Undervisning høsten 2020 "Innovation Management" BA Innovasjon og entreprenørskap
Undervisning våren 2021 "SMV - strukturer og dynamikk" BA Innovasjon og entreprenørskap (sammen med Birgit Leick)
Undervisning høsten 2021 "Innovation Management" BA Innovasjon og entreprenørskap
Undervisning våren 2022 "Sustainable Business Strategies" PhD Management, Campus Drammen 12.9.2022-13.12.2022 (Together with Håvard Ness)
Undervisning høsten 2022 "Kvantitative metoder" Master Bærekraft Management
Jeg vil gjerne overvåke mastertesing.
Past lectures:
Airbnb, Regulations and the Covid-19 Pandemic: University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland, 31.3.2021, online Lecture within the Bachelor of Science programme in Tourism.
The art of writing a research paper, Online Course for PhD students in Culture, tourism and Business (joint with Eva Hagsten), University of Palermo, 25.2.2021.
Case Studies in Sustainability, joint with John Predyk, Department of Recreation and Tourism, Vancouver Island University, Canada, 16.10-30.10.2018.
Jeg er spesielt interessert i anvendelsen av kvantitative metoder, spesielt mikroøkonomiske metoder basert på individuelle data (på individuelt og fast nivå eller transaksjonsdata).
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0518-6513
Scopus Author ID 57222609432
International Journal of Tourism Policy
Editorial board member:
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
Tourism Economics
Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Administration (APJBA)
Springer Nature Business & Economics
Heliyon (Elsevier)
Yrke eller stilling: Professor
Datoer: 01.01.2021->
Yrke eller stilling: Førsteamanuensis
Datoer: 01.03.2020->31.12.2020
Hovedaktiviteter og ansvar: Innovasjon, IKT og entreprenørskap
Arbeidsgiverens navn og adresse: Universitetet i Sør-Øst Norge, USN Handelshøyskole, Gullbringvegen 36, 3800 Bø, Norge,
Type næringsliv eller sektor: Universitet
Yrke eller stilling: Seniorforsker
Datoer: 1.10.2002->29.02.2020
Hovedaktiviteter og ansvar: Anvendt økonomi, reiselivsøkonomi, industriell økonomi, innovasjon og internasjonal økonomi
Navn og adresse til arbeidsgiver: Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO), Arsenal Objekt 20, A-1030 Wien
Type næringsliv eller sektor: Forskningsinstitutt
Yrke eller stilling: Forsker
Datoer: 01/05/1996 - 30/09/2002
Hovedaktiviteter og ansvar: innovasjon og industriell økonomi
Arbeidsgiverens navn og adresse: Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), D-68034 Mannheim, Tyskland
Type næringsliv eller sektor: Forskningsinstitutt
Yrke eller stilling: Lektor
Datoer: 1.2.1996 - 30.4.1996
Hovedaktiviteter og ansvar: anvendt økonomisk forskning
Arbeidsgiverens navn og adresse: Universitetet i Kiel
Type næringsliv eller sektor: Universitet/Forskning
Yrke eller stilling: Forskingassistent
Datoer: 01/10/1992 - 30/06/1994
Arbeidsgiverens navn og adresse: Kiel Institute for World Economics
Type næringsliv eller sektor: Forskningsinstitutt
Utdanning og opplæring
Datoer: 01/10/1987 - 31/12/1995
Tittel på kvalifisering tildelt: Diplom-Volkswirt/Masters i økonomi
Hovedfag / yrkesferdigheter dekket: økonomi, anvendt økonometri
Navn og type organisasjon som gir utdanning og opplæring: Universitetet i Kiel, Universitetet i Freiburg, Tyskland
Nivå i nasjonal eller internasjonal klassifisering: Mastergrad i økonomi ISCED 5
Datoer: 01/02/2000 - 31/12/2002
Hovedfag / yrkesferdigheter dekket: PhD i økonomi
Navn og type organisasjon som gir utdanning og opplæring: Universitetet i Regensburg, Tyskland
Nivå i nasjonal eller internasjonal klassifisering: ISCED 6 (PhD-nivå)
Falk, M., & Hagsten, E. (2021). Impact of high-speed broadband access on local establishment dynamics. Telecommunications Policy, 45(4), 102104.
