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Kjerneområder er forskerutdanning, forskningsetikk og håndtering av forskningsdata. Har doktorgrad i økologi, med spesialisering innen adferdsøkologi og kjemisk kommunikasjon.
Benten A, Cross HB, Tinnesand HV, Zedrosser A, Rosell F. 2020. Distant neighbours: friends or foes? Eurasian beavers show context-dependent responses to simulated intruders. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 74:17.
Noonan MJ, Tinnesand HV, Müller CT, Rosell F, Macdonald DW, Buesching CD. 2019. Knowing Me, Knowing You: Anal Gland Secretion of European Badgers (Meles meles) Codes for Individuality, Sex and Social Group Membership. Journal of Chemical Ecology 2019 45:10.
Noonan MJ, Tinnesand HV, Buesching CD. 2018.Normalizing Gas-Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Data: Method Choice can Alter Biological Inference. Bioessays 40:6.
Tinnesand, HV. 2017. Who's there? Olfactory signals and territoriality in two nocturnal mammal species with different social systems: the Eurasian badger (Meles meles) and Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber). A PhD dissertation in Ecology, University of South-Eastern Norway. ISBN: 978-82-7206-432-6
Buesching CD, Tinnesand HV, Sin YW, Rosell FN, Burke T, Macdonald DW. 2016.
Coding of Group Odor in the Subcaudal Gland Secretion of the European Badger Meles meles : Chemical Composition and Pouch Microbiota. I: Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 13. Springer 2016 ISBN 9783319220253. s. 45-62
Tinnesand HV, Buesching CD, Noonan MJ, Newman Chris, Zedrosser A, Rosell FN, Macdonald DW. 2015. Will Trespassers Be Prosecuted or Assessed According to Their Merits? A Consilient Interpretation of Territoriality in a Group-Living Carnivore, the European Badger (Meles meles). PLoS ONE 10:7.
Tinnesand HV, Jojola S, Zedrosser A, Rosell F. 2013. The smell of desperadoes? Beavers distinguish between dominant and subordinate intruders. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.
Tinnesand HV, Rosell F. 2012. The potential for long-term individual recognition in the anal gland secretion of Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber). Poster presentation, XVI International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste, Stockholm, Sverige.
Rosell F, Tinnesand HV, Halstensen M, Parker H, Esbensen KH. 2011. Anal Gland Secretions of Eurasian Beavers (Castor fiber) – Multiple Signal Layers Revealed by Chemometric Data Analysis. Poster presentation, 12th Meeting on Chemical Signals in Vertebrates, Berlin, Tyskland.
Tinnesand HV, Jojola S, Rosell F. 2010. Does the anal gland secretion of the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) signal territory ownership? Poster presentasjon, 13th International Behavioral Ecology Congress”, Perth, Australia.
Tinnesand HV, Jojola S, Rosell F. 2009. Can Eurasian beavers discriminate between anal gland secretion of a simulated intruding male territory owner and his old or young son?”
Poster presentasjon, 5th International Beaver Symposium, Litauen (Vant 3 pris i poster konkurranse).
Benten A, Cross HB, Tinnesand HV, Zedrosser A, Rosell F. 2020. Distant neighbours: friends or foes? Eurasian beavers show context-dependent responses to simulated intruders. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 74:17.
Noonan MJ, Tinnesand HV, Müller CT, Rosell F, Macdonald DW, Buesching CD. 2019. Knowing Me, Knowing You: Anal Gland Secretion of European Badgers (Meles meles) Codes for Individuality, Sex and Social Group Membership. Journal of Chemical Ecology 2019 45:10.
Noonan MJ, Tinnesand HV, Buesching CD. 2018.Normalizing Gas-Chromatography Mass Spectrometry Data: Method Choice can Alter Biological Inference. Bioessays 40:6.
Tinnesand, HV. 2017. Who's there? Olfactory signals and territoriality in two nocturnal mammal species with different social systems: the Eurasian badger (Meles meles) and Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber). A PhD dissertation in Ecology, University of South-Eastern Norway. ISBN: 978-82-7206-432-6
Buesching CD, Tinnesand HV, Sin YW, Rosell FN, Burke T, Macdonald DW. 2016.
Coding of Group Odor in the Subcaudal Gland Secretion of the European Badger Meles meles : Chemical Composition and Pouch Microbiota. I: Chemical Signals in Vertebrates 13. Springer 2016 ISBN 9783319220253. s. 45-62
Tinnesand HV, Buesching CD, Noonan MJ, Newman Chris, Zedrosser A, Rosell FN, Macdonald DW. 2015. Will Trespassers Be Prosecuted or Assessed According to Their Merits? A Consilient Interpretation of Territoriality in a Group-Living Carnivore, the European Badger (Meles meles). PLoS ONE 10:7.
Tinnesand HV, Jojola S, Zedrosser A, Rosell F. 2013. The smell of desperadoes? Beavers distinguish between dominant and subordinate intruders. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.
Tinnesand HV, Rosell F. 2012. The potential for long-term individual recognition in the anal gland secretion of Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber). Poster presentation, XVI International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste, Stockholm, Sverige.
Rosell F, Tinnesand HV, Halstensen M, Parker H, Esbensen KH. 2011. Anal Gland Secretions of Eurasian Beavers (Castor fiber) – Multiple Signal Layers Revealed by Chemometric Data Analysis. Poster presentation, 12th Meeting on Chemical Signals in Vertebrates, Berlin, Tyskland.
Tinnesand HV, Jojola S, Rosell F. 2010. Does the anal gland secretion of the Eurasian beaver (Castor fiber) signal territory ownership? Poster presentasjon, 13th International Behavioral Ecology Congress”, Perth, Australia.
Tinnesand HV, Jojola S, Rosell F. 2009. Can Eurasian beavers discriminate between anal gland secretion of a simulated intruding male territory owner and his old or young son?”
Poster presentasjon, 5th International Beaver Symposium, Litauen (Vant 3 pris i poster konkurranse).