- MSM4103 -Green IT & GIS (siden 2021)
- 5709: Landmåling (siden 2014)
- 5704: Fjernanalyse (siden 2015
- 5602: Database 5602 (Geodatabase del, siden 2014)
- 2705: Prosjektarbeid i GIS (siden 2015)
- 5708: GIS og Kart 5708 (Landmåling del, siden 2014)
Hoved-forskningsområder (se på liste over prosjekter i Researchgate)
- Geospatial kunstig intelligens og maskinlæring
- GIS, geodata, digital kartografi og stor datamengde
- Drone fotogrammetri, GNSS, and fjernanalyse
- Naturfare og miljøproblemer (jordskred, flom, erosjon, skogbrann, biomasse, jordssalt, jordbruk og klimaendringer)
- Ingeniørgeologi og strukturelle forskyvninger
- Medlem av Management Information Systems
Vitenskapelig redaktør
- Vitenskapelig redaktør av Geomorphology (Elsevier, SCI, WoE, IF:3.308)
- Vitenskapelig redaktør av Journal of Mountain Science (Springer, SCIE, WoE, IF:1.016)
- Vitenskapelig redaktør av Vietnam Journal of Earth Sciences
- Gjett redaktør av ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information (SCIE,WoE, IF:1.732) in Special Issue "Advance Geospatial Artificial Intelligence for Landslide Modeling, Prediction and Management", 2/2019-11/2019
- Gjett redaktør av Sensors (SCIE, WoS, IF:3.031) in Special Issue "Advances in Sensors and Intelligent Techniques for Natural Hazard Modeling and Management", 9/2019-5/2020
- Gjett redaktør av Sensors (SCIE, WoS, IF:3.031) in Special Issue "Advances in Sensors, Monitoring, and Intelligence Techniques for Geotechnical Engineering and Geology", 9/2019-5/2020
- Gjett redaktør av Remote Sensing (SCIE, WoS, IF:3.244) in Special Issue "Advance Geospatial Artificial Intelligence for Forest Modeling, Prediction, Conservation and Management", 4/2019-4/2020
- Gjett redaktør av Remote Sensing (SCIE, WoE, IF:3.244) in Special Issue "Advanced Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics in Remote Sensing for Natural Hazards Management", 2/2018-2/2019
- Anmelder for 26 SCI /SCIE vitenskapelige tidsskrifter: (1) Natural Hazards; (2) Landslides; (3) Geomorphology; (4) Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences; (5) Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk; (6) Arabian Journal of Geosciences; (7) Journal of Mountain Science; (8) Remote Sensing of Environment; (9) Journal of Applied Remote Sensing; (10) GIScience & Remote Sensing; (11) Geocarto International; (12) Environmental Monitoring and Assessment; (13) Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment; (14) Environmental Earth Sciences; (15) Sustainability; (16) Entropy; (17) Earth Science Informatics; (18) Separation Science and Technology; (19) Water Resources Management; (20) IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics; (21) Catena; (22) International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making; (23) Science of The Total Environment; (24) ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information; (25) Mathematical Geosciences; (26) Remote Sensing.
