- Birkelandprofessor, PhD (Birkelandinitiativet - Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge (
- Research Director Centre for Health and Technology, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, University of South-Eastern Norway
Professor II (Adjunct professor), School of Business and Economics, UiT The arctic University of Norway – School of Business and Economics | UiT
- 2019-2023 Executive Master of Health care management. Responsible lecturer
- 2018-2022 Knowledge management and learning in Organizations. Master level (Msc in Business). Responsible lecturer.
- 2019-2023 E-helse og velferdsteknologier i praksis. Master module. Lecturer
Areas of interests:
- Knowledge management
- Health care management and implementation of welfare technology
- Practice based learning in organizations
- Strategy
- Regional innovation and development
Curriculum Vitae
General information
Position: Professor of Health and Technology at the University of South-Eastern Norway, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences.
Adjunct professor at Tromsø University, the Arctic University of Norway.
Degree: PhD in Leadership and Organization from BI Norwegian Business School
Languages: Norwegian, English and Spanish
Academic background
2010 PhD in Leadership and Organization from Norwegian School of Management BI (Now BI Norwegian Business School). Title of dissertation: Opportunities for learning and knowledge creation in practice.
2002 Master degree (Cand. Merc) in Strategy and Knowledge Management, Buskerud University College.
1986 Bachelor (Cand. Mag.), Buskerud University College and the University of Oslo. Human resource management, information technology, business, pedagogics, English and Spanish (supplemented in 1998-99)
2018 Developing Research Supervisors - A Train the Trainers Programme
2017 Research Management Course CBS Executive.
2016-2017 Developing Doctoral Supervision, USN.
Work experience
2019→ Professor of Health and Technology, University of South-Eastern Norway, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, Department of Nursing and Health Sciences.
2010-2019 Associate professor at the University of South-Eastern Norway, School of Business, Department of Business, Marketing and Law.
2014 → Adjunct professor II at Tromsø University Business School, UiT The Arctic University of Norway (part time).
2006-2010 Assistant professor at Buskerud University College
2002-2006 Doctoral Research Fellow and lecturer at Buskerud University College
1999-2002 Lecturer and responsible lecturer at Buskerud University College
1998-2000 Freelance journalist in Magasin for ledere (union magazine)
1995-1999 Editor. Det Norske Samlaget (Publishing company). Textbooks on college- and university level. Fields: pedagogics, social science and healthcare
1993-1995 Consultant. Kopinor, The Reproduction Rights Organisation of Norway
1989-1993 Editor. Tano (Publishing Company). Textbooks on college- and university level. Fields: organization science, business administration, economics.
1986-1989 Junior Executive officer at Statens Lærerhøgskole i handels- og kontorfag
International network – visits abroad
2014 Lecturer at the Shiga University, Hikone, Japan
2011 Visiting fellow at University of Valencia, Spain. Dpto. de Dirección de Empresas 'Juan José Renau Piqueras' Facultad de Economía.
2005-2006 Visiting fellow at IKON (Innovation, Knowledge and Organisational Networks research unit) at Warwick Business School at Warwick University, UK
Relevant teaching
2019-2023 Executive Master of Health care management. Responsible lecturer from 2020.
2018-2022 Knowledge management and learning in organizations. Master level (Msc in Business). Responsible lecturer from 2020.
2019-2021 E-helse og velferdsteknologier i praksis. Master module.
2018-2019 Qualitative Research methods – PhD course in the Marketing Management program. Responsible lecturer
2015-2019 Qualitative Research methods - master level (Msc in Business). Responsible lecturer
2016-2019 Knowledge management, Executive Master of Management. Responsible lecturer.
2015-2017 Health and welfare technology. One lecture per year. Faculty of Health and Social Science, USN.
2016 Qualitative Research methods – master level (Msc in Business). Lecturer at UiT – The Arctic University of Norway, campus Alta.
2014-2017 Knowledge management, bachelor level course – delivered through HR Norge. Responsible lecturer
2013-2016 Qualitative Research methods – master level (Msc in Business). Responsible lecturer.
2013-2018 Project management – learning in and between projects. Lecturer at UiT – The Arctic University of Norway, campus Alta.
2014-2016 Learning in organizations, Health management at the Faculty of Health sciences, HSN
2009-2015 Learning and competence development in and between organizations. Lecturer. Responsible lecturer during 2013-14.
2007-2010 Strategy – foundation course, masters level. Responsible lecturer.
2010-2013 Organization and leadership. Introductory course bachelor level. Responsible lecturer.
1999-2007 Lecturer and responsible lecturer for the following courses: HR management, Practical communication and organization, Educational management (master), plus several minor teaching assignments and supervision of bachelor students.
Master supervision
15 master theses, and in addition a number of preliminary master projects and bachelor theses.
35 executive master of management theses.
