen (2019). (Ch. 6) Communicating and interacting. In Pearce, P. (2019). Tourist Behaviour. The Essential Companion. Edgar Elwar.
  • Prebensen, NK., M. Uysal & JS Chen (2018). Value co-creation: Challenges and future research directions. In Prebensen, Chen & Uysal (2018) Creating experience value in tourism
  • Lee, YS., Sakuno, S., NK Prebensen & K Kimura (2018) Tracing Shintoism in Japanese Nature-based tourism experiences. Cognet Social Sciences, 4(1).
  • Beckmann, Anniken; Bratland, Trine; Prebensen, NK. (2018). Medarbeiderdrevet innovasjon i en digital verden. Magma - Tidsskrift for økonomi og ledelse, 21.(7): 60-69.
  • Chen, Joseph S., Prebensen, NK. & Uysal, Muzzo S. (2018). Dynamic drivers of tourist experiences. I: Creating Experience Value in Tourism. CABI Publishing. ISBN 1786395037. pp. 11-20.
  • Lee, Y-S.; Prebensen, NK. (2018). Value creation and co-creation experiences: an East Asian cultural knowledge framework approach. I: Creating Experience Value in Tourism. CABI Publishing. ISBN 1786395037. pp. 215-227.
  • Prebensen, NK.; Lee, Y-S. & Kim, Hyelin L. (2018). Japanese tourists’ relatedness and connectedness with nature. Beta, 32.(1) s. 5-19
  • Prebensen, NK., Uysal, Muzzo S. & Chen, Joseph S. (2018). Perspectives on value creation: Resource configuration. I: Creating Experience Value in Tourism. CABI Publishing. ISBN 1786395037. pp. 228-237
  • Wang, Wei; Chen, Joseph S.; Prebensen, NK. (2018). Market analysis of value-minded tourists: Nature-based tourism in the Arctic. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management,  8. pp. 82-89
  • Prebensen, N.K., & J. Xie (2017). Efficacy of co-creation and mastering on perceived value and satisfaction in tourists' consumption. Tourism Management, 60(June),166-176.
  • Wang, W., Chen, JS, and NK Prebensen (2017). Market analysis of value-minded tourists: Nature-based tourism in the Arctic. Journal of Destination Marketing & Management.
  • Prebensen, N.K. (2017). The mediating effect of real life encounters in co-writing tourism books. Tourism Management, 62, 1-9.
  • Chen, Joseph S.; Prebensen, NK.. (2017). Research Progress in Nature Tourism. I: Nature Tourism. Routledge. ISBN 978-1-138-96173-9. pp. 1-10
  • Chen, Joseph S.; Uysal, Muzzaffer S; Prebensen, NK. (2017). Challenges and research directions in co-creating tourism experience. I: Co-Creation in Tourist Experiences. Routledge. ISBN 978-1-138-18330-8. pp. 155-162
  • Lee, Y-S.; Prebensen, NK.; Weaver, David (2017).In Arctic Tourism Experiences. CABI Publishing  (ISBN 9781780648620).
  • Lee, Y-S.; Weaver, David; Prebensen, NK. (2017). Arctic destinations and attractions as evolving peripheral settings for the production and consumption of peak tourism experiences. In Arctic Tourism Experiences. Production, Comsumption and Sustainability. CABI Publishing. ISBN 9781780648620. s. 1-8
  • Lee, Y-S.; Weaver, David; Prebensen, NK. (2017). Arctic Tourism Experiences: Opportunities, Challenges and Future Research Directions for a Changing Periphery. In Arctic Tourism Experiences. Production, Comsumption and Sustainability. CABI Publishing. ISBN 9781780648620. s. 191-198
  • Prebensen, NK.. (2017), Innovation potentials through value proposals: a case study of a museum in northern Norway. I: Co-Creation in Tourist Experiences. Routledge. ISBN 978-1-138-18330-8. s. 64-75
  • Prebensen, NK. (2017). Staging for value co-creation in nature-based experiences: the case of a surfing course at Surfers Paradise, Australia. In Co-Creation in Tourist Experiences. Routledge. ISBN 978-1-138-18330-8. s. 36-49.
  • Prebensen, NK.. (2017). Successful event–destination collaboration through superior experience value for visitors. I: The value of events. Routledge. ISBN 9781138678415. Pp. 74-88
  • Prebensen, NK.. (2017). The mediating effect of real life encounters in co-writing tourism books. Tourism Management; 62. s. 1-
