Underviser på:
- ph.d.-programmet PEDRES
- grunnskolelærerutdanningen 5-10
- master i pedagogikk
Medlem i følgende forskergrupper:
Aktuelle prosjekter:
- Videobaserte læringsformer i profesjonsutdanningen (ViP) (HK-DIR, Program for studentaktiv læring, 2022-2025) Prosjektleder
- E-Pal: Equip Palestine with E-Learning (NORHED II-prosjekt, 2021-2026)
Avsluttede prosjekter:
- LUDO: Læring og undervisning i digitale omgivelser (KD og Norgesuniversitetet, 2018-2021)
- Learning Outcomes Across Policy and Practice (LOAPP) (Forskningsrådet 2016-2020)
- Teacher Support Teams (2015-2018)
- Simulations in Maritime Training (2011-2015)
Hontvedt, M., Solem, M. & Prøitz, T.S. (2024). Oral Exams as Social Practice: Questions, Joint Remembering, and Co-construction. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of the Learning Sciences - ICLS 2024. Buffalo, USA: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Hontvedt, M., Oddvik, M. & Næss, R.K. (2024). Epistemic Agency in Teacher Education: A Design-Based Research Study of Students’ Video Reflections on Course Readings. Proceedings of the 18th International Conference of the Learning Sciences - ICLS 2024. Buffalo, USA: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Carson, L., Hontvedt, M. & Lund, A. (2024). Co-constructing teacher education: Student agency and teacher educators’ responses to a student-created podcast. In. Digitalization and Digital Competence in Educational Context: A Nordic Perspective from Policy to Practice. Routledge
Wiig, C., Oddvik, M., Næss, R.R. & Hontvedt, M. (2024). Å forestille seg som ressurs for å lære på tvers. Et eksempel fra lærerstudenters arbeid med bærekraft i en simulatorlab. I: Stenseth, T. & Oddvik, M. (red.) Læringsarbeid i digitale omgivelser – en balansekunst. Gyldendal Akademiske
Beal, C. & Hontvedt, M. (2023). Video-based mind maps in teacher education: Student teachers’ co-construction of knowledge during a pedagogy course. Learning Culture and Social Interaction
Hontvedt, M., Silseth, K. & Prøitz, T.S. (2023). Collaborative Display of Competence: A case study of process-oriented and video-based assessment in school. Teaching and Teacher Education
Silseth, K., Hontvedt, M. & Mäkitalo, Å. (2022). Enacting policy in classrooms: Making students accountable through inscriptions from the curriculum in classroom interactions. European Journal of Psychology of Education (EUPE)
Lie, H.C., Gerwing, J., Bondevik, H., Bostad, I., Ellingsen, D.M., Frühholz, S., Gulbrandsen, P., Hontvedt, M., De Lange, T., Landmark, A.M., Larsen B.H. & Menichetti, J. (2022) Studying clinical communication through multiple lenses: The underused potential of inter-disciplinary collaborations. Patient Education and Counseling.
Carson, L., Hontvedt, M. & Lund, A. (2021). Student teacher podcasting: Agency and change. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, Volume 29
Hontvedt, Oddvik & Næss (2020). Videolekser som ressurs for lesing og undervisning i lærerutdanning – En studie av hvordan samarbeid og partnerskap kan utvikles rundt lærerstudenters videoinnspilte leserefleksjoner. Acta Didactica Norden, 14(2)
Hontvedt, M. & Øvergård, K.I. (2019). Simulations at Work — A framework for configuring simulation fidelity with training objectives. Computer Suppported Cooperative Work
Hontvedt, M, Silseth, K. & Wittek, L. (2019). Professional Collaboration in Teacher Support Teams — A study of teacher and nurse educators’ creative problem-solving in a shared space for professional development. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research
Øvergård, K. I.; Sørensen, L.J.; Hontvedt, M.; Smit, P.N.; Nazir, S. (2017) Maritime Bridge Crew Training. I: Simulators for Transportation Human Factors. CRC Press 2017 ISBN 9781472411433. s. 281-30
Hontvedt, M. (2015). Professional vision in simulated environments — Examining professional maritime pilots’ performance of work task in a full mission ship simulator, Learning, Culture and Social Interaction,
Hontvedt, M. & Arnseth, H. C. (2013). On the bridge to learn: Analysing the social organization of nautical instruction in a ship simulator. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 8(1), 89–112.
Hontvedt, M., Sandberg, M. & Silseth, K. (2013): På spill for læring: Om dataspill som læringsressurs i skolen. In S. Knudsen (ed.) Pedagogiske tekster og ressurser i praksis (pp. 199-121). Oslo: Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Doctoral thesis:
Hontvedt, M. (2015). Simulations in Maritime Training: A video study of the socio-technical organisation of ship simulator training. Unipub. Series of dissertations submitted to the Faculty of Education, University of Oslo
Næss, R.R., Oddvik, M., Hontvedt, M., Wiig, A. C. & Beal, C. (2022). Den Magiske Fabrikken —Lærerstudenter som innovatører for læring om bærekraftig utvikling. Et forsknings- og utviklingsprosjekt om konstruksjon av opplevelsesbaserte undervisningsopplegg på Den Magiske Fabrikken. USN
Knudsen, S. V. (Ed.) Graf, S., Hansen, J.J., Illum Hansen, T., Slot, M.F., Haugen, L.I., Honvedt, M., Insulander, E.,Maagerø, L.H., Olsen, H.K., Radtka, C., Selander, S., Runestad, A.K., Olsen, LW., & Wikman, T. (2011). Internasjonal forskning på læremidler : en kunnskapsstatus Høgskolen i Vestfold.
Juuhl, G. K., Hontvedt, M., & Skjelbred, D. (2010). Læremiddelforsking etter LK06: eit kunnskapsoversyn (Vol. 1/2010). Tønsberg: Høgskolen i Vestfold.