PhD supervision
Main supervisor (2021- ): PhD candidate Linda Grøndahl-Eeles, PhD in Person-centered Healthcare, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of South-Eastern Norway.
Co-supervisor (2015-20): PhD candidate Janne Dugstad, PhD in Person-centered Healthcare, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of South-Eastern Norway.
Co-supervisor (2016-2022): PhD candidate Samira Sahebalzamani, PhD in Economics and marketing at the School of Business and Economics (HHT), UiT The Arctic University of Norway.
PhD committees
October 2015 Hindertje H. Heemstra: Practicing open innovation in experience-based tourism. The roles of knowledge, values and reflexivity. University of Nordland, Business School. 2nd opponent.
June 2017 Member of midterm evaluation committee for PhD student Elin Kjelle. University College of South-Eastern Norway, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences.
May 2019 Elin Kjelle: Mobile radiography services in nursing homes - utilisation, costs and organization. University of South-Eastern Norway, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences. Administrator of committee.
Dec 2021 Kristin Bentsen: Three Essays on Market Shaping Dynamics in Digital Local Food Markets. University of South-Eastern Norway, School of Business. Administrator of committee
Miscellaneous internal commitments (USN)
o PhD Supervision. Part of organizing and teaching team, internal training program USN. 2017-2019
o Head of research group ‘Organization and Leadership’, School of Business, USN, 2017-2019.
o Responsible for work package in the USN Business School program “MANAGING SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION THROUGH CO-CREATION” 2018-1019
o Deputy board member of Program board, PhD in Marketing Management (2017-2019).
o Member of core group, Science Centre Health and Technology, Faculty of Health and social science.
o Deputy member of «Undervisningsutvalget», USN.
o Program director of Buskerud University College International Summer School (2013-2014)
Member of committees for evaluation of appointment of scientific staff
o Agder University (committee leader)
o Vestfold University College (committee leader)
o Sør-Trøndelag University College
o Akershus University College
o Telemark University College
o The Norwegian Defence University College (NDUC)
o The Nord University
o Oslo Metropolitan University
Projects and project management
2021-2022 Bærekraftig modellutvikling for organisering av responssenter. Funded by Regional Research Fund Vesfold and Telemark. Project manager.
2020-2021 Sustainable healthcare services: Middle managers’ readiness for change as a critical factor. Internal project.
2020-2024 Motivational processes in occupational health (MOTIVATION). Funded by the Norwegian Research Council.
2020-2021 Digital sikkerhetskompetanse i helse- og sosialfag – et nasjonalt samskapingsprosjekt. Funding: DIKU
2020 Use of video consultation (VC) in a mental health hospital: a qualitative study of therapists’ experiences of video consultations during the period of Covid-19 restrictions. Funding: UNIT
2019-2020 Virtuelt hjemmesykehus – utvikling av en helhetlig, digital løsning for digital oppfølging av dialysepasienter i hjemmet. [Virtual hospital at home]. Funded by Oslofjordfondet (Regional research fund).
2019-2020 Samskaping i næringsvekst 2020. En undersøkelse av tematiske og metodiske utfordringer. Prosjektet er finansiert av Buskerud Fylkeskommune.
2018-2020 Practice and apprenticeships in vocational education – what are the fields for interaction and learning between stakeholders. Project member, inter-faculty project USN.
2017- Collaboration, leadership, control and motivation in dispersed knowledge intensive organizations. Project member, internal project USN.
2017-2020 Live streaming – what do we gain? Internal project USN.
2016-2018 Employer attractiveness – towards a new measurement. Internal project USN.
2016-2018 The Trust-project (Tillitsprosjektet). Establishing self-organized teams in the homecare service in three regions in the municipality of Oslo. (Etablering av selvstyrte team i hjemmetjenesten i tre bydeler i Oslo kommune). Project member pilot-project.
2014-2017 Implementation of welfare technology. Digital surveillance in municipalities and its impact on innovation of services and organisation. Project manager research project, jointly funded by three Regional Research funds: Hovedstadsfondet, Agderfondet and Oslofjordfondet. Funding frame: NOK 8.8 m
2014-2016 Buskerud as a learning region. Project manager of Work package in VRI3 Buskerud. Funding frame: NOK 400’.
2013-2014 Digital night monitoring, Project manager research project, funded by Oslofjordfondet (Regional Research Fund). Funding frame: NOK 400’.
2008-2013 VRI Buskerud, Project manager research projects and member of executive committee
2010-2011 HIBU Alumni, Project manager development project (pilot)
Boysen, Ausen & Nilsen: Personas for å styrke hjemmedialysepasientens rolle i innovasjonsprosessen. In review.
Eide et al.: Trust-based service innovation of municipal home care. A longitudinal mixed methods study. In review.