PhD veileder
- Torbjørn Grande Østby, University of South-Eastern Norway (USN), Porsgrunn, Norway (2019-2022)
- Lam Van Nguyen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Ålesund, Norway (2019-2022)
- Jasmine Anastasia Hayes, University of South-Eastern Norway (USN), Bø i Telemark, Norway (2018-2021)
- Nguyen Quang Minh, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology (HUMG), Hanoi, Vietnam (2018-2021)
- Nguyen Thanh Bang, Vietnam Institute of Meteorology, Hydrology and Climate Changes, Hanoi, Vietnam (2018-2021)
- Gian Quoc Anh, VNU University of Engineering and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam (2017-2020)
- Ngo Thi Phuong Thao, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology (HUMG), Hanoi, Vietnam (2017-2020)
- Nguyen Thanh Le, Hanoi University of Mining and Geology (HUMG), Hanoi, Vietnam (2017-2020)
- Ph.D. degree in Geomatikk ved Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet (NMBU) (2013)
- >170 publikasjoner (> 140 SCI/SCIE artikler; >10 bokkapitler)
- 01 Conference proceeding book 2018: "Advances and Applications in Geospatial Technology and Earth Resources", Springer: Link
- 01 Conference proceeding book 2020: "Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovations for Sustainable and Responsible Mining", Springer : Link
- 01 Edited book 2019: "Handbook of Probabilistic Models", Elsevier: Link
- 01 Edited book 2021: "Basics of Computational Geophysics", Elsevier: Link
Utvalgte publikasjoner
Tidskrifters artikler (SCI, SCIE, Web of Science)
- Rahmati, Omid; Kornejady, Aiding; Samadi, Mahmood; Deo, Ravinesh C.; Conoscenti, Christian; Lombardo, Luigi; Dayal, Kavina; Taghizadeh-Mehrjardi, Ruhollah; Pourghasemi, Hamid Reza; Kumar, Sandeep; Tien Bui, Dieu. 2019. PMT: new analytical framework for automated evaluation of geo-environmental modelling approaches. Science of the Total Environment
- Dou, Jie; Yunus, Ali P.; Tien Bui, Dieu; Merghadi, Abdelaziz; Sahana, Mehebub; Zhu, Zhongfan; Chen, Chi-Wen; Khosravi, Khabat; Yang, Yong; Pham, Binh Thai, 2019. Assessment of advanced random forest and decision tree algorithms for modeling rainfall-induced landslide susceptibility in the Izu-Oshima Volcanic Island, Japan. Science of the Total Environment
- Hoa, PV., Giang, NV., Binh, NA., Hai, LVH., Pham, TD., Hasanlou, M., Tien Bui, D. 2019. Soil Salinity Mapping Using SAR Sentinel-1 Data and Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms: A Case Study at Ben Tre Province of the Mekong River Delta (Vietnam). Remote Sensing ;Volum 11.(2)
- Jaafari, A.,; Panahi, M., Pham, BT., Shahabi, H., Tien Bui, D., Rezaie, F., Lee, S., 2019. Meta optimization of an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system with grey wolf optimizer and biogeography-based optimization algorithms for spatial prediction of landslide susceptibility. Catena ;Volum 175. s. 430-445
- Wang,Y., Hong,H.,Chen, W., Li, S., Pamučar, D., Gigović, L., Drobnjak, S., Tien Bui, D., Duan, H.,, 2019. A Hybrid GIS Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Method for Flood Susceptibility Mapping at Shangyou, China. Remote Sensing
- Khosravi, K., Pham, B.T., Chapi, K., Shirzadi, A., Shahabi, H., Revhaug, I., Prakash, I. and Tien Bui, D., 2018. A comparative assessment of decision trees algorithms for flash flood susceptibility modeling at Haraz watershed, northern Iran. Science of The Total Environment, 627, 744-755.
- Khosravi, K., Panahi, M., and Tien Bui, D. 2018. A comprehensive study of new hybrid models for Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) with Invasive Weed Optimization (IWO), Differential Evolution (DE), Firefly (FA), Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and Bees (BA) algorithms for spatial prediction of groundwater spring potential mapping. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussion. 2018:1-45.
- Vafaei, S., Soosani, J., Adeli, K., Fadaei, H., Naghavi, H., Pham, T.D. and Tien Bui, D., 2018. Improving Accuracy Estimation of Forest Aboveground Biomass Based on Incorporation of ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 and Sentinel-2A Imagery and Machine Learning: A Case Study of the Hyrcanian Forest Area (Iran). Remote Sensing, 10(2), 172.