  • Prebensen, NK.; Chen, Joseph S. (2017). Final Remarks: Challenges and Research Directions. In Nature Tourism. Routledge. ISBN 978-1-138-96173-9. s. 208-214.
  • Prebensen, NK.; Chen, Joseph S.; Uysal, Muzaffer S. (2017). Co-Creation in Tourist Experiences. Routledge (ISBN 978-1-138-18330-8). Contemporary Geographies of Leisure, Tourism and Mobility(67).
  • Prebensen, NK.; Chen, Joseph S.; Uysal, Muzzaffer S. (2017). Tourist Experience creation: an overview. I: Co-Creation in Tourist Experiences. Routledge. ISBN 978-1-138-18330-8. s. 1-9.
  • Prebensen, NK.; Lee, Y-S.; Chen, Joseph S. (2017). Connectedness and Relatedness to Nature: A Case of Neo-Confucianism among Chinese, South Korean and Japanese Tourists. I: Nature Tourism. Routledge 2017 ISBN 978-1-138-96173-9. Pp. 57-67.
  • Prebensen, NK.; Lyngnes, Sølvi. (2017). Responsible Fishing Tourism in the Arctic. I: Arctic Tourism Experiences. Production, Comsumption and Sustainability. CABI Publishing. ISBN 9781780648620. pp 140-148.
  • Prebensen, NK.; Xie, Jinghua. (2017). Efficacy of co-creation and mastering on perceived value and satisfaction in tourists' consumption. Tourism Managemen, 60. pp. 166-176.
  • Vittersø, Joar; Prebensen, NK.; Hetland, Audun; Dahl, Tove Irene. (2017). The emotional traveler: Happiness and engagement as predictors of behavioral intentions among tourists in northern Norway. Advances in Hospitality And Leisure, 13. pp. 3-1
  • Chen, Joseph S.; Prebensen, NK.; Uysal, Muzzo. (2016). Tourist's experience values and people interaction. Advances in Hospitality And Leisure 2016 ; 12. pp. 169-179.  
  • Chen, Joseph S.; Wang, Wei; Prebensen, NK.. (2016). Travel companions and activity preferences of nature-based tourists. Tourism Review 2016 ; 71.(1) pp. 45-56.
  • Krag, Christoffer Wanga; Prebensen, NK. (2016). Domestic Nature-Based Tourism in Japan: Spirituality, Novelty and Communing. Advances in Hospitality and Leisure,  12. pp. 51-64.
  • Mathis, Elaine F.; Kim, Hyelin; Uysal, Muzzafer; Sirgy, Joseph M.; Prebensen, NK. (2016). The effect of co-creation experience on outcome variable. Annals of Tourism Research, 57. pp. 62-75.
  • Prebensen, NK.; Rosengren, Sara Therese (2016). Experience value as a function of hedonic and utilitarian dominant services. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 28.(1) pp. 113-135.
  • Tkaczynski, A.; Rundle-Thiele, SR.; Prebensen, NK. (2016). To segment of not? That is the question. Journal of Vacation Marketing 2016 ; 24.(1) pp. 16-28
  • Nordbø, I., & Prebensen, N. K. (2015). Hiking as mental and physical experience. Advances in Hospitality and Leisure, 11, 169-186.
  • Chen. J., Prebensen, N.K and Y-S. Lee (2015). Travel companions and activity preferences of nature-based tourists. Tourism Review
  • Prebensen, N.K. Kim, H. and Uysal, M. (2015). Cocreation as Moderator between the Experience Value and Satisfaction Relationship. Journal of Travel Research, 1–12. DOI: 10.1177/0047287515583359
  • Prebensen, N.K., M. Altin & Muzaffer Uysal (2015) Length of Stay: A Case of Northern Norway, Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 15:sup1, 28-47, DOI: 10.1080/15022250.2015.1063795
  • Tkaczynski, T., Rundle-Thiele, S.R., and Prebensen, N.K. (2015). Segmenting Potential Nature-Based Tourists Based on Temporal Factors: The Case of Norway. Journal of Travel Research, 54(2) 251–265.
  • Prebensen, N.K. (2014). Facilitating for value co-creation in tourist experiences. In Handbook of Tourism Marketing Scott McCabe Ed. The Routledge
  • Prebensen, N.K. (2014). Facilitating for enhanced experience value. In Alsos, G., D. Eide and E. Lier Madsen. Handbook of Research on Innovation in Tourism Studies. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • Lyngnes, S. and Prebensen, NK. (2014). Sustainable and Attractive Motorized Nature-Based Experiences: Challenges and Opportunities. Advances in Hospitality and Leisure, vol. 10, 151 – 171.