Sahebalzamani, S., Jørgensen, E. J. B., Bertella, G., & Nilsen, E. R. (2022). A Dynamic Capabilities Approach to Business Model Innovation in Times of Crisis. Tourism Planning & Development, 1-24.
Jørgensen, E. J. B., Olafsen, A. H., & Nilsen, E. R. (2022). Proximity dimensions and dynamics within an organisation: Experiences from a change process. International Journal of Innovation Management.
Gullslett, Silsand, Breivik, Nilsen (2022): Implementing and Learning to Use Video Meetings in Mental Health Hospital Departments. Therapists’ Experiences from Internal and External Meetings. A Qualitative Study. The Fourteenth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine. eTELEMED 2022
Meum, T. T., & Nilsen, E. R. (2021). Exploration of ethical issues in the implementation of digital monitoring technologies in health care services. Reports of the European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies.
Ballangrud, B. B., & Nilsen, E. (2021). VET teachers continuing professional development—the responsibility of the school leader. Journal of Education and Work, 1-14.
Gullslett, M. K., Kristiansen, E., & Nilsen, E. R. (2021). Therapists’ Experience of Video Consultation in Specialized Mental Health Services During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Qualitative Interview Study. JMIR Human Factors, 8(3), e23150.
Gullslett, M. K., Nilsen, E. R., & Dugstad, J. (2021). Next of kin’s experiences with and attitudes towards digital monitoring technology for ageing people with dementia in residential care facilities. A qualitative study based on the voices of next of kin and care providers. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences.
Olafsen, A. H., Niemiec, C. P., Deci, E. L., Halvari, H., Nilsen, E. R., & Williams, G. C. (2021) Mindfulness buffers the adverse impact of need frustration on employee outcomes: A self‐determination theory perspective. Journal of Theoretical Social Psychology. 2021;00:1– 14
Olafsen, A.H., Nilsen, E.R., Smedsrud, S. & Kamaric, D. (2020): Sustainable development through commitment to organizational change: The implications of organizational culture and individual readiness for change. Journal of Workplace Learning,
Nilsen, E.R., Stendal, K., and Gullslett, M.K. (2020): Implementation of eHealth Technology in Community Health Care: The Complexity of Stakeholder Involvement. BMC Health Services Research, 20(395), 1-13.
Dugstad, J., Sundling, V., Nilsen, E. R., & Eide, H. (2020). Nursing staff’s evaluation of facilitators and barriers during implementation of wireless nurse call systems in residential care facilities. A cross-sectional study. BMC Health Services Research, 20(1), 1-13.
Dugstad J, Sundling V, Nilsen ER, Eide H (2019). Evaluating and Tailoring Welfare Technology Implementation Processes. Adapting the MIDI Questionnaire to Welfare Technology Implementation in Municipal Care Services. Proceedings from The 17th Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics 2019 Oslo, Norway, November 12-13, 2019; 2019: Linköping University Electronic Press
Olafsen, A.H. & E. R. Nilsen (2019) #Facebook #LinkedIn #Instagram #Snapchat #Twitter: Sosiale mediers rolle i jobbsøkeprosessen. Magma, 4/2019.
Dugstad, J., Eide,T., Nilsen, E.R. & Eide, H. (2019): Towards successful digital transformation through co-creation: a longitudinal study of a four-year implementation of digital monitoring technology in residential care for persons with dementia. BMC Health Services Research, 19:366.
Elvekrok, I., Veflen, N., Nilsen, E. R., & Gausdal, A. H. 2018. Firm innovation benefits from regional triple-helix networks. Regional Studies: 1-11.
Eikebrokk, Tom Roar, Etty R. Nilsen and Niels Garmann-Johnsen: Exploring the role of process orientation in healthcare service innovation: the case of digital night surveillance. In AMCIS 2017 Proceedings. ISBN: 978-0-9966831-4-2
Nilsen, E. R. & Gausdal A.H. (2017). The multifaceted role of the network orchestrator - a longitudinal study. International Journal of Innovation Management. 21(6)
Nilsen, E. R., Dugstad, J., Eide, H., Gullslett, M. K., & Eide, T. (2016). Exploring resistance to implementation of welfare technology in municipal healthcare services – a longitudinal case study. BMC Health Services Research, 16(1), 657.
Meum, T. T., and Nilsen, E. R. 2016. Co-creation of an Innovation Network : Engagement and User Involvement in Digital Care Services. eTELEMED 2016: The Eighth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine 32–35. ISBN: 978-1-61208-470-1
Nilsen, E. R., Olafsen, A. H., Steinsvåg, A. G., Halvari, H., & Grov, E. K. (2016). Stuck between a rock and a hard place: the work situation for nurses as leaders in municipal health care. Journal of multidisciplinary healthcare, 9, 153.
