Steffen Torp

Fakultet for helse- og sosialvitenskap
Institutt for helse-, sosial- og velferdsfag
Campus Vestfold (C2-54)


Professor ved Institutt for helse-, sosial- og velferdsfag


Helsefremmende arbeid

Helsefremmende arbeidsplasser, jobbengasjement, arbeidsnarkomani og jobb-familiekonflikt

Systematisk HMS-arbeid

Kreft, levekår og arbeid



Dr. Philos., Det medisinske fakultet, Universitetet i Bergen

Cand. Polit., hovedfag i psykologi, Universitetet i Trondheim

Fysioterapeut, Spesialist i helse- og miljøarbeid, MNFF


2002 - dd Førsteamanuensis/professor ved Høgskolen i Vestfold/Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge

1991 - 2002 Seksjon for Arbeidsmedisin, Institutt for samfunnsmedisinske fag, Universitetet i Bergen

1985-2002 Bedriftsfysioterapeut/arbeidsmiljøkonsulent i ulike bedriftshelsetjenester


Selected recent publications

Torp S. & Reiersen J. The Norwegian working life model promotes good health. Journal of The Norwegian Medical Association. Doi: 10.4045/tidsskr.21.0789.

Midje HH, Torp S., Øvergård KI. The role of working environment and employee engagement in person-centred processes. International Practice Development Journal November 2022.

Thualagant N., Simonsen N., Sarvimäki A., Stenbock-Hult B., Olafsdottir H.S., Fosse E., Torp S., Ringsberg K.C., Forrinder U., Haglund B. Tillgren P., (NHPRN). Nordic responses to covid-19 from a health promotion perspective. Health Promotion International 2022. daab211

Torp S, Kirsebom S, Rønningen GE. «Eie først», det betyr nytt liv!  Flyktningfamiliers erfaringer med å gå fra å leie til å eie bolig [«Refugee families' experiences of moving from renting to owning a home].  Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift 2022, 99(4), 491-508. 

Torp S & Reiersen J. How globalization and technological development in working life may influence public health. Nordic Public Health Conference. Iceland 2022.

Johnsen TL, Fyhn T, Jordbru A, Torp S, Tveito HT, Øyeflaten I. Workplace inclusion of people with health issues, immigrants, and unemployed youths – A qualitative study of Norwegian leaders’ experiences. Frontiers in Psychology, 2022 (June 16). Doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.687384. 

Torp S & Carlsen B. Er ikke arbeidsrehabilitering av kreftoverlevere også et viktig felt for onkologiske fysioterapeuter? [Is vocational rehabilitation of cancer survivors not important for cancer physiotherapists?] Fysioterapeuten. April 18, 2022. Fagkronikk. 

Jenny GJ, Bauer GF, Vinje HF, Rebecca Brauchli, Vogt K, Torp S. Applying Salutogenesis in the Workplace. In Mittelmark M.B., Sagy S., Eriksson M., Bauer G., Pelikan J.M., Lindström B., Espnes GA (Eds.). The handbook of salutogenesis. 2022; 321-336.  Berlin: Springer.

Midje HH, Øvergård KI, Torp S. Exploring work engagement in the context of person-centred practices: a qualitative study in municipal long-term care facilities for older people. International Practice Development Journal. 2021; 11(2): 6.

Rønningen GE, Ausland LH., Torp S. Masteroppgaver som viktige bidrag til kunnskapsbasert helsefremmende arbeid? Nordisk Tidsskrift for Helseforskning 2021; 17(2). Doi: 

Torp S, Brusletto B, Nygaard B, Withbro TB, Sharp L. Supporting self-employed cancer survivors to retain work: the experiences of self-employed survivors and social workers. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2021, 18. Doi: 10.3390/ijerph18084164

Eriksson C., Andersen, HM., Eriksson, A., Johannessen, A., Simonsen, N., Thualagant N. Torp S., Haglund BJA. Health promotion research in the Nordic countries – a scoping review of PhD dissertations 2008 – 2018. European Journal of Public Health 2021, suppl. 483.