Falk, M., & Hagsten, E. (2021). The uneven distribution of fees for virtual academic conferences, Journal of Convention & Event Tourism, early online.
Zach, F. J., Schnitzer, M. & Falk, M. (2021). Product diversification and isomorphism: The case of ski resorts and me-too innovation. Annals of Tourism Research, forthcoming.
Falk, M., & Hagsten, E. (2021), Innovation intensity and skills in firms across five European countries, Eurasian Business Review, forthcoming.
Falk, M. T., & Hagsten, E. (2021). Characteristics of Middle European Holiday Highfliers. Urban Planning, 6(2), 246-256.
alk, M., & Scaglione, M. (2021). Effects of price model copycats in the ski industry. Tourism Analysis, 26(1), 71-75.
Falk, M. T., & Hagsten, E. (2021). Determinants of CO 2 emissions generated by air travel vary across reasons for the trip. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 1-12.
Lin, X., & Falk, M. T. (2021). Nordic stock market performance of the travel and leisure industry during the first wave of Covid-19 pandemic. Tourism Economics, 1354816621990937.
Falk, M. T., & Hagsten, E. (2021). When international academic conferences go virtual. Scientometrics, 126(1), 707-724.
Falk, M. T., & Hagsten, E. (2020). Visitor flows to World Heritage Sites in the era of Instagram. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 1-16.
Falk, M., Tveteraas, S. L., & Xie, J. (2021). 20 Years of Nordic tourism economics research: a review and future research agenda. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 21(1), 78-90.
Falk, M. T., & Hagsten, E. (2020). Time for carbon neutrality and other emission reduction measures at European airports. Business Strategy and the Environment, 29 (3), 1448-1464. link:
Falk, M. T., & Hagsten, E. (2021). Potential of European universities as Marie Curie grantee hosts, Higher Education, 81, 255–272.
Falk, M. T., & Yang, Y. (2020). Hotels benefit from stricter regulations on short-term rentals in European cities. Tourism Economics, 1354816620918769.
Falk, M. T & Svensson R. (2020), Evaluation Criteria Versus firm Characteristics as determinants of public R&D funding, Science and public policy, Science and Public Policy, 47(4), 525-535.
Adie, B. A., & Falk, M. (2020). Residents’ perception of cultural heritage in terms of job creation and overtourism in Europe. Tourism Economics, 1354816620943688.
Falk, M. T., & Vieru, M. (2020). Short-term hotel room price effects of sporting events. Tourism Economics, early view. link:
Falk, M. T., & Hagsten, E. (2020). The unwanted free rider: Covid-19. Current Issues in Tourism, 1-6.
Adie, B. A., Falk, M., & Savioli, M. (2020). Overtourism as a perceived threat to cultural heritage in Europe. Current Issues in Tourism, 23(14), 1737-1741.
Falk, M. T and Hagsten, E. (2020) , Technological Innovations and Labor Demand Using Linked Firm-Level Data, In: Zimmermann K. (eds) Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics. Springer, Cham link:
Hagsten, E., & Falk, M. T. (2020). Use and intensity of electronic invoices in firms: The example of Sweden. Journal of Cleaner Production, 262, 121291.
Amore, A., Falk, M., & Adie, B. A. (2020). One visitor too many: assessing the degree of overtourism in established European urban destinations. International Journal of Tourism Cities, 6(1), 117-137.
Falk, M and Tveterås, S. (2020), Modelling the wider effects of ski lift investments, Empirical Economics, 59, 259–274.
alk, M., & Lin, X. (2019). Time-varying impact of snow depth on tourism in selected regions. International Journal of Biometeorology, 1-13.
