- Leads the research group "Classroom research - quality in teaching". Website
- Professor II UiT The Arctic University of Norway | UiT
- Leads the project "Leselop" (Together with Jannike Ohrem Bakke and Marit Skarbø Solem). website:
- Initiator and leader of the annual professional conference for teachers together with Jannike Ohrem Bakke. Website.
- Member of the PEDRES committee - the doctoral program Pedagogical resources and learning processes at USN. Website.
- Classroom research
- Dramaturgical method and analysis
- Aesthetic reading and teaching.
- Doctoral degree within the research field "pedagogy of teacher education" (2018). See a short presentation of the study here.
- Senior lecturer in drama and theater-related research and development work
- Master's in dramaturgy from NTNU
- Qualified teacher with drama, Norwegian, mathematics, sports and social studies in the subject area.
- Professor II UiT The Arctic University of Norway | UiT
- Is in the qualification race as a professor (USN) 2023-2025
- Completed certified training related to assessing meritorious lecturers in higher education (NTNU) 2020
- Teacher educator in the digital age, Pfdk - 10 credits 2018,
- PhD. Between risk and control – dramaturgical perspectives on teacher educators' teaching. USN.
- 2009: Associate Professor (first lecturer) in Drama and Theater Studies.
- 1997 Cand.phil. degree in Drama and Theater Studies at the University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
- 1992-94 Primary School Teacher Training specializing in sport, music and drama, University College of Agder
- Educational activities/research projects/research groups
- 2022 - Reading course - collective reading instruction for all students. (Hk - dir. supported project)
- 2018- Teaching abourt teaching. You are going to be a teacher. Research program in primary school teacher education. 2016-2017:
- KnowMo – Knowledge in Motion. Collaboration with the University of Oslo (UiO) Link: KnowMo-.-Investigating-Knowledge-Practices-In-and-Out-of-School 2016 -
- Part of the 'Classroom Research and Quality in Education' research group. Link: 2014-2017 Academic Director of the GLU Professional Workshop.
- 2014 Educational Quality Award for outstanding teaching awarded by the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance (NOKUT). Awarded for the professional workshop (with Jannike Ohrem Bakke, Mette Moe and Lisbet Karlsen). Professional theater and art productions
- 2012 (autumn/2013 spring) Mål tid (en) a project supported by the Norwegian Cultural Council (Promotion of Art) with photographs and prose texts based on workshops with 60 Year 7 pupils (composite texts). Exhibited in the Backer Gallery in March
- Drama and theater production supported by the Norwegian Cultural Council.
- 2013. 2011: Lovelies, lovelongings (and despair).
- 2009 (spring): Shame on You. Theater production for youth in collaboration with Simone Thiis and Theater Nova. Supported by Fritt ord. A tour through Den Kulturelle skolesekken' [The Cultural Rucksack] in Vestfold. (Idea, manuscript, responsible for the preparatory and finalization work).
Bakke, J., Lindstøl, F. and Solem, M.S. (2023). What do students with rabbits talk about? About composing fiction reading courses. In Kverdokken and Bakke 101 ways to read: a theoretical and practical reading didactics. The trade book publishing house.
Bakke, Jannike Ohrem and Lindstøl, Fride (2023): The dramaturgy of teaching. Stories and analyzes from the classroom. Bergen. Fagbokforlaget.
Møller-Skau, Marie and Lindstøl, Fride (2021/22): Arts-based teaching and learning in teacher education: "Crystallising" student teachers' learning outcomes through a systematic literature review. Teaching and Teacher Education. Volume 109
Bakke, J. O., Lindstøl, F. & Knudsen, K. N. (2021) (ed.). Theme number on dramaturgical contexts. Vol.5, No. 2. Vol 5 No 2 (2021): Dramaturgical perspectives on didactic contexts | Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education (
Bakke, J.O & Lindstøl, F (2021): 6 tips on grammar. In Kverndokken (ed), Bakke (ed), Brügger Burdal (ed): 101 gripes on grammar.
Bakke, J.O. & Lindstøl, F. (2021): Chasing fleeing animals - on the dramaturgical method and the dramaturgical analysis of teaching. Research in drama education: The journal of applied theater and performance, DOI: 10.1080/13569783.2021.1885370
Bakke, J.O. & Lindstøl, F. (2021): Did you see the gorilla in the room? On teaching observation using fictionalisation. In Jased Thematic Issue of Dramaturgy in Didactic Contexts.
Bakke, J.O. & Lindstøl, F. (2021): For a few minutes I could pretend I was someone else” – a study of multiple approaches to fiction reading activities. In Jased Thematic Issue of Dramaturgy in Didactic Contexts.
Bakke, J.O. & Lindstøl, F & , Nøtvedt Knudsen, K. (2021): Leader. A theme issue on dramaturgy in didactic contexts.