- Veiledning bachelor, masteroppgaver og PhD i teknologi
- Forsker i projekt CoTecH – Samskapt helseteknologi
- Prosjektleder i projektet: How to use basic health data to warn of negative health trends and avoid lifestyle diseases using machine learning (RFFVFOLDTELEMARK)
- Undervisning Databasesystemer, Arbeid i tverrfaglige team (bachelor)
- Tidligere Emner:
- Bachelor: Database 2, Artificial Intelligence for Business Applications, Business Intelligence and Datawarehouse
- Master: Digital Business Development, Emerging Trends in Information System
- Forskning, Forskergruppen: Management Information Systems, Vitensenteret helse og teknologi, og Eldreforsk, Applied Modeling and Control research group (AMOC), Sikre distribuerte systemer.
Research areas:
- Pattern recognition
- Artificial Intelligence
- Welfare Technology / Ambient Assisted Living
- Computer Vision
- Data Mining and Data Science
- Ethics in technology use and AI
- E-health
2019- Førsteamanuensis University of South-eastern Norway (USN), Norway
2020- Ph.D in Process, Energy, and Automation Engineering, University of South-eastern Norway (USN), Norway
2015- Joint International Master in Smart Systems Integration (SSI)
- Heriot-Watt University, Scotland
- Høgskolen I Buskerud og Vestfold, Norway
- Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
2013 - B.Sc. in Electronic Engineering, Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, Nicaragua
2011- M.Sc. in Information System and Application, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
2008- B.A. in Computer Information System, Ave Maria University-Latin American Campus, Nicaragua
Concentration in Design and Management
Minor in Mathematics