- Main union representative, Forskerforbundet USN (2024-to date)
- Course leader: Assessment and learning (PhD course, 2020-to date)
- Head of the research team DiCE (2019-to date)
- Faculty advisor: Developing Doctoral Supervision (2017-2024)
- Head of the research team PASIE (2016-2019)
- Head of the research team Kompetanse for mangfold (2015-2019)
- Course leader: English Master program, Teacher Education (2019-2022)
- Course leader: English 1 and English 2, Teacher Education, campus Drammen (2007-2013, 2017-2018)
- Course leader: English 2 professional development program (2015-2017)
- Course leader: English as an International Language, ITEPS (2015-2016)
- Course leader: English Education, PGCE (PPU) (2007-2011)
Libraries in Viken, Vestfold and Telemark can book the following talks for general audience.
Areas of interest:
English education, theories of learning, curriculum studies/implementation, assessment, second/foreign language acquisition, diversity, multilingualism, Cultural-Historical Activity Theory, interventionist research, research methods (quantitative, qualitative, mixed), school development, teacher professional development, doctoral education, gifted students, trade union work
English, English education, PhD supervision, further education for in-service teachers
Subject areas:
English, Norwegian as a second language, history, supervision
- 2016: Philosophiae doctor (professional article in Bedre Skole 4/2016)
- 2016: Professional development in Developing Doctoral Supervision
- 2007-2013: Professional development in pedagogy and mentoring
- 2004-2007: Professional development in History and assessment in EFL
- 2006: Postgraduate Certificate in Education
- 2005: Master's degree (professional article in Språk og språkundervisning 2/06)
- 2003: Bachelor's degree
Work experience:
- 2017-to date: Full Professor, USN
- March 2024: Visiting Scholar, University Massachusetts Boston, USA, w/Dr. Christopher Martell
- 2021-2024: Professor II, UiS
- 2018-2020: Professor II, OsloMet
- 2016-2017: Associate Professor, USN
- 2013-2014: Visiting Scholar, QUT, Brisbane, Australia, w/Professor Val Klenowski
- 2011-2015: PhD Candidate, HBV/NTNU
- 2008-2012: Adjunct Assistant Professor (høgskolelektor II), HiT (online teaching)
- 2007-2011: Assistant Professor, HiBu
- 2007-2010: English teacher at various high schools
- 2006-2007: Teacher at Bjertnes senior high school (Norwegian, Social Science and English)
- 2004-2005: Teacher at Nordberg junior high school (Social Science and English)
- 2003-2005: Teacher at Rosenhof and Folkeuniversitetet Adult Education (Norwegian as a Second Language)
- 2003: Teacher at Sogn senior high school (English in vocational programs)
Professional tasks and memberships:
- member of advisory board Equal Opportunities, Diversity & Inclusion, European Digital UniverCity (EDUC) (2024-to date)
- co-editor of special issue on the relations between language education and human rights education, Human Rights Education Review (2024)
- co-editor of special issue public sector PhD (OFFPHD), Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (2023)
- member of "Årets navn i akademia" jury (2022-to date)
- member of NATPRONET - public sector PhD network (2022-to date)
- deputy member of Forskerforbundet executive board (Hovedstyret) (2022-to date)
- subject expert for "Grunnskole" and "Vurdering av elever og studenter", Store Norske Leksikon (encyclopedia) (2022-to date)
- external member of the Equality and Social Inclusion Committee at the University of Tromsø (2021-to date)
- head of the Equality and Social Inclusion Committee at USN (2020-to date)
- member of local Work Environment Committee (AMU), campus Drammen (2019-2023)
- deputy member of the USN board (2019-to date)
- deputy member of PEDRES PhD program (2019-to date)
- member of the research group Classroom Research at USN
- member of the research group Multilingualism at UiB
- co-author of Echo, English textbook for middle school (2020)
- co-editor of special issue on assessment, mentoring and teacher education, Nordic Journal of Education and Practice (2019)
- editor of special issue on diversity, Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (2018)
- member of the editorial board, Nordic Journal of Education and Practice (2017-to date)
- trade union representative and member of the local trade union board at USN (2011/2014-to date)
- member of the program committee, CIES Language Issues SIG (2016-2019)
- consultant for textbooks and national exams in junior high school (2016-2018)
- organizer and trainer for Council of Europe's Pestalozzi program (2015-2017)
- co-author of Global Visions, textbook for International English in senior high school (2017)
- member of the Equality and Social Inclusion Committee at former Buskerud University College (2011-2013)
- reviewer for 12 scientific journals, among others Language Teaching, Educational Action Research, Studies in Educational Evaluation and Asia Pacific Journal of Education
- guest speaker for the Directorate of Education and Training, kindergartens and high schools on topics such as school development, English language teaching in Norway, multilingualism, assessment etc.