Jørgensen, E.J.B., and Nilsen, E.R. (2015): Development of internationalization in a capability perspective: Norwegian SMEs in Russia. Int. Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business. 26(3). 332-351
Gausdal, A.H., Möllering, G., Nilsen, E.R. (2015). Re-focusing the Smart-house network. In: Sydow, J., Schüßler, E., Müller-Seitz, G. (eds.): Managing Interorganizational Relations – Debates and Cases. London: Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 146-153.
Dugstad, J., Nilsen, E., & Eide, H. (2014). Piloting the Norwegian version of the “The Measuring Instrument for Determinants of Innovations” (MIDI)-a new instrument for implementation of innovations in health care. Paper presented at the Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics; August 22; 2014; Grimstad; Norway.
Ergan, M. A. , Vold, A. T. og Nilsen, E. (2014). Virtual Communities of Practice - Experiences from VCoP. Proceedings of the 15th European conference on knowledge management. 306-310.
Sivertzen, A., Nilsen, E.R., Olafsen, A. (2013): Employer Branding: Employer Attractiveness and the Use of Social Media. Journal of Product and Brand management. 22(7). 473-483.
Eide, D., Ladegård, G., Langåker, L., Lines, R., Nilsen, E. og Wennes, G. (2013) Grunnleggende utfordrende – Utfordringer i undervisning i grunnleggende organisasjonsfag. Magma (5). 49-58.
Nilsen, E. R. (2013). Organizing for learning and knowledge creation - or are we too afraid to kill it? Projects as a learning space. Journal of Managing Projects in Business 6 (2). 293-309.
Olsen, N. V., Elvekrok, I., & Nilsen, E. R. (2012). Drivers of food SMEs network success: 101 tales from Norway. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 26(2), 120-128
Gausdal, A., & Nilsen, E. 2011. Orchestrating Innovative SME Networks. The Case of “HealthInnovation”. Journal of the Knowledge Economy, 2(4): 586-600.
Nilsen, E. R. 2010. Opportunities for learning and knowledge creation in practice. Norwegian School of Management, Oslo. Dissertation.
Vaagaasar, Anne Live and Etty Nilsen (2005): Multivoicedness in organisational identity construction. Knowledge creation as the alignment of interests. Published in: Gherardi, S., Nicolini, D. (eds) (2005) The Passion for Learning and Knowing. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Organizational Learning and Knowledge (2 vols.) University of Trento e-books, Trento. (ISBN 88-8843-100-X)
Publications – popular science
Nilsen, Etty Ragnhild; Dugstad, Janne H; Eide, Hilde; Grøndal-Eeles, Linda Cecilie; Hansen, Anette; Reierson, Inger Åse; Solli, Hilde. Alarmen går men hvem svarer? Desto flere «duppeditter» som blir installert hos brukere, desto mer presserende blir spørsmålet om hvem som skal svare når alarmen går. Kommunal rapport 2022
Nilsen, E., Foss, M.K., Lund, M. & Skarholt, G.K.(2021): Universitetskommune – hva er det og hvordan kan samarbeidet mellom kommune og universitet fylles med innhold? Kronikk i Kommunal rapport og lokalaviser i Grenland.
Nilsen, Etty og Kari Teigen (2021): Digitalisering på tvers – Look to Porsgrunn! Kronikk i Telemarksavisa og Kommunal rapport mars 2021.
Elvekrok, I., Engeset, M., Nilsen, E. (2020) Det er naudsynt med eit kritisk blikk på strøyming av undervisning i høgare utdanning. Kronikk i
Nilsen, E.R. et al. (2015): Eldreomsorg og teknologi. Feature article in Agderposten (November 27th 2015), in Laagendalsposten (November 29th 2015), and in Drammens Tidende (December 3rd 2015).
Båtevik, F. O., Grimsrud, G. M., Nesse, J. G., Nilsen, E. R., Yttredal, E. R., & Årethun, T. 2013. Kampen om kompetansen - Innovasjon og rekrutterings-utfordringar i regionalt perspektiv. Plan, 6.
Karlsen, J., Isaksen, A., Austenå, H., Brekke, T., Herstad, S., Holtskog, H., & Nilsen, E. 2011. Forskning eller utdanning? Plan(2).
Boysen, Elin Sundby, Etty Ragnhild Nilsen, Dag Ausen, Anders Skifte, Ragnhild Eliassen (2020): Virtuelt hjemmesykehus. Applikasjon for kommunikasjon og varebestilling mellom sykepleiere og pasienter i hjemmedialyse. SINTEF rapport. Confidential.
Awaleh, F., Elvekrok, I., Nilsen, E., & Schou, A. (2019). Samskaping i Næringsvekst 2020. Foreløpige funn, samt tematiske og metodiske utfordringer for videre forsking.
