Disputas: Prabhjot Kour

Prabhjot Kour disputerer for doktorgraden i personorientert helsearbeid. Avhandlingen undersøker hvordan menn med migrantbakgrunn med samtidig rus- og psykisk lidelse beskriver sine erfaringer med egen mestring og behandling i Norge.

14 Jun

Praktisk informasjon

  • Dato: 14 juni 2023
  • Tid: kl. 10.00 - 15.30
  • Sted: Drammen, Rom A5508
  • Last ned kalenderfil


    Kl. 10.00-11.00: Prøveforelesning:
    How different kinds of migration-related experiences and life situations affect the development of substance use and mental health problems

    Kl. 12.00-15.30:  Disputas: Through the eyes of immigrants and health professionals: Coping and treatment experiences of men with immigrant background and living with co-occurring substance use- and mental health problems in Norway.


    Les avhandlingen her.


    Se disputasen på Zoom her.
    Meeting ID: 672 3359 2631
    Password: 140623



    • Førsteopponent: Professor emeritus Sverre Nesvåg, Stavanger Universitetssykehus
    • Andreopponent: Dosent Anu Castaneda, Universitetet i Helsingforsk
    • Administrator: Førsteamanuensis
      Vibeke Krane, Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge
    • Disputasleder:Professor
      Line Joranger, Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge



    • Hovedveileder: Førsteamanuensis Henning Pettersen, Høgskolen i Innlandet
    • Biveiledere: Professor Lars Lien, Høgskolen i Innlandet, NKROP og professor Stian Biong, Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge
Har du spørsmål?

Prabhjot Kour skal forsvare avhandlingen sin for graden philosophiae doctor (ph.d.) ved Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge.

Portrett av Prabhjot Kour

Hun har fulgt doktorgradsprogrammet i personorientert helsearbeid ved Fakultet for helse- og sosialvitenskap ved campus Drammen.

Alle interesserte ønskes velkommen til prøveforelesning og disputas.


The question that initiated this doctoral research in the first place was why was it important to focus on immigrants in Norway and why specifically on mental health and substance use among them?

To answer why: immigrants in Norway contributes to 19.9 % of total population (as per 1st January, 2023), which is a substantial proportion. Immigrants are often at the risk of developing psychological distress and involvement in substance use, due to variety of pre- and post-migration factors, leading to co-occurring mental health and substance use problems (COP). This is added up various barriers they experience while accessing the healthcare services, and thus resulting in lower utilization of mental health and addiction services, lower treatment engagement, higher dropout rate, and less frequent hospitalizations.

This thesis, therefore, has sought to increase scientific knowledge of the experiences of immigrants living with COP, with a particular focus on coping and treatment experiences, in addition to the perspectives of health professionals. The overall aim was to explore the coping and treatment experiences of immigrant men living with co-occurring substance use and mental health problems in Norway, from the perspectives of immigrants and health professionals.

Through individual interviews with immigrant men living with COP along with focus group interviews with health professionals, this thesis provides the enhanced understanding of migration as an important variable in coping and treatment experiences. The participants further described various barriers and facilitators to the treatment engagement. These findings suggest the need for more person-centred and culturally competent approaches in Norwegian mental health and addiction services. Professional interpreters are warranted, in addition to strategies that can develop personal skills among immigrants living with COP. Strategies to reduce stigma and racism in different institutions are also needed in order to enhance immigrants’ sense of belonging and participation in mainstream Norwegian society.