Tommy Langseth

Institutt for friluftsliv, idrett og kroppsøving
Fakultet for humaniora, idretts- og utdanningsvitenskap
Campus Bø



Tommy Langseth and Adam Vyff (2021) "Cultural Dissonance: Surfers' Environmental attitudes and Actions. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living. Vol 3: 695048


Brattland-Sanda, Solveig, Giulianotti, Richard, Støa, Eva Maria, Langseth, Tommy, Rosenbaum, Simon (2021) "Sports and Active Living During the Covid-19 Pandemic". Frontiers in sports and Active Living. Vol 3. 714986.


Tøstesen, Gustav and Tommy Langseth (2021) "Freeride Skiing - Risk-taking, Recognition and Moral Boundaries". Frontiers in Sports and Active Living. Vol 3: 54. 


Langseth Tommy and Øyvind Salvesen (2018) “Rock climbing, risk and Recognition”. Frontiers in Psychology, Vol 9:179.


Løland, Stig and Tommy Langseth (2017) «Contested Seascapes – Birds, Surfers and County Governors”. In Turner, Daniel and Sandro Carnicelli (eds.): Lifestyle sports and Public policy. Routledge 2017. s. 119-136.


Giulianotti, Richard and Tommy Langseth (2016) “Justifying the civic interest in sport: Boltanski and Thevenot, the six worlds of justification, and hosting the Olympic games”. European Journal for Sport and Society; Volum 13.(2) s. 133-153.


Langseth, Tommy (2016) «Basehopping - opplevelser og anerkjennelse». In Horgen, André, Merete  Lund Fasting, Torbjørn Lundhaug, Leif Magnussen, Ketil Østrem (eds.): Ute! Friluftsliv - pedagogiske, historiske og sosiologiske perspektiver. Fagbokforlaget 2016. S. 257-278.


Langseth, Tommy (2014) «Den unge mannen og havet». In Lippe, Gerd von der and Hans Hognestad (eds.) Kjønnsmakt i idrett og friluftsliv. Oslo: Novus forlag.


Langseth, Tommy (2013) “Sosialisering til risikosport”. In Norsk idrettsmedisin, 3, 2013, 34-36.


Langseth, Tommy (2013) “Fare, fornuft og følelser – et essay om frivillig risikotaking”. In Annette Bischoff (ed.) Nalle – veilederen og forskeren. Festskrift til Bjørn Tordsson på hans 60-årsdag.


Langseth, Tommy (2012) “BASE-jumping – Beyond The Thrills”. In  European Journal for Sport and Society, 9 (3), 155-176.


Langseth, Tommy (2012) “Liquid Ice Surfers – The Construction of Surfer Identities in Norway”. In Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 12:1 3-23.


Langseth, Tommy (2012) Spenningssøkingens sosialitet – en sosiologisk undersøkelse av verdisystem i risikosport. PhD-thesis, Norwegian School of Sports sciences.


Langseth, Tommy (2011) “Risk Sports – Social Constraints and Cultural Imperatives”. In Sport in Society 2011, 14:5, 629-644.


Langseth, Tommy (2003) Bidrag til forståelsen av fjellturens meningsfulle oppbygning – En hermeneutisk-fenomenologisk analyse av det å gå alene i fjellet. Hovedfagsoppgave (masterthesis), Department of Sociology, University of Bergen, 2003.


 Langseth, Tommy (2003) “Social hesitancy and sex in public – a critique of the “authenticity” of sexual spontaneity”. In Replikk -  Tidskrift for human- og samfunnsvitenskap. Vol 16, p. 69-79, 2003.



Artificial intelligence, transhuman technologies and sport. Paper presented at European Association for Sociology of Sport Conference, Bourdeaux may 23 – 26 2017.


Risk policies, skateboarding and identity. Paper presented at European Association for Sociology of Sport Conference, Copenhagen 4th -7th June 2016. 


Tracks of prohibition – an analysis of the Norwegian skateboard ban. Paper presented at “The 7th Nordic conference on cultural policy research”, Bø August 25th – 27th 2015.


Contested Seascapes: Birds, Surfers and County Governors. Paper presented at European Association for Sociology of Sport Conference, Dublin, 10-13 june 2015.


Transnational Territorialism: on localism in surfing. Paper presented at European Association for Sociology of Sport Conference, Dublin, 10-13 June 2015.


Surfing, Territorialism and Transnationalism. Paper presented at International Adventure Conference, Sogndal 22 – 26 November 2014.

Surfing, terriotorialitet og kulturelle script. Paper presented at the conference «landskap i perifierien». Høgskolen i Telemark, Januar 2014.


Den unge mannen og havet – om surfing, identitet og maskulinitet. Paper presented at the conference «Hva er nytt under solen? Om kjønn og makt i idrett og friluftsliv», Høgskolen i Telemark, september 2012.


BASE-hoppingens polyfoni. Paper presented at “The 25th Conference of the Nordic Sociological Association “Power and Participation””, Oslo, Norge, august 2011.


”Go Pro be a hero” – Self-mediation and desire in lifestylesports. Paper presented at 8th EASS conference “ People in motion – bridging the local and the global”. Umeå, Sverige, mai 2011.


BASE-jumping: Experiences and Distinctions: An exercise in sociological polyphony and/or cacophony. Paper presented at 7th EASS conference “A social perspective on: sport; health and environment”, Porto, Portugal, mai 2010.


Becoming a “high sensation seeker” - Risk sports and socialization. Paper presented at “6th Eass conference “Sport, Bodies, Identities””, Roma, Italia, mai 2009.


Surfing og subkultur. Paper presented at the conference ”Ungdom - fysisk aktivitet, rus og bevegelsesglede”, HISF, mai 2009.


Bombsquad, boopsquad og the mustache crew - kulturelle skript, inntrykksstyring og identitet blant surfere på Jæren. Paper presented at sosiologforeningens vinterseminar, januar 2009.


Liquid Ice Surfers - Contested Identities and Cultural Scripts. Paper presented at the conference “researching friluftsliv II”, NIH, desember 2008.


Risk Sports - Social Constraints and Cultural Imperatives. Paper presented at “13th annual conference of the European College of Sport Science”, Estoril, Portugal, juli 2008.