Eide, T. Gullslett, M.K.; Nilsen, E.; Dugstad, J.; Eide, H. (2018). Tillitsmodellen : hovedpilotering i Oslo kommune 2017-18. Retrieved from Drammen:
Nilsen, E. R., Dugstad, J., Eide, H., Eide, T., Eikebrokk, T. R., Gullslett, M. K., Meum, T. T., Moe, C. E., & Stendal, K. 2017. Digitalt tilsyn – en reise i samhandling og samskaping. Rapport fra forskningsprosjektet "Implementation of welfare technology. Digital surveillance in municipalities and its impact on innovation of services and organization". Skriftserien fra Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge, 1 ed.: 57.
Eide, Tom; Nilsen, Etty Ragnhild; Winness, Monika Gullslett; Olafsen, Anja Hagen; Aaberge, Amund Hamnes; Eide, Hilde. Tillitsmodellen - erfaringer med mini-pilotering av selvstyrende team i tre bydeler i Oslo kommune. Drammen: Vitensenteret ved Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge 2017 (ISBN 978-82-7860-303-1) 42 s. Skriftserien fra Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge (13) HSN
Dugstad, J., Nilsen, E. R., Gullslett, M. K., Eide, T., Eide, H. (2015): Implementering av velferdsteknologi i helse- og omsorgstjenester: opplæringsbehov og utforming av nye tjenester – en sluttrapport. HBV Skriftserien 13.
Jakobsen, Erik W. og Etty Nilsen (2007): Ringerike scenarier 2020. Report.
Reviews for:
o BMC Health Services Research
o Personnel Review
o Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning
o Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism
o International Journal of Innovation Management
o Personnel Review
o Journal of Rural Studies
Recent presentations (2016-2021) – popular science
Endringsarbeid. Foredrag for prosjektledere i Velferdsteknologiprogrammet KS. Oslo lufthavn 8. juni 2022
Avslutningskonferanse BÆREKRAFTIG MODELLUTVIKLING FOR ORGANISERING AV RESPONSSENTER. 24. mai 2022. Lenke til webinar:
Kultur for endring - Tørn – Sammen om fremtidens helse og omsorg. Digitalt foredrag. KS. 11.05.22.
Endringsledelse – å stå i endringer som pågår rundt innføring av velferdsteknologi. Sola kultursenter 5.5.22.
Virtuelt hjemmesykehus. Utvikling av en kommunikasjonsplattform mellom sykehuset og pasienter som administrerer sin egen dialyse hjemme. Kompetansenettverk velferdsteknologi Telemark. 1. april 2022
Velferdsteknologi. Møte i Porsgrunn Rotary; 21. mars 2022
Innovasjon i helse – eit mogleg prosjekt i Vest-Telemark. Rådmannssamling Vesttelemark; 8. juni 2021
Lunch & Learn. Imatis AS. 29. oktober 2021
Økt bruk av velferdsteknologi i kommunal helse- og velferd – utfordringer og lederansvar. Workshop Asker og Lier kommuner. 13. Oktober 2021
Innovasjon i helse – eit mogleg prosjekt i Vest-Telemark. Rådmannssamling Vesttelemark; 8. juni 2021
Hvis ‘Digital transformasjon av helse og velferd’ er det bevegelige målet – er ‘samskaping og kunnskapsledelse’ middelet?. DigiSkien 2021; 26. mai 2021
Virtual hospital at home – co-creation and implementation of a digital solution. Kunnskapens tre; 1. februar 2021
Samarbeidet mellom regionalt næringsliv og USN – sett fra ståstedet til en professor i helse og teknologi. Vekst i Grenland - mandagsmøte; 1. februar 2021
Virtuelt hjemmesykehus – betydning for de ansatte ved nyrepoliklinikken. Innlegg Imatis AS brukerforum Webinar. 3. november 2020.
Samskaping. Nettverksmøte Velferdsteknologi i Telemark. På TEAMS, 28. oktober 2020.
Fra «robotene kommer!» til «så lenge mutter’n har det bra». THE TIMES THEY ARE A CHANGIN’:
Holdninger til økt bruk av velferdsteknologi. Bidrag forskningsdagene 2020. Porsgrunn, September 22nd 2020
Gaveprofessorat status: prosjekter og planer. Styringsgruppemøte Helseinnovasjon Telemark. On-line, September 22nd 2020
Velferdsteknologi og ledelse. Ledelsesutfordringer i et endringsprosjekt. KS Innlandet. On-line, September 1st 2020
Virtuelt hjemmesykehus – verktøy for kommunikasjon mellom sykehus og hjemmedialysepasienter. Forprosjekt finansiert av RFF – et eksempel. Presentasjon for representanter for Vest-Telemarkskommunene. Digitalt. August 11th 2020.
Endringsledelse og velferdsteknologi. Digitale Helgeland BRAVO Velferdsteknologi. Sandnessjøen, June 4th 2020.