Falk, M., & Hagsten, E. (2019). Ways of the green tourist in Europe, Journal of Cleaner Production, 225, 1033-1043.
Falk, M., Larpin, B., & Scaglione, M. (2019). The role of specific attributes in determining prices of Airbnb listings in rural and urban locations. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 83, 132-140.
Falk, M., & de Lemos, F. F. (2019). Complementarity of R&D and productivity in SME export behavior. Journal of Business Research, 96, 157-168.
Falk, M., & Hagsten, E. (2019). Short‐run impact of the flight departure tax on air travel. International Journal of Tourism Research. 21 (1), 37-44.
Bartelsman, E. J., Falk, M., Hagsten, E., & Polder, M. (2019). Productivity, technological innovations and broadband connectivity: firm-level evidence for ten European countries. Eurasian Business Review, 9(1), 25-48.
Falk, M., & Hagsten, E. (2019). Climate zone crucial for efficiency of ski lift operators. Current Issues in Tourism, 22(6), 664-681.
Falk, M., & Vieru, M. (2019). Myth of early booking gains. Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, 18(1), 52-64.
Falk, M., & Steiger, R. (2019). Size facilitates profitable ski lift operations. Tourism Economics, 26(7), 1197-1211.
Falk, M., & Vieru, M. (2019). International tourism demand to Finnish Lapland in the early winter season. Current Issues in Tourism, 22(11), 1312-1326.
Falk, M., & Steiger, R. (2018). An Exploration of the Debt Ratio of Ski Lift Operators. Sustainability, 10(9), 2985.
Falk, M., & Hagsten, E. (2018). Winter Weather Anomalies and Individual Destination Choice. Sustainability, 10(8), 2630.
Falk, M. & Hagsten E. (2018), An exploration of growth in computer software micro firms, Journal of Small Firms & Entrepreneurship, 30(3), 233-252.
Falk, M. & Vieru M. (2018), Modelling the Cancellation Behaviour of Hotel Guests, International journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 30(11), 3100-3116.
Falk, M. & Scaglione M. (2018), New pricing strategy attracts more visitors to the skiing area, Tourism Review 73 (4), 480-491.
Falk, M. & Hagsten E. (2018), Influence of local environment on exit of accommodation establishments, Tourism Management, 68, 401-411.
Falk, M. & Lin X. (2018), Sensitivity of winter tourism to temperature increases over the last decades, Economic Modelling, 71, 174-183.
Falk, M. & Lin X. (2018), Income elasticity of overnight stays over seven decades, Tourism Economics, 24 (8), 1015-1028.
Falk, M. & Lin X. (2018), The declining dependence of ski lift operators on natural snow conditions, Tourism Economics, 24(6) 662-676.
Falk, M. & Hagsten E. (2018), The Art of Attracting International Conferences to European Cities, Tourism Economics, 24(3), 337-351.
Falk, M. & Peng F. (2018), Impact of the intellectual property tax regime on FDI in R&D activities at the city level, The Review of Policy Research, 35(5), 733-749
Falk, M. & Hagsten E. (2018), Employment Impacts of Market Novelty Sales: Evidence for Nine European Countries, Eurasian Business Review, 8(2), 119-137.
Biagi F. & Falk, M. (2017), The Impact of ICT and E-Commerce on Employment in Europe, Journal of Policy Modeling, 39(1), 1-18.
Falk, M. & Hagsten E. (2017), Measuring the impact of the European Capital of Culture programme on overnight stays: Evidence for the last two decades, European Planning Studies, 25(12), 2175-2191.
Falk, M. & Katz-Gerro T. (2017), Modelling Travel Decisions: Urban Exploration, Cultural Immersion, or Both? Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 34(3), 369-382.
Falk, M. (2017), Gains from Horizontal Collaboration among Ski Areas, Tourism Management 60, 92–104.