  • Prebensen, N.K., J.S. Chen and M.S. Uysal (2014). Creating Experience Value in Tourism. Oxfordshire: CABI.
  • Prebensen, N.K. (2014). Facilitating for enhanced experience value. In Alsos, G., D. Eide and E. Lier Madsen. Handbook  of Research on Innovation in Tourism Studies. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • Prebensen, N.K., Chen. J. and M. Uysal (2014). Co-creation of Tourist Experience: Scope, Definition and Structure. In Prebensen, N.K., J.S. Chen and M.S. Uysal (Eds). Creating Experience Value in Tourism. Oxfordshire: CABI. Pp. 1 - 11.
  • Chen, J., Prebensen, N.K. and M. Uysal (2014). Dynamic Drivers of Tourist Experiences. In Prebensen, N.K.,  J.S. Chen and M.S. Uysal (Eds). Creating Experience Value in Tourism. Oxfordshire: CABI. Pp. 11-22.
  • Lee, Y-S. and Prebensen, N.K. (2014). Value Creation and Co-creation in Tourist Experiences: An East Asian Cultural Knowledge Framework Approach.  In Prebensen, N.K., J.S. Chen and M.S. Uysal (Eds). Creating Experience Value in Tourism. Oxfordshire: CABI. Pp. 248-262.
  • Prebensen, N.K., Chen. J. and M. Uysal (2014). Challenges and Future Research Directions. In Prebensen, N.K., J.S. Chen and M.S. Uysal (Eds). Creating Experience Value in Tourism. Oxfordshire: CABI. Pp. 262-271.
  • Prebensen, N.K. (2014).Facilitating for enhanced experience value. In Alsos, G., D. Eide and E. Lier Madsen. Handbook of Research on Innovation in Tourism Studies. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
  • Chen, J.S., Prenbensen, N.K., Chen, Y., & Kim, H. (2013). Revelation of nature-minded tourists: a study of Swedish. Tourism Analysis, 18,
  • Mathisen, L. and Prebensen, N. K. (2013). Dramatizing an event through promotion. Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing.
  • Prebensen, N.K., T. Dahl, and J. Vittersø (2013). VALUE CO-CREATION. Significance of tourist resources. Annals of Tourism Research, 42, 240-261
  • Prebensen, N.K., Uysal, M. and Woo, E. (2012). Antecedents and Consequences of experience value for tourists. Current Issues in Tourism.
  • Prebensen, N. K. and Tkacynski, A. (2012). Domestic nature-based tourism: A case study of Norway. Tourism Analysis, 4/5.
  • Prebensen, N.K., Woo, E., Chen, J. and M. Uysal (2012). Motivation and involvement as antecedents of the perceived value of the destination experience. Journal of Travel Research, Online 20 september, 2012. 
  • Prebensen, N.K (2012). Value determinants of tourist experience. Advances in Hospitality and Leisure, 8, 189-214.
  • Prebensen, N.K (2012). Benchmarking tourist attractions. Advances in Hospitality and Leisure, 8, 85-108.
  • Prebensen, N.K. and Lee, Y-S. (2012). Why visit an eco-friendly destination?: Perspectives of four European nationalities. Vacation Marketing.
  • Rokenes, A. and Prebensen, N.K (2012). The nature and antecedents of fair price in tourist experiences. Advances in Hospitality and Leisure, 8, 127-148.
  • Prebensen, N.K., Woo, E., Chen, J. and M. Uysal (2012) Experience quality in the different phases of a tourist vacation: A case of Northern Norway. Tourism Analysis. 17, (5).
  • Tkacynski, A. and Prebensen, N.K. (2012). French nature-based tourists potentials to Norway: Who are they? Tourism Analysis.
  • Prebensen, N.K and S. Lyngnes (2011) Fisketurisme i et kunnskaps og verdiskapningsperspektiv: Fangst eller opplevelse? (Fishing experiences within a knowledge and value based perspective). Scandinavian Journal of Business Research, BETA. 1.
  • Svendsen, G. B and N. K Prebensen (2013). The effect of brand on churn in the telecommunications sector. European Journal of Marketing.
  • Prebensen, N.K. and L. Foss (2011) Coping and Co-Creating in Tourist Experiences, International Journal of Tourism Research, 13(1), January/February: 54–67.




