Studieretningsansvarlig Forebyggende arbeid med barn og unge på Master i Samfunn og Helse
Emneansvar for MSH-FBOU4200: Forebygging, oppvekst og utvikling
Emneansvar for MBVA100: Perspektiver i Barnevern
Emneansvar for MSHCWC: Childhood, Welfare and Culture
2024-: Lecturing and supervising, Master in Child Welfare Work
2021-: Programcoordinator, a project (SOJUCU) financed by Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-dir)
2019-: Program coordinator: Master Preventive Care for Children and Youth, USN
2019-: Lecturing and supervising, Master Preventive Care for Children and Youth, USN
2018-: Lecturing and supervising, Master Society and Health, USN
1998-2016: Lecturing and supervising, Preschool Teacher Training Nurse Education, Social Work Education, bachelor, and Master Preventative Work with Children and Adolescents, USN
2007-2010: Seminar leader, Cultural analysis, discourse and semiotics, Department of Sociology and Social Geography, UiO
1997-1998: Professional consultant, The Norwegian Center of Competence for Participation and Accessibility (DELTA-senteret), Oslo
1996-1997: Professional Consultant, Norwegian Institute for Research and Education Studies (NIFU), Oslo
1994-1996: Scientific Assistant, Institute for Applied Social Research (INAS), Oslo
1994: Researcher, Center for Women Research (SFK), Oslo
2023: BARN 40th Anniversary: Røsvik, K. and Schrumpf, E. (2023) What does the threat of infection from bacteria and viruses do to children and young people? A comparative study of tuberculosis and Covid-19.
Involvement in project applications
2024: "Follow-up - parents after taking over care" (Bufdir)
2023: “Research on pupils' - well-being and the school environment”, The Norwegian Directorate for Education and Training (Udir)
2020: Social Justice and Culture. Sustainable Social Welfare in Neoliberal Times, Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-dir)
2016: “Global Perspectives on Social Work and Preventative Care Education Across Borders”, North America - Application for short-term funding, Norwegian Agency for International Cooperation and Quality Enhancement in Higher Education (Diku)
Title of qualification awarded
2023: Ph.D
1992-1994: Cand.polit., UiO
1986-1991: Cand.mag.,UiO
1991: Project in working life studies, UiO
1990: Sociology, intermediate subject, UiO
1989: Social Anthropology, intermediate subject, UiO
1985: Examen Philosophicum and Examen Facultatum (Social Sciences), UiO