- Dang, V.H., Tien Bui, D., Tran, X.L., Hoang, N.D., 2018. Enhancing Accuracy of Rainfall-Induced Landslide Prediction along Mountain Road with GIS-Based Random Forest Classifier. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment (Accepted, In press)
- Pham, T.D, Le, N.N, Yoshino, K., Tien Bui, D., 2018. Estimating Aboveground Biomass of Mangrove Plantation in the Northern coast of Vietnam using machine learning techniques with an integration of ALOS-2 PALSAR-2 and Sentinel-2A data. International Journal of Remote Sensing (Accepted, In press). DOI:10.1080/01431161.2018.1471544
- Hoang, N-D., Nguyen, Q-L., Tien Bui, D., 2018. Image Processing Based Classification of Asphalt Pavement Cracks Using Support Vector Machine Optimized by Artificial Bee Colony. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering (Accepted, In press)
- Hoang, N-D., Tien Bui, D., 2018. Spatial Prediction of Rainfall-Induced Shallow Landslides Using Gene Expression Programming Integrated with GIS: A Case Study in Vietnam. Natural Hazards. Doi:10.1007/s11069-018-3286-z
- Pham, B.T., Abolfazl,J., Prakash, I., Tien Bui, D., (2018). A Novel Hybrid Intelligent Model of Support Vector Machines and MultiBoost Ensemble for Landslide Susceptibility Modeling. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment (Accepted, In press)
- Pham, T.D., Tien Bui, D., Yoshino, K., Le, N.N (2018). Optimized Rule-Based Logistic Model Tree Algorithm for Mapping Mangrove Species Using ALOS PALSAR Imagery and GIS in the Tropical Region. Environmental Earth Sciences. 77:159
- Pham, T.B., Prakash, I., Tien Bui, D., (2018). Bagging based Support Vector Machines for spatial prediction of landslides. Environmental Earth Sciences. 77:146
- Chen, W., Xie, X., Peng, J., Shahabi, H., Hong, H., Tien Bui, D., Duan, Z., Li, S. and Zhu, A.X., 2018. GIS-based landslide susceptibility evaluation using a novel hybrid integration approach of bivariate statistical based random forest method. CATENA, 36, 135-149
- Hong, H., Liu, J., Tien Bui, D., Pradhan, B., Acharya, T.D., Pham, B.T., Zhu, A.X., Chen, W. and Ahmad, B.B., 2018. Landslide susceptibility mapping using J48 Decision Tree with AdaBoost, Bagging and Rotation Forest ensembles in the Guangchang area (China). CATENA, 163, 399-413
- Tien Bui, D., Hoang, N-D., (2017). A Bayesian framework based on a Gaussian mixture model and radial-basis-function Fisher discriminant analysis (BayGmmKda V1.1) for spatial prediction of floods. Geoscientific Model Development , 10, 3391-3409
- Chapi, K., Singh, VP., Shirzadi, A., Shahabi, H., Tien Bui, D., Pham, BT., Khosravi K.,(2017) A novel hybrid artificial intelligence approach for flood susceptibility assessment. Environmental Modelling & Software, 95:229-45
- Shirzadi, A., Shahabi, H., Chapi, K., Tien Bui, D., Pham, B.T., Shahedi, K. and Ahmad, B.B., (2017). A comparative study between popular statistical and machine learning methods for simulating volume of landslides. CATENA, 157, 213-226
- Quoc Anh, G., Tran, D-T., Nguyen, D-C., Nhu,VH., Tien Bui, D., (2017). Design and Implementation of Site-Specific Rainfall- Induced Landslide Early Warning and Monitoring System: A Case study at Nam Dan landslide (Vietnam). Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk. 8(2), 1978-1996.
- Pham, T.B., Shirzadi, A., Tien Bui, D.,Prakash, I., Dholakia, M.B (2017). A Hybrid Machine Learning Ensemble Approach Based on a Radial Basis Function Neural Network and Rotation Forest for Landslide Susceptibility Modeling: A Case Study in the Himalayan Area, India. International Journal of Sediment Research
- Hong, H., Liu,J., Zhu, A.X., Shahabi, H., Pham, T.B., Chen, W., Pradhan, B., Tien Bui, D. (2017). A novel hybrid integration model using support vector machines and random subspace for weather-triggered landslide susceptibility assessment in the Wuning area (China). Environmental Earth Sciences. 76:652.