- supervisor for MA and PhD students
- 2022-to date: NATPRONET, funded by the Norwegian Research Council (9 mill NOK)
- 2021-to date: EvaFag 2025 - Evaluering av Fagfornyelsen, funded by the Ministry of Education and Training (UDIR) (8 mill NOK)
- 2019-2022: OpenEYE (Open Education for Young Europeans through History, Art and Cultural Learning), w/partners in Greece, Italy and Slovenia, funded by ERASMUS+ (2.5 mill NOK)
- 2017-2019: Implementing formative assessment through digital portfolios, w/HVL, funded by Norgesuniversitetet (later: Diku/HK-dir)
- 2015-2018 : Kompetanse for mangfold Buskerud, Telemark and Vestfold, funded by the Ministry of Education and Training (UDIR)
- 2016-2017 : Ungdomstrinn i utvikling, Buskerud, funded by the Ministry of Education and Training (UDIR)
- 2011-2015 : Formative assessment of writing in English (PhD), funded by Buskerud University College (HiBu) and the Norwegian National Research School in Teacher Education (NAFOL)
- 2011-2012 : DelPHE Iraq: Action research project in Iraqi Kurdistan, w/University of Duhok, funded by the British Council
- 2009-2011 : Veiledning for nyutdannede lærere, funded by the Ministry of Education and Training (UDIR)
- 2008-2011 : Utvikling av samarbeidsformer mellom universitets- og høyskolesektoren og skole- og barnehageeier (project leader 2009-2011), funded by the Ministry of Education and Training (UDIR)
- 2007-2010: Building ITEPS (International Teacher Education for Primary Schools), funded by the European Commission's lifelong learning program and ERASMUS
- 2004-2005: The teaching and learning of English grammar (MA), funded by the University of Oslo (UiO)
Popular press, interviews and selected public disseminations:
- Engelsk i utdanning, svar til direktør i Språkrådet, Utdanningsnytt, 15.10.2024 (m/Dr Raees Calafato, May Britt Kleppe Baadstø og Hunstadbråten)
- Engelskfaget, Utdanningsnytt, 13.09.2024 (m/Dr Raees Calafato, May Britt Kleppe Baadstø og Hunstadbråten)
- Mangfold i UH-sektoren, Forskerforum, 25.06.2024 (m/Dr Bente Skogvang)
- "Mastersyke", Dagsnytt Atten 24.01.2024 og VG 26.01.2024
- Kvalitetsutvikling i skolen, Utdanningsnytt, 17.12.23
- Demokratilæring, Drammens Tidende, 09.12.2023 (m/Dr Karl C. Alvestad, dosent Geir Salvesen og Dr Suela Kacerja)
- Språkopplæring nyankomne, svar til lektorene Daniela Feistritzer og Elaine Gowie-Fleischer, Utrop, 30.11.2023
- Forskningspolitikk, Khrono 17.11.2023 (m/Tord Talmo)
- Evaluering av LK20, Utdanningsnytt 04.10.23
- Disputasen som sjanger, Khrono 20.02.23
- Mangfold i utdanning og arbeidsliv [Lørdagsuniversitetet], Gjengangeren 09.02.23
- Mangfold og likestilling, podcast Rønnaug og Bjarne snakker om kjønn (episode 5)
- Skolepenger for utenlandsstudenter, Khrono 21.10.22 (m/Dr Lena Lybæk)
- Arbeidsvilkår for vitenskapelig ansatte, Khrono 18.07.22 og Forskerforum 01.08.22
- Norsk Lektorlag forsterker myter om eksamen, svar til Jon Olav Lindbakk, Utdanning, 16.05.2022
- Skoleeksamener, Utdanning, 04.05.2022
- Akademisk ytringsfrihet, Khrono, 10.04.2022
- Lærere under pandemien, Drammens Tidende, 10.01.2022
- Vitenskapelige ansattes arbeidsvilkår, Khrono, 30.11.2021
- Minoritetslærer, Drammens Tidende, 25.05.2021 (m/Prof. Audrey Osler)
- Tilbakemeldinger, podcast (24.05.2021)
- Karakterfrie skoler, Utdanningsnytt, 05.04.32021 (m/Dr Astrid Gillespie) og podcast (19.04.2021)
- Reform av videregående skole, Drammens Tidende (29.03.2021) og podcast (03.04.2021)
- Trenger vi eksamen?, Utdanningsforbundet, 10.03.2021
- Begrunnelser og eksamener, Khrono, 18.02.2021