Member of boards/part time positions:

2020 - 2021      Professor (20%) USN, Campus Bø

2017 -              Director of board: Kirei AS

2015 -              Researcher (20%) at Tromsø University Business School. University of Tromsø

2014 -              Member of Board. NODA, North Norwegian Design and Architecture Organization.

2009 -              Member of Board: Nordland Research Institute

2009 - 2011     Member of Board (vice chairman): nordnorsk reiseliv AS

2009 -              Member of Board and project leader of work package 2: Research Project: Northern Insights (Opplevelser i Nord)

2009 -              Deputy Board member: Faculty of Bioscience, Fisheries and Economics, UiT.

2009 - 2012     Member of Board: Taco Scientific AS

2008 -              Member of Board: MabCent: Marine Bio-techology, Tromsø Research Park

2008 -              Member of Board: Connect North Norway, Tromsø Research Park

2007 - 2009     Head of Board: Sommarøy Kurs og Feriesenter, Tromsø

2000 – 2015     Member of Board. Finnmarksløpet AS, Alta

2004 – 2009     Head of Board. Finnmarksløpet AS, Alta

2006 - 2008     Member of Board: Spesialkompetansegruppen for samarbeid mellom arbeidsliv og høyere utdanning,


Research and educational grants


Business Creation and Entrepreneurship

–    A master study Pilot Project at University of Tromsø.

      Funded by Innovation Norway, Troms Fylkeskommune (RDAII) and SAAB, 2008. Total Grant: NOK 8.430.000,-

Research Grant at University of Tromsø:

-                     Fish Tourism, 2008, (NOK 80.000,-)

-                     Ph.d. Candidate, 2009 (3 year project: fish tourism: NOK: 3.000.000,-)

-                     Exloring Tourist Experiences, 2008, (NOK 40.000 and NOK 20.000)

Norwegian Research Council:

-           Northern Insights (Opplevelser i Nord) (Euro 4 mill). In cooperation with Bodø Business School, Nordland Research Institute, Norut                Finnmark, Bioforsk and Harstad University College.


Research and Teaching Visits Abroad

Visiting Scholar: 1992-1993 University of Central Florida, contact: Professor Raymond Fisk.

Visiting associate professors and colleagues at Griffith University, Gold Coast and Queensland University, Brisbane, November 2009, contact QU: Dean Brent Richie.

Visiting associate professor at Nah Trang University, Vietnam, October 2009.

Teaching at Nah Trang University, Vietnam.

            August/September 2010; Destination Management (10 Stp).

Visiting Scholar at University of Queensland, Australia, August – December, 2011.

Visiting Scholar at Virginia Tech, US, January – June, 2012

Administrative and teaching responsibilities at University of Tromsø (since 2006)

2006 -              Teaching courses:

                                    Bachelor:         Marketing (BED 1004)

                                    Bachelor:         Entrepreneurship  (BED 2009)

                                    Master:            Branding (STV 6310)

                                    Master:            Consumer Behavior (BED 3003)

                                    Bachelor:         Commercialization (BED 2015)

                                    Master:            Services and Experience Economy. (BED 3032)

                                    Master:            Marketing Communication and Branding Strategies (BED  3033)

                                    Master:            Destination Management (Nha Trang)  


2006- 2008      Head of Program Committee Master of Business Creation and Entrepreneurship

2006 – 2007     Member of committee – The New University in Tromsø: dept of  Business and Economics , University of Tromsø.


2009 -              Member of committe – Merging process: University of Tromsø, Harstad   University College and Finnmark University College: Tourism in the High North

2014 – 2018     Founder and leader of research group: Experiential Marketing and Management (EMMI) at UiT


Present representative work for UiT:

                                    MabCent SFI,

                                    Connect North Norway

                                    BFE faculty (deputy board member).

                                    Opplevelser i Nord: research programme, part of board team.            

                        Committee work:

                                    Ph.d. commities, master commities, evaluation commities,

                                    professor commities


Project with Industry Partners              

2007 – 2008     Master in Business Creation and Entrepreneurship, UiT,  Strategic plan, application for funding, recruitments,                                                    implementations of plans, contact, networking etc.

