Master i pedagogikk med spesialisering i utdanningsledelse
- Fagkoordinator for utdanningsledelse
- Faglærer for emne Utdanningspolitikk og reform
- Veilder for masterstudenter i pedagogikk med spesilsering utdanningsledelse
- Arbeider med revisjon av master i pedagogikk (arbeidsgruppe)
- Co-created Education through Social Inclusion (COSI.ed). Mine oppgaver består av politisk analyse og identifisere og beskrive policydokumenter med søkelys på forholdet mellom praksiser for sosial inkludering og ungdom, utdanning eller opplæring.
- Deltaker i forskergruppen Studies in education policy and education practice (SEPP) ved USN
- Tilhører til den inter-institusjonelle forskningsgruppen Studies of the teaching profession, teacher education and education policy (TEPEE) http://Studies of the teaching profession, teacher education and education policy (TEPEE)
- Deltar i NAFOL - Nasjonal forskerskole for lærerutdanning
- Varamedlem i PEDRES utvalgsmøte (siden 10.2019)
Se Linkedin profil:
Dieudé A, (2023) Private school policy and practice in Norway: Governing private schools: State funding and standardisation
Dieudé A, Prøitz TS. (2022) Curriculum policy and instructional planning: Teachers’ autonomy across various school contexts. European Educational Research Journal. doi:10.1177/14749041221075156
Dieudé, A. (2021) Legitimizing private school policy within a political divide: the role of international references, Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy, DOI: 10.1080/20020317.2021.1963593
Mølstad, C.E., Prøitz, T.S. and Dieudé, A. (2021), When assessment defines the content—understanding goals in between teachers and policy. The Curriculum Journal, 32: 290-314.
Conference presentations:
Dieudé, A. (2021, November). School leaders’ perception of autonomy in diverse school contexts. Paper presentert på Diversity in Teacher Education Research Conference, Bergen.
"Peeling back layers – a macro and micro analysis of private and public teachers’ interpretations of curriculum". Alessandra Dieudè and Tine Sophie Prøitz. Paper presentation at ECER Conference in Hamburg, 09.2019
"School leader - municipal relationships in school development work". Tine Sophie Prøitz, Alessandra Dieudè and Christine Rendahl Stenersen. Paper presentation at ISCAR Conference in Stavanger, 01.2019
"Exploring international points of reference in Norwegian private education policy". Alessandra Dieudé. Paper presentation at ECER Conference in Bolzano, 09.2018
"Exploring the legitimacy of Norwegian private education policy over the last fifty years". Alessandra Dieudé. Paper presentation at NERA Conference in Oslo, 03.2018
Populærvitenskapelig artikkel:
"Skolelederen som endringsagent - hva nå under Fagfornyelsen?" - Alessandra Dieudè, Christine R. Stenersen, Cathrine Gjølstad, Pernille J. Berg & Tine S. Prøitz. 2020, Skolelederen. USN