- Nguyen, QK., Tien Bui, D., Hoang, N., Trinh, P., Nguyen, V., Yilmaz, I (2017). A Novel Hybrid Approach Based on Instance Based Learning Classifier and Rotation Forest Ensemble for Spatial Prediction of Rainfall-Induced Shallow Landslides Using GIS. Sustainability. 9(5), 813
- Were, K., Tien Bui, D., Dick, Ø.B., Singh, B. R., (2017). A Novel Evolutionary Genetic Optimization-Based Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System and GIS Predict and Map Soil Organic Carbon Stocks across an Afromontane Landscape. Pedosphere. 5, 877-889
- Pham,BT., Tien Bui,D., Prakash,I., Nguyen,LH., Dholakia.,MB (2017). A Comparative Study of Sequential Minimal Optimization Based Support Vector Machines, Vote Feature Intervals and Logistic Regression in Landslide Susceptibility Assessment Using GIS. Environmental Earth Sciences. 76:371
- Shirzadi, A., Tien Bui, D., Pham, T-B., Solaimani, K., Chapi, K., Kavian, A., Shahabi, H., Revhaug, I., (2017). Shallow landslide susceptibility assessment using a novel hybrid intelligence approach. Environmental Earth Sciences. 76:60
- Chen,W., Xie, X., Wang, J., Pradhan, B., Hong, H., Tien Bui, D., Duan, Z., Ma, J.(2017). A comparative study of logistic model tree, random forest, and classification and regression tree models for spatial prediction of landslide susceptibility. Catena 151, 147-160
- Pham, T.D., Yoshino, K., Tien Bui, D., (2017). Biomass Estimation of Sonneratia caseolaris (l.) Engler at A Coastal Area of Hai Phong city (Vietnam) using ALOS-2 PALSAR Imagery and GIS-Based Multi-Layer Perceptron Neural Networks. GIScience & Remote Sensing. 54(3), 329-353
- Tien Bui, D., Bui, Q-T., Nguyen, Q-P., Pradhan, B., Trinh, PT., (2016). A Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Approach Using GIS-Based Neural-Fuzzy Inference System and Particle Swarm Optimization for Forest Fire Susceptibility Modeling at A Tropical Area. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 233, 32-44
- Pham, BT., Tien Bui, D., Dholakia, M.B., Prakash, I., Pham, V-H., Mehmood, K., Le, Q-H., 2016. A Novel Ensemble Classifier of Rotation Forest and Naïve Bayer for Landslide Susceptibility Assessment at the Luc Yen District, Yen Bai Province (Viet Nam) Using GIS. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk. 8(2), 649-671
- Bui, K.T.T., Tien Bui, D., Zou, J., Doan, C.V., Revhaug, I., (2016). A Novel Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Approach Based on Neural Fuzzy Inference Model and Particle Swarm Optimization for Horizontal Displacement Modeling of Hydropower Dam. Neural Computing and Applications. Doi:10.1007/s00521-016-2666-0
- Hong, H., Pradhan, B., Tien Bui., D; Xu, C., Youssef, A.M., Chen, W., (2016). Comparison of Four Kernel Functions Used in Support Vector Machines for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping: A Case Study at Suichuan area (China). Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk. 8(2), 544-569.
