- Leder National Centre for Optics, Vision and Eye Care
- Leder Norwegian Vision in Stroke (NorVIS) network, NorVIS usn
- Leder Optikk, syn og øyehelse and Syn og Hjerne (USN Research groups)
- Varmedlem styret i USN
- Varamedlem i Phd programmet Person-centred health care, USN
- Arbeidsutvalgsmedlem USN EldreForsk
- Editorial Board Member Translational Vision Science & Technology (TVST)
Areas of Interest:
- Syn og hjerne
- Syn og hjerneslag
- Syn, lys og aldring
- Kunnskapsoverføring og tverrfaglig samarbeid
- Synsproblemer og synsrehabilitering
- Sansetap og mestring
- Visuell persepsjon, spesielt om kontrast og bevegelse
- Formidling
Teaching Areas:
- Veilder av tverrfaglige master- og phd studenter
- Ulike tema på bachelor-, master-, og phd nivå innen:
- Syn og hjerneslag
- Syn, lys og aldring
- Kunnskapsoverføring og tverrfaglig samarbeid
- Kunnskapsbasert praksis
- Synsproblemer og synsrehabilitering
- Sansetap og mestring
- Visuell persepsjon, spesielt om kontrast og bevegelse
- Formidling
Helle K. Falkenberg – Powered by PechKucha: Du ser med hjernen.
Cristin-person- ID: 323466
Falkenberg is a Professor of Optometry and Visual Science and Director of the National Center for Optics, Vision, and Eye Care at the Faculty of Health and Social Sciences at the University of South-Eastern Norway (USN). She initiated and leads the large interdisciplinary Norwegian Vision in Stroke (NorVIS) network, and also heads the Optics, Vision and Eye care, and the Vision and Brain research groups.
Falkenberg earned her PhD in Vision Science from Glasgow Caledonian University, where she trained under Dr. Bill A. Simpson and Prof. Gordon Dutton. She also completed a post-doc in vision rehabilitation at UCL, London with Prof Peter J. Bex and Prof. Gary Rubin. She has been working in academia in Norway since 2007, and has trained and practiced as an optometrist in both Norway and the UK.
Her research focuses on interdisciplinary collaboration and and knowledge translation regarding normal age-related vision changes, lighting, vision problems after stroke, visual perception, and vision rehabilitation. She has presented her work at several international conferences across disciplines and has built broad national and international networks within neurology, eye health, municipal and specialist health services, education, and user organizations. Falkenberg has secured funding for several research projects and has participated in numerous EU applications.
Falkenberg has extensive experience in teaching and supervising students across professions and disciplines. For 6.5 years, she served as the program director for the Nordic interdisciplinary Master in Vision Rehabilitation in collaboration with the University of Gothenburg. She also coordinated the European Diploma of Optometry and Optics, and several courses in the Master in Optometry and Visual Science program.
She serves on the editorial board of the Translational Vision Science & Technology, and was until recently an associate board member of the Scandinavian Journal of Optometry and Vision Science (SJOVS), and a member of the European Society of Low Vision Research and Rehabilitation (ESLRR) council. She is also a member of the Norwegian Optometry Association and the UK College of Optometrists.
Falkenberg has been an advisor on several projects regarding vision in older adults, readability of digital interfaces, and universal design. She is known for her extensive experience in local and national popular science dissemination, including appearances on national TV and radio.