- Uheldige praksiser i akademia, Forskerforum, 05.02.2021 (m/Sissil L. Heggernes & Dr. Bodil Svendsen)
- Lærerutdannere, Drammens Tidende, 30.12.2020
- Endringer i koronatid, Dagsavisen, 15.05.2020
- Digitalisering av utdanning, Dagsavisen, 18.04.2020
- Eksamen svekker god læringskultur, svar til Rita Helgesen, Khrono, 03.04.2020 (m/ Prof. Kjell Lars Berge)
- Trenger vi eksamen?, Drammens Tidende og Khrono, 26.03.2020
- FoU-oppgaver i lærerutdanningene,, 11.03.2020 (m/ Dr. Bodil Svendsen)
- Ytringsfrihet i akademia, Khrono, 04.03.2020
- "I mix all the språk", Bedre Skole/Utdanningsnytt, 02.01.2020 (m/ Dr. Christian Carlsen)
- Språkopplæring for nyankomne elever, Dagsavisen, 18.11.2019 (m/ Dr. Christian Carlsen)
- Stoltenberg-utvalgets rapport, svar til Eldar Dybvik, Tønsbergs Blad, 09.04.2019
- Digital vurdering i høyere utdanning, YouTube-video, 08.04.2019 (m/ Dr. Bader, Dr. Varga & Dr. Iversen)
- Vurdering og fagfornyelsen, Utdanningsforbundet, 08.04.2019
- Mangfold i akademia, Komité for kjønnsbalanse og mangfold i akademia (KiF), 31.01.2019
- Mangfoldskompetanse, Nasjonalt senter for flerkulturell opplæring, 19.11.2018
- Faglig formidling, Khrono, 29.09.2018
- Mangfoldskompetanse, Drammens Tidende og Tønsberg Blad, 23.05.2018 (m/ Hein Lindquist)
- Rektors oppfølging av nasjonale prøver, Utdanning, 09.04.2018 (m/ Kjersti Nerhus Larsen)
- Ytringsfrihet, Khrono, 06.04.2018
- Utdanningskvalitet, svar til Prof. Bernt Hagtvet og Torbjørn L. Knutsen, Khrono, 25.03.2018
- Karakterer i ungdomsskolen, Aftenposten, 20.02.2018 og Utdanning 22.02.2018
- Fargesvakhet i skolen, Bedre Skole, 16.11.2017 (m/ Prof. Rigmor Baraas)
- Tellekantsystemet, svar til Prof. Svein Sjøberg, Aftenposten og Universitetsavisa, 21.09.2017
- Om medborgerskap, Dagsavisen, 09.09.2017 (m/ Prof. Audrey Osler)
- Engelskfagets status i skolen, Drammens Tidende, 01.09.2017
- Seksuell trakassering, Khrono, 08.07.2017
- Læreridentitet og profesjonstenkning, Drammens Tidende, 05.06.2017
- Multikulturalisme, svar til Røe Isaksen, Solhjell og Sjøli, VG, 10.03.2017 (m/ Dr. Lena Lybæk)
- Makt og avmakt i akademia, Forskerforum, 20.02.2017 (m/ Bodil Svendsen)
- Fremmedspråksdidaktikk, Store Norske Leksikon, 31.01.2017
- Barns rett til å ikke bli overvåket, VG, 13.01.2017
- Flerspråklighet i barnehager og skoler, Blogginnlegg for Læringsløp Drammen, 10.01.2017
- Innvandrerforeldres ansvar for barnas yrkesvalg, Drammens Tidende, 15.10.2016 (m/ Asad Qasim)
- Utdannings- og yrkesvalg, NRK Buskerud, radio, 13.10.2016
- Integrering, svar til tankesmien Agenda, Bergens Tidende, 23.08.2016 (m/ Prof. Holmarsdottir (HiOA), Lindquist (HSN) og Dr. Solbue (HiB))
- Diversitet, Drammens Tidende, 17.03.2016
- Karakterer i skolen, Byavisa Drammen, 09.03.2016
- Læringsfremmende tilbakemeldinger, Dagsavisen Fremtiden, 19.02.2016
- Læreres profesjonelle utvikling, Blogginnlegg for Læringsløp Drammen, 26.01.2016
- Morsmålsundervisning, svar til Ana Maria Silva-Harper, Drammens Tidende, 18.01.2016
- Framtidas skole, Drammens Tidende, 30.11.2015
- Skrivetrening i engelsk, NRK Østafjells og Vestfold, internet and radio, 21.10.2015
- Skrivetrening i engelsk,, 17.10.2015
- Om lærertetthet i skolen, Drammens Tidende, 09.05.2015
- Digitale verktøy og formativ vurdering, Bedre Skole, 02.05.2015 (m/ Pål Helland)
- "Skolen i produktivitetsalderen", Utdanning, 18.02.2015
- Coaching, svar til Assad Nasir, Aftenposten, 13.02.2015
- "Skrivefeil til besvær", svar til Sanna Sarromaa, VG, 11.09.2014
- Grunnleggende ferdigheter i skolen, Utdanning, 11.04.2014