Torp S & Lorentzen, C. Ulovlige stengsler bygging i strandsonen – en sak også for fysioterapeuter. Fysioterapeuten. Fagkronikk. 2021;10. nov. 

Torp S & Tveito TH. Selvstendig næringsdrivende med kreft trenger annen arbeidsrettet støtte enn lønnsmottakere, KAI-kronikken. Fagkronikk.

Torp S. I want to work; who can help me?  An overview of return-to-work policies and practices for persons with adverse health conditions in Norway. Tønsberg/Bratislava: Celsi/SGI /USN, 2021. 

Holubová, B., Kahancová, M., Kováčová, L., Kureková-Mýtna, L., Sedláková, M., Šumichrast, A., Torp, S. I want to work, who can help me? Strengthening the cooperation between policy makers and the non-profit sector in return to work of persons with health conditions (summary). Bratislava: Celsi/SGI /USN, 2021.  

Torp S & Reiersen J. Globalization, work and health: A Nordic perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2020, 17, 7661; doi:10.3390/ijerph17207661

Brusletto B, Nielsen RA, Engan H, Oldervoll L, Ihlebæk CM, Mjøsund NH, Torp S. Employment, working hour patterns and changes of jobs and education of 10-year cancer survivors: A descriptive, controlled registry study. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2020, 4:1403494820953330. doi: 10.1177/1403494820953330

Engan H, Oldervoll L, Bertheussen GF, Gaarder M, Nielsen RA, Paraponaris A, Stene GB, Sandmel JA, Tandstad T, Torp S. Long-term outcomes among cancer survivors in Norway – a study protocol for a registry-based longitudinal study. Journal of Public Health Research 2020, 9:1739. Available at:

Brusletto B, Ihlebæk C, Mjøsund NH, Torp S. From shaky grounds to solid foundations: A salutogenic perspective on return to work after cancer. Scand J Occup Ther 2020, 27(7), 524-535. doi: 10.1080/11038128.2019.1663922

de Rijk A, Amir Z, Cohen M Furlan T, Godderis L, Knezevic B, Miglioretti M, Munir F, Popa A, Sedlakova M, Torp S, Yagil D, Tamminga S, de Boer A. The challenge of return to work in workers with cancer: employer priorities despite variation in social policies related to work and health. Journal of Cancer Survivorship 2020;14:188–199. Doi: 10.1007/s11764-019-00829y 

de Boer AGEM, Torp S, Popa A, Horsboel T, Zadnik V, Rottenberg Y, Bardi E, Bültmann U, Sharp S. Long-term work retention after treatment for cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Cancer Survivorship 2020; 14:–150. Available at

Yiu K, Solum EM, DiLiberto D, Torp, S. Comparing approaches to research in global and international health: An exploratory study. Annals of Global Health 2020;86(1), p.47. Available at

Torp S & Ausland LH. Hvorfor Norge er godt rustet til å møte pandemier. Tønsbergs Blad, 2020. Kronikk. Available at

Reiersen J, Torp S. The labour market’s role in creating a Nordic welfare state regime – the case of Norway. 9th Nordic Health Promotion Research Conference, Roskilde, 2019

Torp S, Brusletto B, Withbro TB, Nygaard B, Sharp L. Work experiences during and after treatment among self-employed people with cancer. Journal of Occupatiional Rehabilitation, 2019 Doi: 10.1007/s10926-019-09845-2 (ahead of print)

Hagen, S., Overgard, K. I., Helgesen, M. K., Fosse, E., & Torp, S. Health Promotion at Local Level in Norway - Who, What, When, and How: A Response to Recent Commentaries. International Journal of Health Policy and Management 2019; 8(4): 253-255.

