INRESCOS: Powered by PechaKucha

Henri Giudici og teksten
Nivedhitha. Foto

Velkomen til visuell og tilgjengeleg formidling av komplisert forsking. Doktorgradsstudentar på forskarskolen Industrial Research School in Complex Systems (INCRESCOS) presenterer sitt arbeid i tråd med 20x20-formatet til PechaKucha.

20 Sep

Praktisk informasjon

Har du spørsmål?

Industriforskarskolen for komplekse system (INRESCOS) er ein av dei nasjonale forskarskolane. Målet med denne forskarskolen er å gje norske doktorgradsstudentar ein betre og meir arbeidslivsrelevant utdanning.

USN, NTNU og Universitetet i Agder er partnarar i prosjektet, saman med teknologiske bedrifter og industriklynger i Buskerud, Austfold, Agder, Vestfold og Telemark.

Som ein del av eit større arrangement skal sju stipendiatar knytt til INRESCOS og ein postdoktor knytt til forskingsprosjektet H-SEIF 2 ( halde presentasjoner i tråd med PecaKucha sitt 20x20-format.

Seinere på dagen blir det òg foredrag frå forskarar frå USN, UiA og NTNU + presentasjonar frå INRESCOS' industripartnarar.

Alt går føre seg på engelsk.

Arrangementet blir organisert i samband med PechaKucha, Inc. 

Om PechaKucha 20x20

PechaKucha er japansk og tydar «lyden av folk som snakkar». Det kan også omsettast til «snikk-snakk», sjølv om det kan vere tungt misvisande, da PechaKucha ofte nyttast til å formidle komplekse tema, men gjerne på eit lettfatteleg og engasjerenda vis.

Dette er ein form for «lynpresentasjon» som kom til verda i 2003 som følgje av at ein gruppe designarar og arkitektar hadde gått lei av trøyttande, unødig lange og lite inspirerande presentrasjonar, fulle av keisame modellar og kalkylar.

Leis meir om PechaKucha og 20x20-formatet (

20x20: I ein PechaKucha-presentasjon må ein avgrensa seg til 20 lysbilete, og lysbileta  avløyser einannan automatisk kvart 20. sekund.

Dermed har ein totalt seks minutt og 40 sekund på å kome seg gjennom presentasjonen sin, noko som borgar for raske, poengterte og lettbeinte framsyningar.

I dag er PechaKucha eit verdsomspennande fenomen innan eit vell av fagfelt og har blitt populært, mellom annan blant unge forskarar.


Onsdag 20. september 2023



Professor Kristin Falk (, leder for INRESCOS


INRESCOS: Powered by PechaKucha

(med mikrokonsertar av Blues-studentar frå USN)


Christian Dalheim Øien: 

Christian Dalheim Øien's PhD, at the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at NTNU, is part of the Green Platform project “AluGreen” funded by NFR.

It focus on how data driven modeling (like machine learning) can increase the tolerance for material variations in wrought applications and thereby help utilizing recycled aluminium.

The demand for aluminium in automotive industry is increasing rapidly. Since the energy required by aluminium recycling is only 5-10% compared to primary production, improving recycling has large economic and environmental benefits.

Unfortunately, the aluminium is typically downgraded towards casting alloys through recycling loops. Consequently, wrought applications still mainly require primary material.

Christians Powered by Pecha Kucha presentation aims to visualize the motivation and objectives behind the research.

Rune Andre Haugen:

Rune Andre Haugen (USN): How to Eat an Elephant – Investigating Complex Systems to Detect the Things No One Wants

Rune is an industrial PhD-candidate at the University of South-Eastern Norway, working in Kongsberg Defence and Aerospace.

His research is about improving the company test strategy to ensure higher quality and robustness in their products.

The goal is to establish a better practice for testing, combining traditional methods in a new iterative approach.