- Chen, W., Wang, J., Xie, X., Hong, H., Van Trung, N., Tien Bui, D., Wang, G., & Li, X. (2016). Spatial prediction of landslide susceptibility using integrated frequency ratio with entropy and support vector machines by different kernel functions. Environmental Earth Sciences, 75 (20), 1344
- Pham, BT., Tien Bui, D., Prakash, I., Dholakia, M.B., (2016). Hybrid Integration of Multilayer Perceptron Neural Networks and Machine Learning Ensembles for Landslide Susceptibility Assessment at Himalayan Area (India) using GIS. CATENA. 149, 52-63
- Pham, BT., Tien Bui, D., Pham, V-H., Le, Q-H., Prakash, I., Dholakia, M.B., (2016). Landslide Hazard Assessment Using Random SubSpace fuzzy rules based Classifier Ensemble and Probability Analysis of Rainfall Data: A Case Study at Mu Cang Chai District, Yen Bai province (Viet Nam). Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing. 45, 673–683
- Hoang, N.-D., Tien Bui, D., 2016. Predicting Earthquake-Induced Soil Liquefaction Based on a Hybridization of Kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis and Least Squares Support Vector Machine: A Multi-Dataset Study. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment. 77, 191–204
- Tien Bui, D., Ho, TC., Pradhan, B., Pham, BT., Nhu, VH., Revhaug, I., (2016). GIS-Based Modeling of Rainfall-Induced Landslides Using Data Mining Based Functional Trees Classifier with AdaBoost, Bagging, and MultiBoost Ensemble Frameworks. Environmental Earth Sciences. 75:1101
- Pham, BT., Pradhan, B., Tien Bui, D, Prakash, I., Dholakia, M.B., (2016). A Comparative Study of Different Machine Learning Methods for Landslide Susceptibility Assessment: A Case Study of Uttarakhand Area (India). Environmental Modelling and Software. 84, 240-250
- Tien Bui, D., Pradhan, B., Nampak, H., Quang Bui, T., Tran, Q.-A., Nguyen, Q.P., (2016). Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Approach Based on Neural Fuzzy Inference Model and Metaheuristic Optimization for Flood Susceptibility Modelling in A High-Frequency Tropical Cyclone Area using GIS. Journal of Hydrology, 540, 317-330
- Hoang, N.-D., Tien Bui, D., & Liao, K.-W. (2016). Groutability estimation of grouting processes with cement grouts using Differential Flower Pollination Optimized Support Vector Machine. Applied Soft Computing, 45, 173-186
- Tien Bui, D., Le, T.K.T., Nguyen, VC., Le, DH., Revhaug, I., (2016). Tropical Forest Fire Susceptibility Mapping at the Cat Ba National Park Area, Hai Phong City, Vietnam, Using GIS-Based Kernel Logistic Regression. Remote Sensing. 8(4), 347
- Tien Bui, D., Tuan, TA., Hoang, ND., Thanh, NQ., Nguyen, BD., Liem, NV., Pradhan,B., (2016). Spatial Prediction of Rainfall-induced Landslides for the Lao Cai area (Vietnam) Using a Novel hybrid Intelligent Approach of Least Squares Support Vector Machines Inference Model and Artificial Bee Colony Optimization. Landslides. 14, 447–458
- Tien Bui, D., Nguyen, QP., Hoang, ND., Klempe, H., (2016). A Novel Fuzzy K-Nearest Neighbor Inference model with Differential Evolution for Spatial Prediction of Rainfall-Induced Shallow Landslides in a Tropical Hilly Area using GIS. Landslides. 14, 1–17
- Tien Bui, D., Pham, BT., Nguyen, Q.P., Hoang, ND. (2016). Spatial Prediction of Rainfall-Induced Shallow Landslides Using Hybrid Integration Approach of Least Squares Support Vector Machines and Differential Evolution Optimization: A Case Study in Central Vietnam. International Journal of Digital Earth. 9, 1077-1097
- Pham, BT., Tien Bui, D., Dholakia, M.B., Prakash, I., Pham, HV. (2016). Rotation forest fuzzy rule-based classifier ensemble for spatial prediction of landslides using GIS. Natural Hazards. 83, 97–127
- Hong, H., Chen,W.,Xu, C.,Youssef, A., Pradhan, B., Tien Bui, D.(2016). Rainfall-Induced Landslide Susceptibility Assessment at the Chongren Area (China) using Frequency Ratio, Certainty Factor, and Index of Entropy. Geocarto International. 32, 139-154
- Pham, T-B., Tien Bui, D., Pourghasemi, H., Prakash,I., Dholakia, M.B., (2015). Landslide susceptibility assesssment in the Uttarakhand area (India) using GIS: a comparison study of prediction capability of Naïve bayes, multilayer perceptron neural networks, and functional trees methods. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 128, 255–273
- Hong, H., Pradhan, B., Jebur, M., Tien Bui, D., Xu, C. & Akgun, A., (2015). Spatial prediction of landslide hazard at the Luxi area (china) using support vector machines. Environmental Earth Sciences, 75 (1), 1-14