Organisasjonsutvikling og kunnskapsleiing av velferdsteknologi i kommunane i Vest-Telemark, Workshop Seljord March 4th 2020.
Implementering av nye løsninger og rutiner. Hva er suksesskriteriene og hva er det som gjør at vi eventuelt ikke lykkes? Kompetansesenter for velferdsteknologi i Telemark, Ulefoss 11.12.19.
Endringsledelse (og velferdsteknologi). Workshops for Regional koordineringsgruppe eHelse og velferdsteknologi i Agder. Arendal, Kristiansand og Åsral, 24.-26. september 2019
Endringsledelse. Behov for endringsledere i implementering av velferdsteknologi i kommunal helse og omsorgstjeneste. Foredrag for Velferdsteknologiprosjekta på Vestlandet – felles regional samling, Hotel Terminus, Bergen, 17. september 2019
Velferdsteknologi og forskning. Foredrag på Erfaringskonferanse om velferdsteknologi i Telemark. Ælvespeilet, Porsgrunn 16. september 2019
Implementering av velferdsteknologi med fokus på de ansatte. Funn fra forskningsprosjektet Digitalt tilsyn. Foredrag på Teknologi i Helse og Omsorg 2019. – Erfaringer, samspill og trender. Høgskulen på Vestlandet 21. mai 2019.
Ledelse av kunnskapsmedarbeidere – muligheter og utfordringer. Workshop for ledere hos Fylkesmannen i Vestfold og Telemark. Bakkenteigen, 8. april 2019
Motstand mot implementering av teknologi i kommunal helse og omsorg– kan endringsledelse smøre prosessen? Workshop for prosjektledere i spredningsprosjektet KS, Gardermoen 4. april 2019
Tillitsmodellen. Organisatorisk innovasjon i Oslo kommune. Foredrag for Nettverk for helse og omsorgsledere i Hedmark & Oppland. KS Hamar. 7. mars 2019.
Implementering av velferdsteknologi med fokus på de ansatte. Funn fra forskningsprosjektet Digitalt tilsyn. Demensdagene 2018, Oslo 4. desember. Symposium 1.6 Bedre hverdag med velferdsteknologi?
Implementering av velferdsteknologi – hvordan kan kommunene møte utfordringene?
Funn fra forskningsprosjektet Digitalt tilsyn. Seminar at Sola kulturhus for municipalities in the region. May 3rd 2018.
The Norwegian Work Life Model: Freedom and Learning at work. Business seminar, Davao, The Philippines. February 19th 2018.
Implementering av velferdsteknologi – hvordan kan kommunene møte utfordringene? Funn fra forskningsprosjektet Digitalt tilsyn. Seminar with «Ringeriksregionens prosjektgruppe». Drammen, November 30th 2017.
Implementering av velferdsteknologi – hvordan kan kommunene møte utfordringene? Funn fra forskningsprosjektet Digitalt tilsyn. Skien September 26th 2017
Presentation Ringerike Library: Velferdsteknologisk eldreomsorg - Er kommunene klare? Hønefoss, September 13th 2017.
Presentation Akuttnettverket: Læring i nettverk – hvordan og hvorfor? Asker April 3rd 2017.
Presentation Østre Gran Bygdekvinnelag: Velferdsteknologisk eldreomsorg – hvordan forholder vi oss til den? February 14th 2017.
Presentation for Delta: Delta som en lærende organisasjon. January 31st 2017.
Presentation Hadeland: Bruk av velferdsteknologi i eldreomsorgen – er det uetisk å ikke ta det i bruk? October 18th 2016.
Workshop for municipalities in Hallingdal (Buskerud): «Velferdsteknologi – mitt ansvar som leder?
Endringsledelse, motstand og samarbeid ved implementering av velferdsteknologi». November 29th 2016.
The Norwegian Directorate of Health: «Shared knowledge is double knowledge». November 4th 2016
Workshop, Västerås – Sørøst-Norge: «Digitalt tilsyn (og gevinstrealisering)» Västerås, Sweden. September 19th 2016.
Workshop for municipalities in Ringeriksregionen and Midtfylket (Buskerud): «Velferdsteknologi
- mitt ansvar som leder? Om endringsledelse i helse og omsorgstjenester.» Science Centre Health and Technology, Drammen. June 10th 2015.
Workshop for the municipalities in the Kongsbergregionen: «Velferdsteknologi - mitt ansvar som leder? Om endringsledelse i helse og omsorgstjenester. Kongsberg campus HSN. June 7th 2016.
Ringerike library, ‘Science for lunch’: «Bruk av velferdsteknologi i eldreomsorgen – er det uetisk å ikke ta det i bruk?». Hønefoss, May 24th 2016
Vestre Viken Helseforetak, Ledersamling Klækken hotell, Hønefoss: «Tid og sted for læring og endring. Endringsledelse som tilrettelegging.» March 16th 2016.
