Grethe Eilertsen

Institutt for sykepleie- og helsevitenskap
Fakultet for helse- og sosialvitenskap
Campus Drammen
Grethe Eilertsen er professor i klinisk sykepleie og leder forskningsgruppen USN EldreForsk



Forskningskompetanse knyttet til:

  • Helse og sykdomserfaringer blant eldre 
  • Langvarig sykdom og helsesvikt 
  • Pårørendes erfaringer ved langvarig sykdom og helsesvikt hos eldre 
  • Subjektive erfaringer ved hjerneslag 
  • Kvalitative design og metoder
  • Helsetjenesteutvikling - kommunale helsetjenester til eldre
  • Forskningsledelse
  • Utdanningsledelse




  • 2005 Dr. Polit (PhD) Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo 
  • 1990 Cand. Nursing Sci. (MNSc) Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo 
  • 1985 Examen Philosophicum, UiO 
  • 1982 Registred Nurse,Telemark University College


  • Professor Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, University of South-Eastern Norway (USN), 2015 -
  • Associate professor II (2013/16) and Professor II, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Department of Health Sciences, Gjøvik, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, 2013-2018
  • Head of Master program, Clinical Care - Geriatric Health Care, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences (USN), 2012-2018
  • Associate Professor II, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Nursing and Health Sciences, University of Oslo (UiO), 2009 -2010
  • Associate Professor, Faculty of Health, Buskerud & Vestfold University College, 2005-2016
  • Assistant professor, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Nursing Science, UiO 2000-2005


  • Regular member of the faculty board, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, University of South-Eastern Norway. 2023 - 
  • Member of PhD program board, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of South-Eastern Norway. 2020-2024
  • Leader of "USN Research Group on Older People's Health” University of South-Eastern Norway 2016- 

  • Head of Master program, Clinical Care - Geriatric Health Care, Faculty of Health and Social Sciences USN 2012-18


PhD (awarded)

  • Co-supervisor: Experiencing radiotherapy. Quality of care from the perspective of patients with cancer receiving radiotherapy. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Department of Health Sciences, Gjøvik, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU).
  • Co-supervisor: Torgeir Solberg Mathisen RN, MSc Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, University of South-Eastern Norway. Title:  Implementing structured vision assessment in stroke care services: The KROSS knowledge translation project 2022
  • Principle supervisor: Gro Gade Haanes RN MNSc, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo. Title: Hearing, vision, and lighting conditions among older recipients of home care. 2016
  • Co-supervisor: Beate Lie Sverre RN, Cand Polit, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo. Title: Migration and Health – An Ethnographic study of Elderly Pakistani Women in the Norwegian Society. 2016
  • Co-supervisor: Marianne Fjose RN MNSc, Faculty of Medicine, University of Oslo. Title: Family challenges in palliative phase of an elderly family member suffering from cancer. 2020


  • Principal supervisor: Line Elida Festvåg, RN, MSc Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, University of South-Eastern Norway. Title: Advance Care Planning for Older Home-Living Patients with Cancer Receiving Palliative Care and their Next of Kin - an ethnographic study. 
  • Co-supervisor: Sanne Have Beck, The Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark. Title: In the footstep of the old patient – A multi-method study.
  • Co-supervisor: Therese Hugøy, RN, MSc. Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, University of South-Eastern Norway. Title: More good days at home: Explore and describe determinants promoting healthy and continued living at home for older recipients of homecare.

  • Co-supervisor: Hege Beate Stokmo Melilla. RN, MSc. Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, University of South-Eastern Norway. Title: Sustainable family caregiving: Empowering family caregivers to older recipients of homecare.

  • Co-supervisor: Maylen Dahl. RN, MSc. Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, University of South-Eastern Norway. Title: Sustainable Transitions from Home to Residential Care: Family Caregivers and Health Professionals’ Experiences and Perspectives.

  • Co-supervisor: Irene Langeggen. Faculty of Health and Social Sciences, University of South-Eastern Norway. Title: Better vision, better health - Improving Vision specific health literacy among adult stroke survivors

>50 MSc students with qualitative or quantitative methods

SCIENTIFIC MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE R&D PROJECTS: Secured external funding for >25 mill NOK (Selection of projects)

2023:(NOK300 000) Gåfotball for personer med demens. Regionale Forskningsfond Vestfold og Telemark. PI: Anette Hansen/Grete Breievne (fra 01.01.24)


2020 (NOK 18 mill) PI: "More good days at home: Advancing health promoting practices in municipal healthcare services for older recipients of home care" NRC 

2020 (NOK 2,4 mill) PI, Advance Care Planning for Older Home-Living Patients with Cancer Receiving Palliative Care and their Next of Kin - an ethnographic study. The DAM Foundation PhD scholarship. With Norwegian Cancer Society (project owner).

2019 (NOK 5 mill) “Norwegian Vision in Stroke (NorVIS) network”, NRC Bedrehelse, February http://2019  NRC PI: Helle Falkenberg 

2018 Co-Pl: Older Persons and Radiation Therapy: Experiences of Older Patients. Part of the project Improving the quality of life and function of elderly cancer patients receiving radiation therapy. 

2017  (NOK 2,4 mill)  Co-Pl: CROSS -C-Competence Rehabilitation of Sight problems after Stroke. Extrastiftelsen PhD project. Pl: Helle K. Falkenberg 

2015 (NOK 150 000) PI: CODE: Competence in Delirium among Elderly. NTNU & Fylkesmannen i Oppland. 

2012-2014 (NOK 1.26 mill) “CROSS – Competence Rehabilitation Of Sight problems after Stroke in hospitals”.  The Norwegian Directory of Health. With Vestre Viken HT, Norwegian Stroke Association, Norwegian Association of the Blind and partially sighted

2010 (NOK 1.5 mill) PI: Lighting Old Age (LOA). The Norwegian State Housing Bank, Arena Innovation. 

2007 Post-stroke fatigue: Characteristics, related experiences, and patho-physiological mechanisms in a longitudinal perspective; Leader of WP: Subjective Experiences of Post Stroke Fatigue. Funded by the Research Council of Norway. PI: Suzie Kim


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