Falk, M. & Hagsten E. (2017), Climate change threats to one of the World's largest Cross-country skiing races, Climatic Change, 143(1), 59-71
Falk, M. & Biagi F. (2017), Relative Demand for Highly Skilled Workers and Use of Different ICT Technologies, Applied Economics, 49(9), 903-914.
Falk, M. & Vieru M. (2017), Impact of the Rouble’s Depreciation on Russian Overnight Stays in Finnish Regions and Cities, Tourism Economics, 23(4), 854-866.
Falk, M. & Vieru M. (2017), Demand for downhill skiing in subarctic climates, Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 17(4), 388-405.
Falk, M. &. Katz-Gerro T. (2016), Cultural Participation in Europe: Can We Identify Common Determinants?, Journal of Cultural Economics, 40(2), 127-162.
Falk, M. & Vanat L. (2016), Gains from Investments in Snowmaking Facilities, Ecological Economics, 130, 339–349
Falk, M. (2016), A Gravity Model of Foreign Direct Investment in the Hospitality Industry, Tourism Management 55, 225-237
Falk, M. & Hagsten E. (2016), Importance of early snowfall for Swedish ski resorts: Evidence based on monthly data, Tourism Management, 53, 61-73.
Falk, M. (2016), The Stagnation of Summer Glacier Skiing, Tourism Analysis, 21(1), 117-122
Falk, M. & Hagsten E. (2015), Export Behaviour of Micro Firms in the Swedish Computer and Business Service Industries, Economics - The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal, 9(2015-32), 1-24.
Falk, M. & Hagsten E. (2015), E-commerce trends and impacts across Europe, International Journal of Production Economics, 170, Part A, 357–369.
Falk, M. (2015), The Relationship Between FDI Through Backward Linkages and Technological Innovations of Local Firms: Evidence for Emerging Economies, Eastern European Economics, 53, 5, 424-438.
Falk, M. (2015), Employment effects of technological and organizational innovations: Evidence based on linked Firm-Level Data for Austria, Journal of Economics and Statistics, 235(3), 268-285
Falk, M. (2015), Summer weather conditions and tourism flows in urban and rural destinations, Climatic Change, 130(2), 201-222.
Falk, M. & Hagsten E. (2015), Exporter productivity premium for European SMEs, Applied Economic Letters 22(12), 930-933
Falk, M. & Hagsten E. (2015), Export status and firm growth of European SMEs, Economics Bulletin 35(2) p.A13
Falk, M. & Hagsten E. (2015), Modelling growth and revenue for Swedish hotel establishments, International Journal of Hospitality Management, 45, 59–68
Falk, M. (2015), The Demand for Winter Sports: Empirical Evidence for the Largest French Ski-lift Operator, Tourism Economics, 21(3), 561-580.
Falk, M. (2015), The sensitivity of tourism demand to exchange rate changes: An application to Swiss overnight stays in the Austrian mountain villages during the winter season, Current Issues in Tourism 18(5), 465-476.
Falk, M. (2014), The Impact of New Goods and Service Products on Firm Growth: Evidence from Austrian Linked Firm-Level Data, Economics of Innovation and New Technology 23(4), 378-397.
Falk, M. (2014), Impact of Weather Conditions on Tourism Demand in the Peak Summer Season over the Last 50 Years. Tourism Management Perspectives, 9, 24-35.
Falk, M. (2014), Corporate patents and knowledge sourcing from universities, Empirica 41(1), 83-100.
Falk, M. & Peng F. (2013), The Increasing Service Intensity of European Manufacturing, The Service Industries Journal, 33(15-16), 1686-1706
Falk, M. (2013), The sensitivity of winter tourism to exchange rate changes: Evidence for the Swiss Alps, Tourism and Hospitality Research, 13(2), 101-112.
Falk, M. (2013), A Survival Analysis of Ski Lift Companies, Tourism Management, 36, 377-390
Falk, M. (2013), Impact of Long-Term Weather on Domestic and Foreign Winter Tourism Demand, International Journal of Tourism Research, 15, 1–17
Falk, M. (2012), Quantile estimates of the impact of R&D intensity on firm performance, Small Business Economics, 39(1), 19-37.