Conference papers and presentations
June 2022 Gullslett, Silsand, Breivik, Nilsen (2022): Implementing and Learning to Use Video Meetings in Mental Health Hospital Departments. Therapists’ Experiences from Internal and External Meetings. A Qualitative Study. The Fourteenth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine. eTELEMED 2022
Nov. 2021 Kujanpää, Miika; Olafsen, Anja Hagen; Frølund, Claus Wiemann; Nilsen, Etty Ragnhild. Enhancing occupational health through job recovery strategies – design of an intervention. NEON-dagene 2021; 2021-11-24.
Sep. 2021 Meum, Torbjørg Træland; Nilsen, Etty Ragnhild. Exploration of ethical issues in the implementation of digital monitoring technologies in health care services. Reports of the European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies 2021
Nov. 2020 NOKOBIT 2020. Virtual hospital at home – co-creation and implementation of a digital solution. Nilsen, Etty Ragnhild; Elin Sundby, Boysen; Dag, Ausen; Anders, Skifte; Ragnhild, Eliassen.
Sept. 2020 VITALIS 2020. Virtual hospital at home – Development of a platform for communication and follow-up for dialysis patients at home. A triple-helix cooperation. Elin Sundby Boysen, Sintef AS, Anette Fure, Telemark Hospital, Etty R. Nilsen, University of South-Eastern Norway, Dag Ausen, Imatis AS. On-line.
Nov. 2019 NEON-konferansen 2019. Virtuelt hjemmesykehus – digital oppfølging av dialysepasienter i hjemmet. Etty R. Nilsen, Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge,
Elin Sundby Boysen, Sintef, Dag Ausen, Imatis A/S. Lillehammer November 27th 2019.
Dec. 2018 Euregha’s High Level Annual Conference: Changing today for tomorrow. Brussels December 6th 2018. Presentation by E.R. Nilsen: Successful digital transformation of public healthcare services – the Digital Night Surveillance Project.
Nov. 2018 NEON-konferansen 2018; 2018-11-22. Eide, Tom; Knudsen Gullslett, Monika; Nilsen, Etty Ragnhild; Dugstad, Janne H; McCormack, Brendan; Eide, Hilde. Towards trust-based management in healthcare – the complexity of a value-driven innovation process in municipal homecare.
Nov. 2018 NEON-konferansen 2018-11-22. Nilsen, E.R., Olafsen, A.H., Jørgensen, E.J.B.; Managerial proximity: Implications for control and support in dispersed knowledge-intensive organizations.
Nov. 2018 NEON-konferansen 2018-11-22. Nilsen, E.R., Elvekrok, I. and Samuelsen, R.:
Destination Development in Hemsedal, Norway.
Nov. 2018 Olafsen, A. H., Nilsen, E. R., & Jørgensen, E. J. B. Management in Dispersed Organizations - The Influence of Geographical and Professional Distance in a Self-Determination Theory Perspective. Presentation at the 7th Conference on Motivation, Hønefoss, Norway.
June 2018 Nordyrk conference - Nordic research network on vocational education and training. Lillestrøm, June 11-13. B.B. Ballangrud and E.R. Nilsen: Practice and apprenticeships in vocational education – what are the fields for interaction and learning between stakeholders?
May 2018 13th Organization Studies Workshop Samos, Greece May 24-26. Nilsen, E., Olafsen, A., Jørgensen, E.: The show must go on – the implications of changes in proximity and design in public organizations in transition.
March 2018 LAEMOS, Buenos Aires, Argentina March 22nd-24th. Nilsen, E., Olafsen, A., Jørgensen, E.: The show must go on – Resilience, design and proximity in public organizations in transition.
Jan. 2018 Presentation at FIBE, Bergen January 4-5. Nilsen, E., Elvekrok, I., Engeset, M.G,: The increased use of live streaming of talks and lectures – what do we gain?
A pilot study.
Aug. 2017 Presentation at Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics SHI2017, Kristiansand, 29 - 30 August. Nilsen, Etty R., Torbjørg T. Meum, Janne Dugstad, Hilde Eide, Tom Eide, Tom Eikebrokk, Monika K. Gullslett, Carl E. Moe and Karen Stendal: Implementation of digital surveillance technology - Innovation through cooperation and co-creation.
Aug. 2017 Olafsen, A. H., Niemiec, C. P., Deci, E. L., Halvari, H., Nilsen, E. R., & Williams, G. C.: Coping with job demands and subsequent need frustration at work: The moderating role of employee mindfulness. Presentation at the 24th Nordic Academy of Management Conference, Bodø (August, 2017). Norway.
Aug. 2017 Presentation of paper at the AMCIS (American Conference of Information Management) 2017, Boston, US, August 10-12. Eikebrokk, Tom Roar, Etty R. Nilsen and Niels Garmann-Johnsen: Exploring the role of process orientation in healthcare service innovation: the case of digital night surveillance.