- Hoang, N-D., Tien Bui, D. (2015). Novel Relevance Vector Machine Classifier with Cuckoo Search Optimization for Spatial Prediction of Landslides. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CP.1943-5487.0000557
- Dou, J., Tien Bui, D., Yunus, A. P., Jia, K., Song, X., Revhaug, I., Xia, H., and Zhu, Z. (2015). Optimization of causative factors for landslide susceptibility evaluation using remote sensing and GIS data in parts of Niigata, Japan. PloS one, 10(7), e0133262
- Hong, H., Pradhan, B., Xu, C., and Tien Bui, D., (2015). Spatial prediction of landslide hazard at the Yihuang area (China) using two-class kernel logistic regression, alternating decision tree and support vector machines. CATENA, 133, 266-281
- Tien Bui, D., Tuan, T. A., Klempe, H., Pradhan, B., & Revhaug, I. (2015). Spatial prediction models for shallow landslide hazards: a comparative assessment of the efficacy of support vector machines, artificial neural networks, kernel logistic regression, and logistic model tree. Landslides. 13, 361–378
- Were, K., Tien Bui, D., Dick, Ø. B., & Singh, B. R. (2015). A comparative assessment of support vector regression, artificial neural networks, and random forests for predicting and mapping soil organic carbon stocks across an Afromontane landscape. Ecological Indicators, 52, 394-403
- Tien Bui, D., Tran, C-T., Pradhan, B., Revhaug.I, Seidu, R., (2015). iGeoTrans – An iOS application in geosciences. Geocarto International. 30, 202-217
- Tien Bui, D., Pradhan, B., Revhaug. I, Nguyen, D.B., Pham, V.H., Bui, Q.N., (2015). A novel hybrid evidential belief function based fuzzy logic model in spatial prediction of rainfall-induced shallow landslides in the Lang Son city area (Vietnam). Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 6, 243-271
- Tien Bui, D., Pradhan, B., Lofman, O., Revhaug, I., Dick, O.B., (2013). Regional prediction of landslide hazard in the Hoa Binh province (Vietnam) using probability analysis of intense rainfall. Natural Hazards, 2, 707-730
- Tien Bui, D., Pradhan, B., Lofman, O., Revhaug, I., Dick, O.B., (2012). Landslide susceptibility mapping at Hoa Binh province (Vietnam) using an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system and GIS. Computers & Geosciences, 45,199-21
- Tien Bui, D., Pradhan, B., Lofman, O., Revhaug, I., Dick, O.B., (2012). Landslide susceptibility assessment in the Hoa Binh province of Vietnam: A comparison of the Levenberg-Marquardt and Bayesian regularized neural networks. Geomorphology, 171–172,12–29
- Tien Bui, D., Pradhan, B., Lofman, O., Revhaug, I., (2012). Landslide susceptibility assessment in Vietnam using Support vector machines, Decision tree and Naïve Bayes models. Mathematical Problems in Engineering. Open Access. DOI: 10.1155/2012/974638
- Tien Bui, D., Pradhan, B., Lofman, O., Revhaug, I., Dick, O.B., (2012). Spatial prediction of landslide hazards in Hoa Binh province (Vietnam): a comparative assessment of the efficacy of evidential belief functions and fuzzy logic models. CATENA 96, 25-40
- Tien Bui, D., Lofman, O., Revhaug, I., Dick, O., (2011). Landslide susceptibility analysis in the Hoa Binh province of Vietnam using statistical index and logistic regression. Natural Hazards, 59, 1413–1444
Book chapter
- D Tien Bui, QL Nguyen, XN Bui, VN Nguyen, CV Pham, CV Le, PTT Ngo, TD Bui,B Kristoffersen (2017). Lightweight Unmanned Aerial Vehicle and Structure-from-Motion Photogrammetry for Generating Digital Surface Model for Open-Pit Coal Mine Area and Its Accuracy Assessment. In Advances and Applications in Geospatial Technology and Earth Resources. Springer International Publishing AG
- ND Hoang, D Tien Bui (2017). GIS-Based Landslide Spatial Modeling Using Batch-Training Back-Propagation Artificial Neural Network: A Study of Model Parameters. In Advances and Applications in Geospatial Technology and Earth Resources. Springer International Publishing AG
- VN Nguyen, D Tien Bui, PTT Ngo, QP Nguyen, VC Nguyen, QL Nguyen, I Revhaug (2017). Integration of Least Squares Support Vector Machines and Firefly Optimization Algorithm for Flood Susceptible Modeling Using GIS. In Advances and Applications in Geospatial Technology and Earth Resources. Springer International Publishing AG
- Pradhan, B., Kalantar, B., Abdulwahid, W.M., and Tien Bui. D.(2017). Debris Flow Susceptibility Assessment Using Airborne Laser Scanning Data. In Laser Scanning Applications in Landslide Assessment (279-296). Springer International Publishing.
