- Fagteam koordinator Master i pedagogikk, Barnehaegledesle og barnehage utvikling
- Emeneansvar Master i ledelse av pedagogisk arbeid med barn
- Emneansvar Bachelor i barnehagelærerutdanning
- Koordinerende leder for forskningsgruppen
Barnas kraft og marginaliserte tematikker i barnehagen (BarneKraft)
Redaktør for Barnehagebarometer Barnehagebarometer – En kunnskapsressurs for USN campus Porsgrunns partnerbarnehager
Bi-leder for forskergruppen Kvalitative metoder i profesjonell praksis (KVIPP)
- Organiserer Kvalitativt forskningsforum for Kvalitative metoder i profesjonell praksis (KVIPP)
- Medleder av faginteressegruppen Children, Animals and Nature in Education Research (CANER)
- Veileder Bachelor, Master, PhD
2019 PhD
Educational Sciences for Teacher Education
Faculty of Education and international Studies, Oslo Metropolitan University
Thesis Title: Stretching the Boundaries of Care
Main Advisor: Professor Anne Greve, OsloMet; Co-advisor: Professor Jayne Osgood, Middlesex University
2014 M.A.
Early Childhood Education
Faculty of Education and international Studies, Oslo Metropolitan University
Thesis Title: Exploring Love as a Professional Practice in Early Childhood Education
Advisor: Inger Marie Lindboe
Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences (Now: OsloMet)
2011 B.A.
Preschool teacher (Førskolelærer)
Faculty of Teacher Education and Pedagogy
Hedmark University of Applied Sciences (INN)
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