2004 - 2008      Strategic work and plans. Finnmarksløpet AS, Alta

2007                Strategic work and plans. Sommarøy Kurs og Feriesenter.

1998- 1999      Project leader: Trend Studies in Germany. Norwegian Tourist Board (Innovation Norway), Hamburg, Germany.

2002                Project (in cooperation with consultant Gunnar Nilssen), Analysis of market for product development in Tourism. Norwegian                            Tourist Board.

2003                Project (in cooperation with consultant Gunnar Nilssen), Analysis of customer satisfaction – material for investment in new ferryboats in Troms. TFDS.

2002                Marketing, Image Analysis for Strategies. Finnmarksløpet AS, Alta

2009 - 2016     Opplevelse i Nord, research programme in cooperation with 30-50 industry partners (see:



Books (edited or monographic) peer-reviewed

  • Chen, J., Prebensen, N.K. & M. Uysal (2024). Experience Science. Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Prebensen, N.K., J.S. Chen and M.S. Uysal (2017). 2nd. (Eds.) Creating Experience Value in Tourism. Oxfordshire: CABI.
  • Prebensen, N.K., J.S. Chen and M.S. Uysal (May, 2017) (Eds.) Value co-creation in tourism. Routledge.Lee, Y-S., Weaver, D. & N.K. Prebensen (April, 2017). (Eds.) Arctic Tourism Experiences
  • Production, Consumption and Sustainability. CABI.
  • Chen, J.S. and Prebensen, N.K. (2017). Eds. Nature Based Tourism. Routledge.
  • Prebensen, Nina K. (2016). Fra idè til suksess. Om å samskape verdifulle eventer. (From idea to success: Value co-creation in Events). Oslo: Cappelen Damm. 
  • Prebensen, N.K., J.S. Chen and M.S. Uysal (2014). Creating Experience Value in Tourism. Oxfordshire: CABI


Publications peer-reviewed (last years)

  • Zhang, Y., & Prebensen, N. K. (2024). Co-creating with ChatGPT for tourism marketing materials. Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights5(1), 100124.
  • Chen, J., N.K. Prebensen & M. Uysal (2024). Convergence of Experience Science in Tourism, Hospitality, and Leisure. In Chen, Prebensen & Uysal (Eds.) Handbook of Experience Science; Tourism, Hospitality, and Leisure, Glaskov: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Burmester, M. & N.K. Prebensen (2024). Using Digital Technology to Expand and Intensify Tourism Experiences. In Chen, Prebensen & Uysal (Eds.) Handbook of Experience Science; Tourism, Hospitality, and Leisure, Glaskov: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Prebensen, N.K. (2024). Value Creation, Innovation, and Quality of Life in a Cultural Setting. In Chen, Prebensen & Uysal (Eds.) Handbook of Experience Science; Tourism, Hospitality, and Leisure, Glaskov: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Uysal, M., N.K. Prebensen, and J.S. Chen (2024). Final Remarks: Challenges and Research Directions. In Chen, Prebensen & Uysal (Eds.) Handbook of Experience Science; Tourism, Hospitality, and Leisure, Glaskov: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • Kristiansen, E., N.K. Prebensen & J. Chen (2023). Benefits of Volunteerism and Quality of Life: A Norwegian Perspective. In Uysal M., J. Sirgy & S. Kruger. (Eds.)  Handbook of Tourism and Quality-of-Life Research II: Enhancing the Lives of Tourists and Residents of Host Communities. Springer Publication.
  • Prebensen, NK. And M. Uysal (2021). Value co-creation in tourism eco-systems: Operant and operand resources. In Sharpley (eds). the Routledge Handbook of the Tourist Experience. Routledge.
  • Björk, P., N.K. Prebensen, J. Räikkönen, & J. Sundbo (2021). 20 Years of Nordic Tourism Experience Research: A Review and Future Research Agenda. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism 21 (1), 26-36
  • Blomstervik, I.H., N.K. Prebensen, A.C. Campos & P. Pinto (2020). Novelty in tourism experiences: the influence of physical staging ang human interaction on behavioural intentions. Current Issues in Tourism, 1-18.
  • Xie, J., Tkaczynski, A., & Prebensen, N. K. (2020). Human value co-creation behavior in tourism: Insight from an Australian whale watching experience. Tourism Management Perspectives35, 100709.

Publikasjoner i Cristin