- Elevvurdering, NRK Vestfold, internet and radio, 15.01.2014
- Utdanningens mål, Dagbladet, 31.08.2012 (m/ Guro Hansen Helskog)
- Integreringsfag? Svar til Abid Raja, Aftenposten, 25.10.2010
- Tanker om en god skole, Utdanning, 10.01.2008
- Engelskfagets status i skolen, Utdanning, 06.11.2007
- Engelsklæreres syn på grammatikkundervisning, Lektorbladet, 2006 (pp. 23-24)
Selected publications:
Burner, T. (2024). Intervensjonsforskning med bruk av blandede metoder. I Svendsen, B. & Borge Ødegaaard J. A. (red.) Metodelosen: om valg av forskningsmetode i lærerutdanning (s. 124-139). Fagbokforlaget.
Burner, T. & Carlsen, C. (2023). Teachers' multilingual beliefs and practices in English classrooms: A scoping review. Review of Education (in press).
Burner, T. et al. (2023). EvaFag 2025: Evaluering av Fagfornyelsen. Suksess, muligheter, spenninger og hindringer i implementering av LK20 i fire fag. Arbeidspakke 1, Delrapport 2. Skritserie nr. 129. Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge.
Svendsen B. & Burner, T. (2023). Gifted students and gradeless formative assessment: A case study from Norway. Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 46(3), 259-275.
Burner, T. (2023). A review of formative language assessment research and implications for practitioners. In Chong, S. W., & Reinders, H. (eds.), Innovation in learning-oriented language assessment (pp. 13-26). Palgrave Macmillan.
Burner, T. et al. (2022). EvaFag 2025: Evaluering av Fagfornyelsen. Realiseringer av læreplanen i spesifikke fag. Arbeidspakke 1, Delrapport 1. Skritserie nr. 91. Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge.
Burner, T. (2022). Assessments of and for LBC. In Reinders, H., Lai, C., & Sundqvist, P. (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Language Learning and Teaching Beyond the Classroom (pp. 286-296). Routledge.
Burner, T. & Carlsen, C. (2022). Integrating migrant children in primary education: An educator survey in four European countries. In Dypedahl, M. (ed.), Moving English Language Teaching Forward (pp. 69-90). Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Burner, T. & Svendsen, B. (2022). Social change through education: A Scandinavian approach. In Baikady R., Sajid S., Nadesan V., Przeperski J., Rezaul I., & Gao J. (eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Global Social Change. Palgrave Macmillan.
Burner, T. & Carlsen, C. (2022). Teacher qualifications, perceptions and practices concerning multilingualism at a school for newly arrived students in Norway. International Journal of Multilingualism, 19(1), 35-49.
Burner, T. & Svendsen, B. (2021). Faglærer i grunnskolen. Fagbokforlaget.
Bader, M., Iversen, S. H. & Burner, T. (2021). Students' perceptions and use of a new digital tool in teacher education. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, 16(1), 21-33.
Burner, T. and Osler, A. (2021). Language, citizenship and schooling: A minority teacher’s perspective. London Review of Education, 19(1), 7, 1-14.
Burner, T. & Svendsen, B. (2020). A Vygotskian perspective on teacher professional development. Education, 141(1), 11-21.
Burner, T. & Svendsen, B. (2020). Activity Theory - Lev Vygotsky, Aleksei Leont'ev, Yrjö Engeström. In Apkan, B. & Kennedy, T. J. (eds.), Science Education in Theory and Practice. An Introductory Guide to Learning Theory (pp. 311-322). Springer.
Burner, T., Bjerkholt, E., Gaathaug, A. V., Kleiven, S. & Ljoså, T. M. (2020). Doctorateness across higher education institutions in Norway. Uniped, 43(1), 3-18.