Torp S, Paraponaris A, van Hoof EV, Lindbohm ML, Tamminga SJ, Alleaume C, Campenhout NV, Sharp L, de Boer AGEM. Work-related outcomes in self-employed cancer survivors: a European multi-country study. Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation 2019, 29(2), 361-374. Doi: 10.1007/s10926-018-9792-8

Previtali F, Torp S, Miglioretti M. Searching for the balance: health needs and well-being at work in Italy and Norway. In A. Di Fabio (ed). Positive psychology for healthy organizations: The challenge of primary prevention in a cross-cultural perspective. New York: Nova Science Publisher, 2019

Hagen S, Øvergård KI, Helgesen M, Fosse E, Torp S. Health Promotion at local level in Norway: The use of Public Health Coordinators and Health Overviews to promote fair distribution among social groups. International Journal of Health Policy and Management, 2018.  Doi:10.15171/ijhpm.2018.22 (Ahead of print)

Brusletto B, Torp S, Ihlebæk C, Vinje HF. The process from diagnosed cancer to sustainable work: An unexpected journey. European Journal of Oncology Nursing 2018; 34: 21-27 (Ahead of print).

Torp, S, Lysfjord, L, Midje HH. Workaholism and work-family conflict among university academics. Higher Education 2018; 76:1071–1090. Doi: 10.1007/s10734-018-0247-0.

Kokko S, Liveng A, Torp S.  20 years of health promotion research in the Nordic countries: health, wellbeing and physical activity.  Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 2018; 46(Suppl 20): 3-6. (Editorial)

Eriksson A, Orvik A., Strandmark M., Nordsteien A., Torp S. Management and leadership approaches to health promotion and sustainable workplaces: A scoping review. Societies 2017, 7, 14. Doi:10.3390/soc7020014 (online)

Aanesen F, Meland E, Torp S. Subjective health complaints in adolescence: the role of self-esteem, stress from schoolwork and body dissatisfaction. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2017. Doi: 10.1177/1403494817690940.

Torp S & Syse J. Er selvstendig næringsdrivende en oversett gruppe i arbeidsrettet rehabilitering etter kreft? Best Practice Onkologi/hematologi. 2017; 4. At

Jenny GJ, Bauer GF, Vinje HF, Vogt K, Torp S. (2016). The application of salutogenesis to work. In Mittelmark M.B., Sagy S., Eriksson M., Bauer G., Pelikan J.M., Lindström B., Espnes GA (Eds.). The handbook of salutogenesis. 2016. Berlin: Springer. (pp 197 – 210)

Aas, MIH, Sonesson O, Torp S. A qualitative study of clinicians experience with rating of the Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) scale. Community Mental Health Journal 2016. Doi: 10.1007/s10597-016-0067-6

Torp S, Syse J, Gudbergsson S. Paraponaris A. Return to work among self-employed cancer survivors. Journal of Cancer Survivorship 2016. Doi:10.1007/s11764-016-0578-8

Hagen, S, Torp S, Helgesen M, Fosse E. Promoting health by addressing living conditions in Norwegian municipalities. Health Promotion International. 2016. Doi: 10.1093/heapro/daw052

Torp S, Vinje HF, Haaheim-Simonsen H. Work, well-being, and presence among researchers. International Journal of Mental Health Promotion 2016. Doi: 10.1080/14623730.2016.1207552

Hagen, S, Helgesen M, Torp S, Fosse E. “Health in All Policies”: A cross-sectional study of the Public Health Coordinator’s role in Norwegian municipalities. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2015; 43: 597-605. Doi: 10.1177/1403494815585614.

Nafstad I, Midje H, Torp S, Syse J. Arbeidsmiljøets betydning for jobbengasjement og helse blant mellomledere i kommunal sektor. Magma 2015; 18(2): 23-33.

Torp S, Kokko S, Ringsberg KC. Promoting health in everyday settings: opportunities and challenges. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2014; 42(Suppl 15): 3–6.

Torp S & Vinje HF. Is workplace health promotion in the Nordic countries really on the right track? Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 2014; 42(Suppl 15): 74-81.

Midje HH, Nafstad IT, Syse J, Torp S. Workaholism and mental health problems among municipal managers in Norway. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2014;56(10):1042-51. Doi: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000000223

Torp S & Thoresen L. Økonomiske konsekvenser når mor eller far får kreft. Kreftsykepleie 2014, (1), 10-