José Amandeola

José Amendola (UiA): Landing smoothly in a thunderstorm  Developing autonomous navigation in harsh conditions

José is a PhD Research Fellow at Department of Mechatronics in the University of Agder. Originally from Brazil, he moved to Norway to start his work with Autonomous Navigation.

His motivation lays in bringing hyped machine learning to real world navigation with constraints and rough conditions.

In his Powered by PechaKucha presentation, he tells about his background and about the challenges of his PhD project.

Haytham Ali

Haytham Ali (USN): Digital Transformation – Using Conceptual Models and  Big Data to Improve the Oslo Metro

Haytham is a PhD research fellow at the Department of Science and Industry systems, Campus Kongsberg. His PhD is a part of the the industry driven R&D project Human Systems-Engineering Innovation Framework (H-SEIF 2)

The goal of this project is to help Norwegian companies structure and use big data – in a way that can provide a decisive competitive advantage.

In his Powered by PechaKucha presentation, Haytham wants to show you some of the challenges and solutions in his work with improving the Oslo Metro.

Nivedhitha Jothinarayanan


Nivedhitha Jothinarayanan (USN): Catching the big fish –  searching for eDNA in the aquatic habitat 

Nivedhitha is a PhD candidate at the Department of Microsystems, at the University of South-Eastern Norway, Vestfold campus. 

She is performing research in eDNA monitoring from the aquatic ecosystem. Her PhD project objective is to identify the invasive species in freshwater using the automatic system instead of traditional method.

Different challenges are in the developing the automatic system and she is excited to be a part of it. Now, she is in her third year of PhD with demonstrated results in a  form of scientific publication and few more on the way.  

She explains about the eDNA sample collection, processing and detection for Northern pike, which is an invasive species in southeastern Norway, in her Powered by Pecha Kucha presentation.  


Tommy Langen

Tommy Langen (USN): Modelling for Human-Machine Collaboration in Search and Rescue Operations

Tommy is passionate about applying Systems Thinking and Systems Engineering in product development and innovation.

His research at University of South-Eastern Norway, campus Kongsberg, focuses on using Conceptual Modeling approaches to understand Human Systems Integration in the development of unmanned systems.

In his PechaKucha presentation, Tommy will exemplify his ongoing research within the context of Search and Rescue operations, highlighting how technology and people need to work in harmony and emphasizing the need for engineers to be equipped to handle this opportunity.

Zubair Masaud

Zubair Masaud (USN): Looking for the New Stuff Designing Materials for CO2 Reduction and Water-Splitting Applications

Join us for an enlightening session with Zubair, who is doing a PhD in technology at USN. He has a background in materials science and engineering, and he pursued his master's degree in Advanced Energy and System Engineering in South Korea.

Zubair's multidisciplinary research journey covers the fields of renewable energy, materials science, organic chemistry, and electrochemistry. He also has a 3-year work experience at the Korea Institute of Energy Research where he worked to develop high-temperature fuel cell devices.

Now, he's set to present his ongoing Ph.D. research. Discover how novel materials play a crucial role in addressing global challenges like climate change.  

Henri Giudici

Dr. Henri Giudici (USN): More than Words – Unleashing the Potential of Industrial Sustainable Innovation

Henri serves as Researcher in System Engineering and Innovation at the University of South-Eastern Norway. His position is closely connected to the industry driven R&D project Harvesting value from Big Data and Digitalization through a Human Systems-Engineering Innovation Framework (H-SEIF).

The aim of his research contribution is to support Norwegian high-tech companies in realizing sustainable industrial systems.

In his Powered by PechaKucha presentation, Henri will present how industrial systems need to cope with the sustainable transition.

His presentation is also an introduction to the H-SEIF workshop of the 29 November held at USN. He looks forward to seeing you there!




Foredrag av professorar frå NTNU, UiA og USN




Presentasjonar frå INRESCOSs industripartnarar  


"Match Making" mellom stipendiater og industri