July 2017 Presentation of paper at the 33rd EGOS Colloquium, Copenhagen, July 6th-8th. Nilsen, Etty and Anja Olafsen: Material aspects of organizing: physical layout and division of labour as barriers to organizational learning and knowledge diffusion.
Dec. 2016 Presentation of poster at the Ifip WG8.2 Workshop. Dublin, December 9th. Meum, Torbjørg Træland and Etty R. Nilsen: Digital Innovation in Municipal Care Services.
Dec. 2016 Presentation at the annual meeting in The Norwegian Association of Researchers – NAR, HSN Campus Ringerike: Exploring resistance to implementation of welfare technology in municipal healthcare services – a longitudinal case study.
Nov. 2016 Presentation at the NEON conference in Tromsø, November 24th. Nilsen, Dugstad, Meum and Moe: Implementation of innovation through co-creation and reflective practice in the public sector.
Nov. 2016 Presentation at the Conference on Motivation 2016, USN, Ringerike on November 10th. Nilsen, E.R., H. Eide and T. Eide: Reorganizing the homecare services – from new public management to autonomous work teams.
Dec. 2015 Presentation of paper at the 41st Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy (EIBA), at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, December 1-3. Title of paper: Jørgensen and Nilsen: Towards a theory of border firm internationalization.
June 2015 Presentation of paper at the 5th International workshop on infrastructures for healthcare in Trento, Italy. June 18th to 19th. Title of paper: Meum, Dugstad and Nilsen: Digital innovation in municipal care services.
Aug. 2015 Presentation of paper at the 23rd Nordic Academy of Management Conference in Copenhagen, August 12-14. Title of paper: Nilsen and Eikebrokk: The (mal)practice of managing projects in the public sector – or an encounter of PM paradigms?
April 2013 Paper presentation at OLKC13 in Washington DC, April. Title of paper: Division of labor and physical layout as barriers to knowledge diffusion -
Is the modern hospital as a learning organization a contradiction in terms?
Oct. 2013 Presentation of paper on the 8th International Seminar on Regional Innovation Policies, Donostia-San Sebastián,10th and 11th of October. Title of paper: Elvekrok and Nilsen: What do firms benefit from participating in constructed regional triple-helix networks?
April 2011 Presentation of paper at OLKC 2008, International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities, Hull, UK, April 13th. Title of paper: Workplace Learning Communities; Horizontal AND Vertical?
Jan. 2011 Presentation of paper at 5th Nordic conference on Health Organization and Management. 13th-14th January.
Nov. 2010 Presentations of papers at NEON, Nettverk for organisasjonsforskere i Norge. November 24th- 26th. Title of papers: 1: Knowledge management strategy – a strategy for learning in practice? 2: Gausdal and Nilsen: Orchestrating innovative networks. The case of ‘HealthInnovation’
Oct. 2010 Presentation of paper at Regional Innovation Policies. October 14th-15th. Title of paper. (Gausdal and Nilsen) Orchestrating network creation. The case of HealthInnovation in the Norwegian region of Drammen
April 2008 Presentation of paper at OLKC 2008, International Conference on Organizational Learning, Knowledge and Capabilities, Copenhagen, Denmark, April 28th-30th 2008. Title of paper: Learning through sensing practice.
August 2007 Presentation of paper at 19th Nordic Academy of Management Conference, at the Norwegian School of economics and business administration, Bergen, Norway. Title of paper: Patient first – then learning. The paradox of learning in an efficient practice.
July 2007 Presentation of paper at the Third Organization Studies Summer Workshop in Crete, Greece. Paper: Vaagaasar, Anne Live, Tor Hernes and Etty Nilsen: Enacting a case – of what? Methodological reflections on drawing case boundaries in a tangled reality.
June 2005 Presentation of paper at HSS05 (Høgskole og Samfunn i Samhandling 2005). Title: Knowledge creation in an industrial network – the role of non-industrial actors. The paper was supported by the Research Council of Norway.
May 2004 Presentation of Paper at The fourth EURAM conference at the
University of St. Andrews in Scotland. Title of paper: Communities for knowledge sharing and knowledge creation – where are they and how are they enabled?
Jan. 2004 Presentation of paper at FIBE, Business conference at NHH, Bergen, Norway
Title of paper: Creating cafés – not libraries. Strategy for managing knowledge when knowledge cannot be captured and stored.
Dec. 2003 Presentation of paper at Workshop on Narration and Knowledge Management , EIASM, Brüssels, Belgium. Title of paper: Storytelling: Knowledge Creation or Research Method? Or both?
Jan. 2003 Presentation of paper at FIBE, Business conference at NHH, Bergen, Norway
Title of paper: Fields for knowledge creation in a network.
March 7th 2022