Falk, M. (2011) International Price Differences in Ski Lift Tickets' Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 147(III), 303-336.
Falk, M. and T. Leoni (2011) Estimating the Wage Curve with Spatial Effects and Spline Functions, Economics Bulletin, 31, 1, 591-604
Falk, M. and Y. Wolfmayr (2010), The substitutability between parent company and foreign affiliate employment in Europe’, Empirica, 37,1, 87-100
Leoni, T. and M. Falk (2010), Gender and Field of Study as Determinants of Self-Employment’ ,Small Business Economics, 34, 2, 167-185.
Falk, M. (2010), A Dynamic Panel Data Analysis of Snow Depth and Winter Tourism, Tourism Management 31, 912-924
Falk, M. and T. Leoni (2009), Characteristics of Self-Employment Among University Graduates’, Applied Economics Letters, 16,10, 1065-1071.
Falk, M. (2009), Are multi-resort ski conglomerates more efficient?’ Managerial and Decision Economics 30, 529–538.
Falk, M. and F. Sinabell (2009), 'A spatial econometric analysis of the regional growth and volatility in Europe’, Empirica 36, 2, 193-207.
Falk, M. (2009), High-tech exports and economic growth in industrialized countries, Applied economics letters, 16, 10/12, S. 1025-1028.
Falk, M. (2008), Effects of foreign ownership on innovation activities: Empirical evidence for twelve European countries’, National Institute Economic Review 204, pp. 85-97.
Falk, M. (2008), A Hedonic Price Model for Ski Lift Tickets’, Tourism Management, 29 6, 1172-1184.
Falk, M. and Wolfmayr, Y. (2008), Services and Materials Outsourcing to Low-Wage Countries and Employment: Empirical Evidence from EU Countries’, Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 19, 1, pp. 38-52.
Falk, M. (2007). R&D spending in the high-tech sector and economic growth. Research in economics, 61(3), 140-147.
Falk, M. (2006). What drives business Research and Development (R&D) intensity across Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries?. Applied Economics, 38(5), 533-547.
Falk, M. (2005). ICT-linked firm reorganisation and productivity gains. Technovation, 25(11), 1229-1250.
Aiginger, K., & Falk, M. (2005). Explaining differences in economic growth among OECD countries. Empirica, 32(1), 19-43.
Falk, M., & Koebel, B. M. (2004). The impact of office machinery, and computer capital on the demand for heterogeneous labour. Labour Economics, 11(1), 99-117.
Koebel, B., Falk, M., & Laisney, F. (2003). Imposing and testing curvature conditions on a Box–Cox cost function. Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, 21(2), 319-335.
Falk, M., & Koebel, B. M. (2002). Outsourcing, imports and labour demand. Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 104(4), 567-586.
Falk, M. (2002). What Drives the Vacancy Rate for Information Technology Workers?/Was bestimmt den Mangel an IKT-Fachkräften?. Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik, 222(4), 401-420.
Falk, M. (2002). Endogenous organizational change and the expected demand for different skill groups. Applied Economics Letters, 9(7), 419-423.
Falk, M., & Seim, K. (2001). The impact of information Technology on high-skilled labor in services: Evidence from firm-level panel data. Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 10(4), 289-323.
Falk, M., & Koebel, B. (2001). A dynamic heterogeneous labour demand model for German manufacturing. Applied Economics, 33(3), 339-348.
Falk, M., & Seim, K. (2001). Workers' skill level and information technology: a censored regression model. International Journal of Manpower, 22(1-1), 98-121.
Falk, M., & Falk, R. (2000). Pricing to market of German exporters: evidence from panel data. Empirica, 27(1), 21-46.
Falk, M., & Funke, N. (1995). The stability of money demand in Germany and in the EMS: impact of German unification. Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 131(3), 470-488.