- TV Nguyen, NV Nguyen, HTT Le, HP La, D Tien Bui (2017). Detection and Prediction of Urban Expansion of Hanoi Area (Vietnam) Using SPOT-5 Satellite Imagery and Markov Chain Model. In Advances and Applications in Geospatial Technology and Earth Resources. Springer International Publishing AG
- D Tien Bui, KTT Bui, QT Bui, CV Doan, ND Hoang (2017). Hybrid Intelligent Model Based on Least Squared Support Vector Regression and Artificial Bee Colony Optimization for Time Series Modeling and Forecasting Horizontal Displacement of Hydropower Dam. In Handbook of Neural Computation (1st Edition). Academic Press (Elsevier)
- ND Hoang, D Tien Bui (2017). Slope Stability Evaluation Using Radial Basis Function Neural Network, Least Squares Support Vector Machines, and Extreme Learning Machine. In Handbook of Neural Computation (1st Edition). Academic Press (Elsevier)
- Hong, H., Xu, C., Revhaug, I., & Tien Bui, D. (2015). Spatial Prediction of Landslide Hazard at the Yihuang Area (China): A Comparative Study on the Predictive Ability of Backpropagation Multi-layer Perceptron Neural Networks and Radial Basic Function Neural Networks. In Cartography-Maps Connecting the World (pp. 175-188). Springer International Publishing
- Tien Bui, D., Pradhan, B., Ho, T.C., Revhaug, I., Nguyen, D.B., 2013. Landslide Susceptibility Mapping along the National Road 32 of Vietnam Using GIS-based J48 Decision Tree Classifier and Its Ensembles. In M. Buchroithner et al. (eds.). Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Volume “Cartography from Pole to Pole”, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. ISBN: 978-3-642-32617-2.
- Tien Bui, D.,Pradhan, B., Revhaug.I, Tran, C-T., 2014. A Comparative Assessment Between the Application of Fuzzy Unordered Rules Induction Algorithms and J48 Decision Tree Models in Spatial Prediction of Shallow Landslide at Lang Son city (Vietnam). In Mukherjee et al. (eds). “Remote Sensing Applications in Environmental Research”, Springer Verlag. ISBN: 978-3-319-05905-1
Tien Bui, D., Ngoc Do, A., Bui, H.-B., Hoang, N.-D. (Eds.), 2018. Advances and Applications in Geospatial Technology and Earth Resources. Proceedings of the International Conference on Geo-Spatial Technologies and Earth Resources 2017. Springer International Publishing.
Samui, P., Tien Bui, D., Chakraborty, S., Deo, R.C. (Eds.), 2019. Handbook of Probabilistic Models for Engineers and Scientist. Elsevier (Book contract singed, planned to publish in February, 2019)
Tien Bui, D., Martinez-Alvarez, F. (Eds.), 2019. Machine Learning for Natural Hazards. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group (Book contract singed, planned to publish in March, 2019).