Tavakoli, E., Amirian, M. R., Burner, T., Davoudi, M. & Ghaniabi, S. (2019). Formative Assessment of Writing (FAoW): A confirmatory factor structure study. International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education, 6(3), 344-361.
Gillespie, A. & Burner, T. (2019). Principals' views on the implementation of grade-free middle schools in Norway: Justifications, challenges and opportunities. Nordic Journal of Education and Practice, 13(2), 21-38.
Burner, T. (2019). Assessment in secondary education (Norway). In Corsaro, W. & Hognestad, K. (eds.), Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies. Bloomsbury Academic.
Burner, T. (2019). Aligning assessment and learning using cultural-historical activity theory. Assessment Matters, 13(1), 91-112.
Burner, T. (2019). Vurdering. In Postholm, M., Haug, P., Munthe, E. & Krumsvik, R. J. (eds.), Lærer i skolen 5-10. Lærerarbeid og læringsmiljø (pp. 297-312). Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Burner, T., Carlsen, C. & Kverndokken, K. (eds.) (2019). 101 ways to work with communicative skills - Theoretical and practical approaches in the English classroom. Fagbokforlaget.
Burner, T. (2019). PhD revisited: Formative assessment of writing in English: A school-based study of perceptions, practices and transformations. In Rindal, U. & Brevik, L. M. (eds.), English didactics in Norway - 30 years of doctoral research, Chapter 4. Universitetsforlaget.
Bader, M., Burner, T., Iversen, S. H. & Varga, Z. (2019). Student perspectives on formative feedback as part of writing portfolios. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 44(7), 1017-1028.
Tavakoli, E., Amirian, M. R., Burner, T., Davoudi, M. & Ghaniabadi, S. (2018). Operationalization of formative assessment in writing: An intuitive approach to the development of an instrument. Taḥqīqāt-i kārburdī dar zabān-i ingilisī [Applied Research on English Language], 7(1), 265-290.
Burner, T., Skjelbred, T., & Aamaas, Å. (2018). Critical perspectives on perceptions and practices of diversity in education. Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education, 2(1), 3-15.
Burner T. (2018). Why is educational change so difficult and how can we make it more effective? Research and Change, 1(1), 122–134.
Burner, T. (2018). Formative assessment in English. In Bøhn, H., Dypedahl, M., & Myklevold, G. A. (eds.), Teaching and learning English (pp. 248-265). Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Burner, T., & Carlsen, C. (2017). English instruction in introductory classes in Norway. In Kverndokken, K, Askeland, N. & Siljan, H. H. (eds.), Kvalitet og kreativitet i undervisningen – ulike perspektiver på undervisning (pp. 193-208). Fagbokforlaget.
Burner, T., Madsen, J., Zako, N., & Ismail, A. (2017). Three secondary school teachers implementing student-centered learning in Iraqi Kurdistan. Educational Action Research, 25(3), 402-419.
Burner, T., & Biseth, H. (2016). A critical analysis of an innovative approach: A case of diversity in Norwegian education. SAGE Open. Special issue on student diversity, 1-11.
Burner, T. (2016). Ethical dimensions when intervening in classroom research. Problems of Education in the 21st century, 73, 18-26.
Burner, T. (2016). Formative assessment of writing in English as a foreign language. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, 60(6), 626-648.
Burner, T. (2015). Processes of change when using portfolios to enhance formative assessment of writing. Assessment Matters, 9(2), 53-79.
Burner, T. (2014). The potential benefits of portfolio assessment in second and foreign language writing contexts: A review of the literature. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 43(4), 139-149.
Bueie, A., & Burner, T. (2014). Demokratisk vurdering i skolen. In Madsen, J. & Biseth, H. (eds.), Må vi snakke om demokrati? Om demokratisk praksis i skolen. Universitetsforlaget.
Burner, T. (2014). Formativ vurdering i språkopplæringen. In Bjørke, C., Dypedahl, M., & Myklevold, G. A. (eds.), Fremmedspråksdidaktikk (pp. 234-247). Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Burner, T. (2011). English – so much more than Great Britain and the USA. Communicare, 1, 14-16. National center for foreign languages in education. Østfold University College.
Burner, T. (2011). School-based communities for learning and research. FoU i praksis, 5(1), 29-45.
Burner, T., Baraas, R. C., & Falkenberg, H. K. (2011). Studentaktive vurderingsformer i norsk lærer- og optometriutdanning. Uniped, 34(1), 44-57.
Burner, T. (2006). Is the teaching of English grammar neglected in today’s foundation course? Språk og Språkundervisning, 2, 9-13.
For a complete list of publications, see Cristin